Untitled - David Kronemyer

Untitled - David Kronemyer

Untitled - David Kronemyer


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Supplementory io its populor ond clossicql recording operolions,<br />

PolyGrom is involved in music publishing, ond in oudio-visuol<br />

entertoinment using video cossefte, Compocl Disc Video (CDV), Compoct<br />

Disc lnteroctive (CDl), film ond lelevision progromming. li wos on<br />

extremely oclive yeor for PolyGrom in lhese reloted businesses.<br />

ln the music publishing field, we become one of the moior globol<br />

componies with ihe ocquisition of the Welk Music Group, Sweden Music<br />

Publishing ond lhe music publishing operotions of the lslond Group os<br />

porl o{ the broqder lslond ocquisition.These ocquisitions, together with<br />

olhers mode eorlier, provide us wilh over 82500 titles from which we con<br />

receive royohy fees bosed on live, broodcost or recorded performonces.<br />

The Welk Music Group cotologue, for exomple, hos 27,000 songs<br />

from lhe Twenties to lhe present including lhe enlire Jerome Kern<br />

colologue ond mony populor slondords ocquired over 30 yeors.<br />

PolyGrom owns rights lo songs by Abbo, Elton John ond Morvin Hqmlisch,<br />

omong mony others.<br />

The 1989 ocquisitions complemenl those mqde eorlier of<br />

Dick Jomes Music Limited of London, Cedorwood Music Publishing in<br />

Noshville, Boby Records Publishing of ltoly ond severol olher smoller<br />

music publishers.<br />

We ore oggressively morkeling our music publishing colologue<br />

to olher recording componies, performing ortisls, ond providers of music<br />

for home, workploce or mobile use, ond ore octively seeking to ocquire<br />

odditionol copyrights in our moior morkels.<br />

PolyGrom is qlso involved in lhe production of films ond<br />

television progromming. During 1989, we entered into ioint<br />

venture production qrrongements with Los Angeles-bosed<br />

Propogondo Films, ond Working Title Films Limited, o U.K.<br />

independent film producer, lo produce severol films. ln<br />

1989, fhe Compony hod five films in vorious stoges of<br />

production ond posl-produclion.These included<br />

"Fools of Forlune" with Julie "Chrislie ond Mory<br />

Elizobeth Mostrontonio; "Chicogo Joe ond the<br />

Showgirl" with Kiefer Sutherlqnd ond Emily<br />

Lloyd; "Doddy's Dying" storring Beou<br />

Bridges; ond "Wild ot Heort" direcled<br />

by Dovid Lynch with Nicolos Coge,<br />

Louro Dern ond lsobello Rossellini.

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