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size: 7451KB - Crocodile Specialist Group

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Country Accounts<br />

Asia<br />

Australia<br />

Australian freshwatcr crocodile<br />

Saltwalcr crocodile<br />

Australian freshwater crocodile<br />

(Crocodtlus johnsoni)<br />

Status of Wifd Populations| Crocod))lrs johnsoni B ^ medium-sizcd<br />

Australian endcmic rcsricred primarily to frcshwa,<br />

ter habitats. Population dcnsilies vary significantly berwe€n<br />

areas, but lhe overall population <strong>size</strong> in the Northem Tcnitory<br />

was estima@d by Webb er a]. (1987) ro be in dle 30,m060.000<br />

range. In Weslcm Australia, freshwatcr cr6odiles are reslicled<br />

to the Kimberly region, but are rcponed to be abundant.<br />

Al{hough there was widespread huntinS in fie pdsr (Buslard<br />

1970), some rernole populalions may never havc been hunted<br />

(Burbidgc 1987). Recenl survcys conm issioncd by l}te Departmenl<br />

of Cons€rvalion and Land Managomcnl resulre.d in esrinalEs<br />

of 35,?00 C. jolrrrri in ihe Ord and FirJoy Riven and<br />

the large impoundmcnls associated wirh rhem. The lotal<br />

populadon is thoughl to be in excess of 50,000 (c. Webb, in lin.<br />

May 29, 1990). Thc species has been lcrmed "abundanr" in<br />

Que€nsland, although no sysremadc survcys of ihe popularion<br />

have bccn undertrkcn (Taplin 1987).<br />

Management and Conservation Programs: This species is<br />

proFcted $roughour its distriburion in norrlcm Ausralia.<br />

Exportof crocodiles orcrocodilianproducrs is prohibit€d under<br />

the Wildlife hotection Gegularion of Exporls and tmporls)<br />

Act of 1982. In the Norlhcm Te'Iitory,1,532 C. johnsoni<br />

hatchlings were harveslcd in 1980-1981 during inirial field<br />

6tals (Webb d al. 1987, Conscnarion Commission of the Tehnf.l.ns yeieh . wlfd frcshe.ter mcodilq Cm.aArht joi^'aai,<br />

Norlhcm Teffilory (CCNT) rr M.Kinley Rh€r, Northern le.r,rory,,{ustr.lti (Phoro<br />

1989). In 1982,<br />

bt<br />

4,573 werc harvcstcd<br />

in a commcrcial,scale trial in eighi managcment areas<br />

CJ,W.<br />

split between lhc crocodile farms. The exrenl of fte annuat<br />

harvesr has varicd from ye3r lo ycar, with a total of 19,506<br />

hatchlings being harvested bcrween 1980 and 1989 (Webb et al. cggs were taken for incubarion experiments in 1989 (Webb et<br />

198?, CCNT 1989, Manolis and Wcbb 1990, Wcbb cl al. al. 19mb).<br />

1990a).<br />

Population moniloring in rhe harchling and egg collecling<br />

A commcrcial egg colleclion program iniliarcd in 1983 areas is being carried out by noctumal spodighr counts and<br />

re\ul|€d in I.5oieggsbcinghx^esred.andailo$edacompanson hclicopter surveys during the annual dry season. To dala,<br />

of the merits of egg harvesting versus halchling collection. In resulb indica@ lhat populalions havo conlinued !o increasc<br />

somc areas egg harvcsring is more cfficient, and between I 983 regardless of thc harvest (CCNT 1989, Webb er al. 1990b). The<br />

dnd 1989, 8,532 eggs have becn harvesFd from ftc managemen! developmcnl oflhe management program for rhis sp€cies in fie<br />

areas (CCNT 1989, Webb cl al. 1990b) and an additional 787 Norlhem Terrilory has b€en accompanied by, and is based on,<br />


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