The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. LXXXIX, Part 1-2 ... - Khamkoo

The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. LXXXIX, Part 1-2 ... - Khamkoo

The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. LXXXIX, Part 1-2 ... - Khamkoo


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123<br />

1'he Glimpses n} Ear~\' lndo~lndotwfinu<br />

Culwre, 1hc Colh:ctt'd l'apers u/ 1/iman:w<br />

Bhuwn 5iarJ.:ar. gi\'C$ very vaJunb1c knowledge<br />

<strong>of</strong> carJy lru.lon~:s i an culture a:-: well :1s South­<br />

F.as' As1an culrul'¢ rn g~nc ra l. From this hook.<br />

South .. EasL /\sian scholnrs m:1y prob~ fllrthcr<br />

into various ttSpt:t:h uf t'ultural links bel\veen<br />

Somh- Easl Asian t.:uuntrics allC.l India. Dr.<br />

B;.n:hch:m Kuma1· <strong>of</strong> thl! I nJira Gruldht \J~JliO I MI<br />

Centre for Lhc Art~ hu :-. done an -nd1nirable t~sl-.<br />

<strong>of</strong> editing. \Vc an: gratd'ul tn him fnr hrint,?.illl!<br />

10 \llh!lllion a _g.~o..:a l \'t'IUnh.' <strong>of</strong> stholarl) paper:..<br />

hy th" late Pwfcssor H.B. Sarknndto ts one ol'<br />

1he few emuu:nt lnd1an scholars rc.searchutg (111<br />

I he cl:tsst"al period <strong>of</strong>South-Ga>t Asw.<br />

P1'olt·ssor Emeritus Srisurnng PooltluJpya<br />

f\adunal L i b ra ry ~ Dcpartmt:rll \)f Fin.: :\n_'i:<br />

Tamrii Blttih t5( '\'(~l[tJ) /at' Oewlla i.VabagnriJ ,<br />

13angk•>k. I YY2<br />

Dunng 1hc nlneteemh cenmry. 1hc Bangkok<br />

t."'"htc p rodu~L'cl u number <strong>of</strong> Illustrated m:tnuscripts<br />

1IH11 might bl' wrm~d ·compcnthn <strong>of</strong><br />

llmdu Iconography'. s.;;:vcrnl <strong>of</strong> \\'hidl \\l'l'c<br />

h...:quu·ci.J by lhe Nutwnul Lihmry anrl an.•<br />

!available (or stuLiy. In I 9Y2 <strong>the</strong> Library<br />

puhlishcd five or <strong>the</strong>m (nos. 31' J2. 33. (1\) a.nd<br />

70l- fnr whit:h WL' urc in il:-. dd,l, hut \Vilht'lll<br />

nny H1h.'ll!pl ~1 1 ;JTlalysi!-1- or L'Xphmalion. This<br />

was perh:tps WJS.:'. i.l~ 1l Lc~i \ t.::s upl·n tmportanl<br />

quc!>lwns as h) 1 he mcnning and purpl iS~;: nf th!!<br />

n mnus~.;np b. th~: rclation~ h l p !' bct\\'CL'n rhem.<br />

~u1d rhe SQU rccs t'ron1 Wh 1th Lb...:y were<br />

Ct)mposcd<br />

Ltkc m;;~n y old Thai manuscripts, Lhese benr<br />

1\(1 dntcs, no deJiniuvc: tttlcs. and nu prcti.u.:cz.; llr<br />

colophnns thund 10 <strong>the</strong><br />

p rc ·RutJU~I'fiiW !-.tory trs we hav~ it i 11 Rtl mo/..irJj<br />

Jumnal 0/ tlu.• Sinm Sw·iel\ X9. 1 & 2 (2001}

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