Untitled - David Kronemyer

Untitled - David Kronemyer

Untitled - David Kronemyer


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os closely os possible<br />

thol envisoged by lhe<br />

composer.<br />

Two moior evenls<br />

were orgonised in '1989 to<br />

celebrote Vodimir Ashkenozy's<br />

25th onniversory on lhe Decco<br />

lobel. "The Complete Musicion"<br />

wos releosed in the Spring ond<br />

the'Ashkenozy Edition" in lhe Foll,<br />

coinciding wilh his emotionol return<br />

lo ploy in lhe U.S.S.R. ofter o 26 yeor<br />

obsence.<br />

1989 qlso morked lhe 30 yeor<br />

portnership between Dqme Joon Sutherlond ond<br />

Decco, ond wos commemoroled by the releose of<br />

six mid-priced sets of Dqme Joqn's finest triumphs.<br />

Another besl-seller wos soprono Dome Kiri Te Konowo's<br />

"Songs of lnspirotion" with lhe Mormon Tobernocle Choir.<br />

Decco renewed its exclusive conlrqcl wilh Herbed Blomstedt<br />

ond the Son Froncisco Symphony Orcheslro by issuing o new releqse<br />

in Blomstedt's Nielsen Symphony cycle ond o complete version of<br />

Grieg's "Peer Gynt". The lobel olso signed lhe sensolionol young ltolion<br />

mezzo-soprono Cecilio Bortoli, ond releosed her debul recordings o{<br />

"The Borber o{ Seville" qnd o recitol of Rossini orios.<br />

Deutsche Grommophon<br />

Leonord Bernslein wos nomed "Musicion of the Yeor" by ihe publicotion<br />

"Musicol Americo" ond releosed powerful new recordings of Mohler<br />

symphonies, os well os recording his own comic operetto "Condide".<br />

Corlo Morio Giulini received Deulsche Grommophon's prestigious Golden<br />

Gromophone Aword for his long-stonding ossociotion with the lqbel qnd<br />

releosed q furlher recording in his occloimed Bruckner series wilh the<br />

Vienno Philhormonic.<br />

The yeor wos morked by first time recordings from cellist Moll<br />

Hoimovitz, violinist Gil Shohom ond pionisl Lilyo Zilbersiein, os well os<br />

Deutsche Grommophon debul recordings from Gerhord Oppiiz ond<br />

Moriq Jo6o Pires. ln oddition, the Emerson String Quorlet wos oworded<br />

Gromophone mogozine's "Record of lhe Yeor" oword.<br />

ln opero, Luciono Pqvqrotti mode his debut recording for<br />

Deutsche Grommophon, while Plqcido Domingo siorred in lhree opero<br />

releoses for lhe lobel. Other opero recordings come from Cloudio<br />

Abbodo, Jomes Levine ond Giuseppe Sinopoli.<br />

Deutsche Grommophon ond the world of clossicol music were<br />

soddened by the deoths of Herbert von Koroion ond Vlodimir Horowitz<br />

in 1989.Von Korojon hod o close ossociotion of over 50 yeors with the<br />

lobel, which hos the privilege of releosing his lhree finol recordings -<br />

Tchoikovsky's First Piono Concerlo with the young Russion pionisl Yevgeny<br />

Kissin qnd the Berlin Philhormonic Orchesiro, his lost opero recording of

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