Untitled - David Kronemyer

Untitled - David Kronemyer

Untitled - David Kronemyer


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Vlb now' have a witfu:<br />

portfolio o;f national and<br />

inle.r national an'lists, as<br />

well as conpeling record<br />

organisations in all our<br />

sIrate,gi.: r,n.a'.kets.<br />

record-breoking concerls in London.<br />

ln oddition lo PolyGrom's slrengih in notionol reperloire ond<br />

its increosing inlernotionol polenliol, 1989 qlso sow the soles evoluiion<br />

of exlended morketing compoigns ocross mony morkets of qrlists whose<br />

product hod been delivered prior lo 1989. This opprooch lo exlending<br />

lhe soles life of estoblished ortists led to odditionol world soles of more<br />

thon o million units eoch of olbums from Dire Stroits, Def Leppord, Bon<br />

Jovi, Bononoromo, Vongelis ond lhe Andrew Lloyd Webber hit musicol<br />

"The Phontom o{ the Opero".<br />

Following the ocquisition of lslqnd ond A&M, PolyGrom in<br />

1990 is not only bolstering ils U.S. operolions, but through restructuring<br />

ond exponsion, is looking ot increosing the number of creolive record<br />

componies in morkets such os Austrolio, ltqly, JoPon ond severol olher<br />

lerritories.<br />

lslond's presligious rosler of currenl ortisls includes lhe world<br />

renowned lrish bond U2, os well os Anthrox, Melisso Etheridge,Tone Loc,<br />

Tom Woits ond The Christiqns. lslond's bock cotologue, which hos<br />

consideroble exploitolion potentiol, includes Bob Morley ond The<br />

Woilers, Cot Stevens, Sleve Winwood, The Spencer Dovis Group, Robert<br />

Polmer ond Foirporl Convention, os well os mony legendory reggoe<br />

recordings.<br />

Current A&M ortisls include Jonet Jockson, Suzonne Vego,<br />

Bryon Adoms, Herb Alperl ond the Tiiuono Bross, Chris de Burgh, '38<br />

Speciol ond Sting. ln oddition, A&M's bqck cotologue consists of<br />

opproximotely 9,000 tilles, including recordings by world-fomous ortisls<br />

such os Joon Armotroding, Burl Bochoroch, The Corpenlers, Joe Cocker,<br />

Peter Fromplon, Quincy Jones, Sergio Mendes, Nozorelh, The Police, Styx<br />

ond Supertromp. A&M ond lslond will be oriislicolly oulonomous unils<br />

wiihin ihe PolyGrom Group.<br />

We look for continued exponsion ond development in 1990,<br />

oided signif icontly by the ocquisition o{ A&M ond lslond, ond<br />

further morkef shore goins in mosl, if not oll, world<br />


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