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size: 7451KB - Crocodile Specialist Group

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C.Dtlve-bred Ortnao.raodf Ll C|o.dttut hL6t'li!t' tr'rela'n<br />

hr; ft€ C.no Gu.rltld N.tlor.l Wlldlf€ Relug€ In Voeueh (Photo<br />

High hority Conservatron Projects:<br />

l Surveys of dle status of wild populatrons<br />

2. Increase thecons€rvalion role ofthe captive rcming cenlers'<br />

3. Enhanced protecdon of wild populations.<br />

Cuban crocodif e (CtocodJlus rhombikr). Ttte C]ubzn cto'o'<br />

dilehasthesmallestdistribudonof anyextantcrocodilian This<br />

species was known from only lwo wild populauons, in lhe<br />

ipab and l-anier swamps, but recent evidence suggcsls thal<br />

the latter population may have been extirpated. The introducri,on<br />

of Cainan ocodilus inro the La',iet Swamp has been<br />

sussestcd as a signilicanr lacto n this ertrrpation A large'<br />

'ci"ecapLi'e utecarng program har b€encsLablishcd including<br />

comme;cial ulilization of skins and meai Lide atiention has<br />

b€en given 10 $e sotus of wild populauons.<br />

Hish Priorily ConservaDon Proj€t!s:<br />

llDekrmine the sBlusot t}le cuban crocodile in the zapah<br />

Swamp and in the Lanier Swamp, Isla de Juventud'<br />

2. Devel;p and inplement m?rnagement prograns in Cuba<br />

Tomistoma (lo isrot& sctt&g.rri). Tbe tomisloma b one of<br />

lhe leasl-knowo crocodrlians, both in t€rms of ecology and<br />

status. Neve(ieless, all currenr indications are lhat wild<br />

DolNlations arc extremely depleted. No management d research<br />

programs have been initiated.<br />

Hiqh Prioriry Conservabon Projec|s:<br />

l:S|-atusurveys in Tlailand. Malaysia" and Indonesia'<br />

2. Development anal implementatlon of cons€rvation and research<br />

programs in tndonesiand Valaysia<br />

Orinoco crocodil€ (Ctucodrlr.ls irt ttt nediu s). This species is<br />

found only in the dnoco River &ainage of venezuela and<br />

Colombia. Populations are exfemely depleted fiom past hide<br />

hunting, conlinued habibt modification, and indiscrimrnate<br />

2. Development and implementation of a national crocodilo<br />

killing. Ecological inlemctions *il\ Coinan crocodilus may<br />

management FogJam in fie Philippines.<br />

also bc retarding natural rccovery Some crocodrle habita! has<br />

been proteclcd and a rcslocking program has been initiated rn<br />

Chinese afligator (Alrigd tor sinettsisr. The Chincse alligalor<br />

bas b€en pushed to the brink of extinctron by lhe temcndous<br />

hurnan population pressures in the lower Yangtzo River valley' High Prioflty Conservation Projects:<br />

Viftraliy ;o natural habil.at remains and the few surviving wild 1. PoDulation status survoy in Colombiainalividuals<br />

are forcoal !o live in closo pmximity !o dense human 2. ReinEoduction progran at rlhe Cailo Guatitico National<br />

DoDUlalions. The c utrent gove m menG sponsored conservaLion Wildlife Refuge, Veneuela<br />

prognm has retied principally on caplive breedrnS. and httlc 3. Implementaiion of a crocodile management plan for Santos<br />

attenlion has been given to the siallls of wild populahons Luzardo Nalional Park, Venezuela<br />

Gh^ri?ll (C avialb gan ge ticlr). The gharial is resarcrcd 10 only<br />

a few remaining wild popLrlations h lndra and Nepal Populations<br />

in Pakislan, Bangladesh, Burma, and Bhuqn arc either<br />

cxtirct or near extinction lcvels. A successful leslocking<br />

progam has been initiated in India and Nepal and populations<br />

in some areas are now recovermg.<br />

High Priorily Consenation kojects:<br />

1. Survey of slatus and distribution in Pakislan.<br />

2. Survey of status and disEibution in eastem India and<br />

Bangladesh.<br />

3. Eslablishment of captive rearing conler in Pakistan.<br />

4. Establishmont of captive rcaring cenlers iD Bargladesh and<br />

northcastem India

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