The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. LXXXIX, Part 1-2 ... - Khamkoo

The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. LXXXIX, Part 1-2 ... - Khamkoo

The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. LXXXIX, Part 1-2 ... - Khamkoo


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More on M.L. Manich Jumsai<br />

Add res~ by Sum.:! .l urnsai. I I Octobe r 2001<br />

I will havL" Lime: only to tL'II yuu a few stories<br />

nbout two or rlwee books in this exhibitiorL<br />

<strong>The</strong> first concerns ·wh:u nmst be rhc mos1<br />

exciting exhibit . ..:specially fo r us Thais: /\ham<br />

Son C/u·istang l'htic ron. by Mgr. Gamault and<br />

printed at S:mta Cmz Church. 111 Thonburr 1796.<br />

durmg <strong>the</strong> rc1gn <strong>of</strong> Kmg Rama I. Rack in <strong>the</strong><br />

1970s. my fa<strong>the</strong>r knew about thrs work fmm a<br />

r..:: rercnce which he fouud in Doc·tw7tll/J<br />

JiisJoriqul!s by Dcscou\'riCres, and s-tancd a<br />

decade-long l:!nqu iry. First h!.! went to <strong>the</strong><br />

Mis-.ions Etrangel'es in Rt1c d~ Oat:. Paris. but<br />

<strong>the</strong> archivist <strong>the</strong>re told him thnt due 10 <strong>the</strong> French<br />

R ..:volut i cm-lh~ tim~: coinciding with <strong>the</strong> hook's<br />

pubilcarion- <strong>the</strong> Missions were ordered clust·tl<br />

and were occupied by <strong>the</strong> revolutionary soldiers.<br />

Sint:c all t::urn:spl>ndL·ncc \vith <strong>Siam</strong> had ce:~scd,<br />

it was impossible for books to have arrived ot<br />

<strong>the</strong> premises. or if <strong>the</strong>y did <strong>the</strong>y wou ld have<br />

been lost.<br />

l1 wns forlunaw that Mgr. Gumault who<br />

printed <strong>the</strong> book kept a copy. it has his signature<br />

On lhc C{)\'CL n 1al COjl}' W::t~ in }l j ~ hOUSe :H<br />

Chamlulbuti whicb w a~ an important propagation<br />

ce ntr~ <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Ca~1o l ic Church. When he.<br />

died in I X I I his belongings. including <strong>the</strong> book.<br />

\VCre scm to hts n.:lali vcs in Fmncc. Fo r a dc;:c:tde<br />

my l1'l1her roamed che sLn.:e l~ <strong>of</strong> Pan!> visiling<br />

his rriends who owned anliquarian bookshops.<br />

to make enquiries. Fin:JII}' one <strong>of</strong>tl1em succeeded<br />

in track ing dowo <strong>the</strong> book~ and my ra<strong>the</strong>r<br />

prompt ly bought il. [ remcmbct· his dauou. II<br />

was :m historic moment for him. lo <strong>the</strong><br />

inLroduction to lhc rcprinH:J edition which ht!<br />

published in 19R4. he proudly wrmc: ··1 brought<br />

<strong>the</strong> book back to Bangkok t>n <strong>the</strong> 24"' November<br />

19s3··. In ~IC Tb(li part or <strong>the</strong> intnrducti- 1 688, he visited <strong>the</strong> RQyal<br />

Priming H ous~. und wu~ anxiou~ co ha \'c a<br />

:-.imilar press se1 up in rhe <strong>Siam</strong>ese caphnl.<br />

My fa<strong>the</strong>r quotes Duvcrdier in REFRO,<br />

volume 68 to sny thm <strong>the</strong> (j_rsl pnnlmg in Tha1<br />

i:.harnctcrs wns acc(lmplished in I~ 19 by John<br />

Leyden at Scrarnporc. a tmvn near C:tlcutta It<br />

wns .;i catecbtsm origmally wrm..:n In Bunn..:sc<br />

by Judson, a m1ss i on~ry in Btrm>a. llis w1fe.<br />

who learnt Thai from prisoners brought from<br />

Ayulthaya to Dun nu in l767.tr.mslatcJ <strong>the</strong> work<br />

into Thai nnd asked <strong>the</strong> Baptists in Serampore<br />

IU ma.k~..: <strong>the</strong> type fact.!. My ra<strong>the</strong>r does 001 have<br />

this particular work. but he has Jamo' Lnw's A<br />

Gr(Jmmar ld tiJt' Thse- Lau~:uage<br />

pnntcd in Calcutta in I S2~. "-·fore missionary<br />

book.> irr Thui nppcan:tl around I X:l3, b~t <strong>the</strong>y<br />

were printed in Singapore. II was nut unlll I~D6<br />

that pnnting wiLh <strong>the</strong> That type f:lce began in<br />

.!durnai oltiu: <strong>Siam</strong> .\'ode:~;: 89. 1 & 2 ( 200 1 )

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