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size: 7451KB - Crocodile Specialist Group

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Skhnfne fim.nfsed .fffgttoF, AUiE lu rittktiPpi.$tt, tt Gtro'<br />

Junare drtgrtd fam, Florldr, us.A, (Ptoto bt F.W. Klng).<br />

The interbreeding ofcrocodiles (C,'o.odyl!r sp.) is not uncommon<br />

in captivity. In zoos and fa.ms around the world known<br />

in nature, thc suppon of conservatton programs must be based<br />

on sound scientific informalion, and this requircs continued hybrids have includcd a.d usx rho,nbifer,acutusx interntedit/s '<br />

polosus x sioiznsis,andrhonbifet x siate^sis (Honegger and<br />

Nations implemenling or planning managemont programs' Hunr 1990). Hybrids are reportcd to be superior for farming and<br />

cspecially lhose interestcd in SYU, should be strongly urged by ranching bccause thcy grow faster, have higher survival mtos'<br />

the CSG !o develop paralel research pmgrams. Moniloring and produce largcr clutch <strong>size</strong>s. The hybridization of C.<br />

programs are mosl cfficiently desiSned within the ftamework of porosus a.|,d C . sionensd has be€n actively undenaken al the<br />

an overall research program implemented 10 study the effec6 of Samutpratan fafm in Thailand.<br />

harvesling on wild popula[ons- Becauso research funds arc UnconEolled inte6re€ding may rcsult in the genetic loss of<br />

usually in shon supply, the prcferled me6od of fundrng these particular species. In rhe past this was a concem for C.<br />

progams has usually be€n direcdy from the plocecds of the rhonbd?r ootxms,nCuba, and presenlly il remains aconcem<br />

SYU program. This ensurcs that as lonS a5 the rvild resource is for C . siangnsis. Hybridization for commercial purposes also<br />

being unlized, funds will bc available for nonitoring and raises concems rcgarding how products originating from these<br />

research. However, in order to guamntee thal research program<br />

s arc not unduly pressured by adminisEative concems' thc izatlon of spccies has no conseFatlon benefit whatsoever.<br />

animals,xould b€ classified under CITES. Clearly the hybrid-<br />

two branches of the progmms should relain as much aulonomy<br />

as possible. Bccause crocodilians are such long-lived animrls,<br />

particular attention ncods to be givcn 10 the establishment of<br />

Sustainable Yield Utilization Programs<br />

long-term ecological sludies. Some research pmjects havc<br />

bccn underway for 10-15 or more years (e.g, Louisitui and Broadening the mnservation constituency. One of fte key<br />

Florida. U.S.A.i Nodhem Tenitories, AusFalia) and continue elemenls for the success of SYU management progmms will be<br />

10 yicld imporlant informadon on populalion dynanics. As paa rhe degee ,o which they incorporate local p€ople (McNeely<br />

of long tcnn population monitoring programs, key ecological 1990)- Although crocodilian SYU plograJns can have conservalion<br />

benefits, programs differ in their ability to providc local<br />

data sho ld also be collocted for the analvsis of crocodilian<br />

populalion ecology.<br />

economic incentives, For instance, closed-cycle farming oP<br />

cmtlons only provide economic benefits !o the local communily<br />

Commercial Breeding ofSpecies Outside of in the form of iobs for those who work on the fann Ranching,<br />

Their Natural Range<br />

on the other hand, can benefil a much larger speclrum of thc<br />

local populace and provide a grea@r economic tie to lhe<br />

Wifi lhe interest in commercial farming of crocodilian pro'<br />

cons€nation of wildpopulations. TheCSG mustbecognizant<br />

grams quickly becoming worldwide, fie propagadon of spe.ies<br />

ourside of theft natural rangc is becoming a polential conscrva_<br />

don fircal. Two potenlial problems arc cnvisioned First is the<br />

escape and subscquent ertablishment of breeding populations<br />

ofexotrc crocodilians. To date only onc introduction has been<br />

linkcd to the escape from a farm (C, rn relelii on L\c '#esl coast<br />

of Mexico). However, lhe inroduction o[ cxotic species can<br />

havo potentially dire effects on native crocodilians, and lhc<br />

suggestion lhat introduccd Ca,rn& played a role in the extrrpation<br />

of CrocodJlus fiomby'e,' from the l,anier Swarnp is an<br />

indicatron of lhis.<br />

The second conccm regarding the breeding of exotic species<br />

rs the Dolential elfect il $ould havcondevelopingconservadon<br />

programs based oo SYU. For instance, lhe recent impoiation<br />

of CrocodJlus nilotic s by ^ commercial farm in Blazil<br />

fl-uxmoore 1990) comes at a time when SYU ranching programs<br />

aro being develop€d for Cainan latirostris and C.<br />

'dcare. The commercial breeding of Nile crocodiles *ould be<br />

superior from an economic sEndpoint, but would reduce ihe<br />

economic incontives for developing consorvation-oriented<br />

ranching Fograns. However, not all breeding ofexotic sp€cies<br />

has negative conservation implications. Captive br€eding by<br />

zoos is a good example. The <strong>Crocodile</strong> <strong>Specialist</strong> <strong>Group</strong> has<br />

recommended that cmcodlltan species should not be used for<br />

commercial faming operations outsiale thet historical range<br />

where thosc opentions are located within lhe range of o&er<br />

nalive specics of crocodilians.<br />

Commerciat Hybridization of Species<br />

of the relative conservation values of different SYU prognms<br />

and wherc possible promote those that offer the greatest<br />

conservation benefits,<br />

Reduce profftability of illegal trrd€. One of lho geatest<br />

impedimcn!s !o the successful operation oflegal SYU progmms<br />

is the continued pres€nce of a large illegal tmde in skins<br />

worldwide. In some inslances illegal fado is promoted by the<br />

exislcnce of a legal market which incre&s€s demand for skins.<br />


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