Report No 1951/AP - Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN

Report No 1951/AP - Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN

Report No 1951/AP - Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN


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Danuta Kruk * , Oliver Lips, Alexei Privalov, and Franz Fujara<br />

Institute of Solid State Physics, Technical University Darmstadt, Hochschulstr.6,<br />

64289 Darmstadt, Germany<br />

* also: Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University, Reymonta 4, 30059 Krakow, Poland<br />

In multispin systems containing both quadrupolar ( S ≥ 1 ) and dipolar (I=½) nuclei<br />

connected by mutual dipole-dipole interactions, transitions of the dipolar spins leading to their<br />

longitudinal relaxation are accompanied by the quadrupole spin transitions between energy<br />

levels determined by static quadrupole interactions together with Zeeman couplings. Only in<br />

the high field limit, when the Zeeman coupling of the quadrupole spin is much stronger than<br />

its quadrupole interaction the high spin is quantized in the laboratory frame. Thus, the<br />

‘classical’ Solomon-Blombergen-Morgan (SBM) approach to dipolar relaxation, developed<br />

under the assumption of a Zeeman energy structure for both interacting spins, cannot be<br />

treated as a proper description of frequency dependent relaxation processes of the dipolar<br />

spins. In addition, the high spin nucleus usually provides through its own relaxation<br />

mechanism an additional source of relaxation for the dipolar nuclei. From the perspective of<br />

the spin ½ the relaxation processes of the quadrupole spin contribute to time fluctuations of<br />

the mutual dipole-dipole coupling in a manner similar to other stochastic processes like for<br />

example jump diffusion. However, the quadrupole high-spin exhibit complex,<br />

multiexponential relaxation. Under certain motional conditions, a well defined relaxation rate<br />

can be assigned to each coherence associated with a quadrupole spin transition. Since the<br />

dipolar spin senses the various quadrupole relaxation rates corresponding to particular<br />

quadrupole spin modes and coherences, fluctuations of the mutual dipole-dipole coupling<br />

cannot be described by one characteristic time constant. It should be emphasized that the field<br />

dependent quadrupole relaxation rates are also affected by the static quadrupole coupling<br />

through its contribution to the energy level structure of the quadrupole spin.<br />

We present a general description of spin - lattice relaxation of a dipolar spin ½ induced<br />

by its coupling to an ensemble of quadrupole spins, valid for an arbitrary magnetic field and<br />

arbitrary quadrupole spin quantum number. Our approach includes the effects of the<br />

quadrupole spins being quantized in a frame determined by a superposition of the quadrupole<br />

and Zeeman interactions, as well as the multiexponential quadrupole relaxation. We provide<br />

in this way a general tool appropriate for interpretation of field-dependent relaxation studies<br />

for a wide class of solid state systems containing dipolar as well as quadrupole spins with<br />

mutual dipole-dipole couplings. We prove also, that the general approach converges to the<br />

SBM expression in the high field limit, if the lattice motion is significantly faster than the<br />

quadrupole relaxation.<br />

We apply the general approach to interprete frequency dependent fluorine relaxation<br />

studies for LaF 3 crystals, and discuss its remarkable agreement with the experimental data.<br />


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