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size: 7451KB - Crocodile Specialist Group

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Bcginning in the 1970s, a more acrive approach !o crocodil,<br />

ian conservation was initiated in India. A nadonal commitmcnr<br />

was made 1() prcscrvc the ahree nativc spccies of crocodilians,<br />

and a program sct up jnvolving iho protccrion of habitat and a<br />

restocking campaign initiated. Crocodilian r€aring ccnters<br />

were esbblished around rhe counrry, siocked wilh oggs cot,<br />

lecrcd fiom wild nesls. Thc young were rearcd ar $ese centers<br />

unnl f}ley had rcached a <strong>size</strong> wherc they could bo relcased. This<br />

progam, inidally supporred by thc United Nalion's Food and<br />

Agriculture (hganization, has been an overall success, and a<br />

similrr projcct has since been cstablished in Ncpal for rhe<br />

endangered gharial. Restocking and reintroduction programs<br />

arc also now being iniriacd in orher counlrics (e.9., Venezuela).<br />

Howcvcr, in some counlrics (e.g., Papua New cuine3,<br />

Zimbabwc) a very different approach ro crocodilian conservation<br />

was bcing arempled as early as $e lale 1960s. This<br />

approach was bascd on $e exploitrlion of crocodilhns in a<br />

C(qtlnEmtg9 r, Crcc.dllut rall,, tr, Ilkr.pad4 Oriss., Indt.. ralional, or sustainable-yield, fash ion. Suslainable Yield Ulilization<br />

(SYID is defined as utilizalion ofa rcsource rhar meets<br />

C.oodilians sho{complex smial behrvln. Courting nry tnvotve<br />

rDaring {bI hal€t, losrural ch.n96, p6ltlo.ing, ,nd snout rubbing, the necds of rbe prcsenr wilhout compromising the abiliry of<br />

shosn hre (Phoro b] L.A.K. Stngh).<br />

fulurc gcncralions<br />

mc41 lhcir own needs, I! means usjng a<br />

r€so rcc at a rale within its capacily for renewal (IUCN 1990).<br />

ln thc con@xr oi crocodilian usc, SYU refers loexploitarion of<br />

revcaled tlatexccssivcexploitation inreccnt yedrs hal dcplctcd a crocodilian spccjes in a way tha! conrribulcs !o lhe conserva,<br />

crocodilcs to such a low lcvel fia! complerc proreclion lbr a tion of the sp€cics fid ill habiur in the wild. Insread of<br />

decadc or more is nc.cssary to al low population re.ovcry. If lhe managing a hrrvest based on short-lerm e.onomic gain. as had<br />

SolomoDs had bccn suneyed 15 ycars ago iimighr havc been been donc by the replile le3rhcr induslry, hawests were ptanncd<br />

possiblc to conservc lhecrcrodiles by dcvcloping susoinable to providc cconomic and consewadon bcnefjB in perpeluiry<br />

use ol thjs vrlu3ble resouR c s ilhour deplering ir.<br />

(sce b€low). The rcaliry of the siluadon in fte doveloping world<br />

is ft alw jldlife is compcting wili mankind forlimirc{rrcsources.<br />

Crocodilian Conservation Prograrns<br />

Dcnying wildlife acommercial value denies it lhc opporrunity<br />

Thc World Conservation Sraregy defincs<br />

locompete<br />

$ree spccific<br />

succcssfully wirh<br />

obje{-<br />

altcmalive hnd usepracrices sucl<br />

livcs for lhe conservarion of living resourccs: (t)<br />

aragriculrure(lvcbb<br />

10 maintajn<br />

loo0). Thckcy ingredicnl lorLhesuca..<br />

essenlial ccologicdl processcs and life suppon systems, (2)<br />

oi qsLrinable-yrcld ulili,,arion,SYtt' programs<br />

to<br />

ies.6lfi<br />

prcscrvc genelic divcrsiry, and (3) io cnsure<br />

ccunomic<br />

fiar thc<br />

bcncfir. Lhat accruc<br />

utilization<br />

ro local peoplcsfrom t1.'.onrr_<br />

of spc.ics and ecosyslcms<br />

varion<br />

is only donc<br />

ol wild popularion(.<br />

on a susrainablc<br />

B)<br />

basis<br />

mdkingcrocoditianstvatrrbtc<br />

0UCN 1980). Thc lasr rwo of lhese objc.lives<br />

economic rcsource,<br />

are of<br />

we arc<br />

direcr<br />

sffccrively broadenin&6s c6nstiiu<br />

concc.n 10 thc <strong>Crocodile</strong> Specirlisr croup, and broadlydetinc<br />

cncy fo. conservalion,<br />

rhe rwo briil rlpc\ oi (roaudi|an con\crvxlion<br />

Although<br />

ffo8rJm\ in<br />

fie use of sustainable-yietd manag(,menl for wildlife<br />

conscrvalion prcgrams<br />

eilcct worldwidc; rccovery programs dcsigned to rcduce<br />

is<br />

lhe<br />

loday a somewhfu conu.ovenrar<br />

thrcar of extincdon ro endangcrcd<br />

issue,lhcrc<br />

sprcies, and no doubrftal<br />

suslajnable<br />

when carcfully pLarocd and rmplc<br />

yicld utilization programs lhal<br />

mented,<br />

capiralizc on the e.onom<br />

1}cse pfograms<br />

ic value<br />

can be sDccessful.'Iie valuc of SyU<br />

ul cr(\ odilirn\ aj a mcrrns ut promo<br />

managcmcnl<br />

ng conscNa<br />

programs<br />

on.<br />

ljc, in rhe abitqAo provrd economrc<br />

A growing realizadon tha( many<br />

inccn|lrc\ forconsc^ariun<br />

crcodilians wcrc becomlng,<br />

or akeady wcrc, endangcrcd<br />

acrion. Ihe$, incenri\cs (ome on<br />

a numbcr<br />

spccics emergcd in<br />

of levels:<br />

the 1960s,<br />

Jnd tr.{s lir,rcrllcd ro thc atlcnliun of Lhe.. rcnlitiJ. ommunily 1- National level. Thc export.sf crocodilian Droducls is often<br />

byCott(1961). The wortdwidcconcem for rhc conservarion of an impurhnr sourcc of i6r6;gn exchangc, e.rc{iJ y for<br />

crocoditians wds rcflcc1&l in lhe crerlion of thc <strong>Crocodile</strong> ocveroprng-counlnes{r,ing to /8 L Thi\pro! jdcsc{onomic<br />

Snecirli.t Lirout ot IUC\'. SIle.rcs Srr!rvrl Comri,von In rncenrvcs ror governmcnts to enforce &e rcgulations rc,<br />

1971. Conservation cfforA wcrc unde.lalcn by a hosr of galdinE utilipr.:Jir cftc{!ivety. Thc protj(r tuncrioninS ol<br />

countrics worldwidc during thc 1960s dnd carly t970s (Co[ rhc SYU progran" i\ al,o In rhc bcsi iniercsl ot Lhe lo.3l<br />

and Pooley 1972). Mosr cooscraaiion programs a1 rhis rjme repulc leaths. i,i.lusuf' and can lead ro thc formarion ot<br />

cenlercd on lhe p$sage oflegislalion p.ohibiting fiekilling of ccoperadves or associarions (har provide a sclf,tolicing<br />

crocodilians, or the crcalion of prolc.lcd areas for wildlife lunction and repon illegal aclivitics.<br />

conscrvadon. However, oulside of ft c more developc{i couiltries,<br />

wbcrc [inancia] aod institutiooalrcsou.ces wcrc adequatc thc cconomic valuc ofcrocodilirns is an imporbnr incen<br />

2. l,andowncrs. Whcn SyU programs involvc privatc lands,<br />

to cnforce rhe lcgr(l ion. lew of rhere (onsc^:r'ion proC.ai. livc for landowners !o prolc{jt rhcir residcnl cnrcodilian<br />

playcd any major rolc in lhe conscrvation of croco,.lilians- populalons and weltand habilrls_

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