Untitled - David Kronemyer

Untitled - David Kronemyer

Untitled - David Kronemyer


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Poyobles to bonks<br />

Accounts poyoble to trode creditors<br />

Accounis poyoble to non-consolidoted componies<br />

lncome toxes poyoble<br />

Other debts poyoble<br />

Accrued licence {ees poyoble<br />

Other occrued expenses<br />

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thereofter<br />

Totol<br />

GuotunteeS:<br />

Guoronlees on beholf of non-consolidoted componies ond third porties<br />

Guorontees to ortisls ond reperloire owners<br />

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legol proceedings:<br />

PolyGrom hos extensive iniernotionol operolions, ond is subiect to o number of legol proceedings incidenlol lo these<br />

operotions. PolyGrom does noi expect thot the oulcome ol currently pending proceedings ogoinst PolyGrom will, either<br />

individuolly or in the oggregote, hove o moteriol odverse effect upon ihe finonciol condition of PolyGrom.<br />

Eorn-ou158<br />

ln oddiiion to the purchose price o{ lslond, omounts up io U5$60 million ore poyoble lo the vendor bosed on increoses in<br />

eornings before toxes PolyGrom for ony three consecutive yeors during 1990 through 1999. Additionol omounts ore olso<br />

poyoble bosed on eornings before loxes ol the ocquired business for ony three conseculive yeors during 1992 through 1999.<br />


On Jonuory 3, 1990, PolyGrom ocquired the recorded music business ("A&M") of A&M Records, Inc. for o considerotion of<br />

U5$460 million.This considerotion is subiect to cerloin odiustments,<br />

From the purchose price of A&M on omount of opproximotely NLG 270 million will be ollocoied to goodwill ond chorged<br />

io Shoreholders' Equily.

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