2006-07 - Construction Innovation

2006-07 - Construction Innovation

2006-07 - Construction Innovation


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Appendix 2 – Acronym list and definitions<br />

American Society of Civil Engineers<br />

ASCE<br />

Executive support systems<br />

ESS<br />

Architecture Engineering and <strong>Construction</strong><br />

AEC<br />

Facilities Management Association Australia<br />

FMAA<br />

Association of Consulting Engineers Australia<br />

ACEA<br />

Facility management<br />

FM<br />

Association of Researchers in <strong>Construction</strong> Management<br />

ARCOM<br />

Fibre-reinforced composite<br />

FRC<br />

Australian Building Codes Board<br />

ABCB<br />

fibre-reinforced polymer<br />

FRP<br />

Australian <strong>Construction</strong> Industry Forum<br />

Australian Constructors Association<br />

ACIF<br />

ACA<br />

Forest and Wood Products Research<br />

and Development Corporation<br />

FWPRDC<br />

Australian Council for Infrastructure Development<br />

AusCID<br />

Government Asset Management Arena<br />

GAMA<br />

Australian Greenhouse Office<br />

AGO<br />

Housing Industry Association<br />

HIA<br />

Australian Institute of Building<br />

AIB<br />

Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning<br />

HVAC<br />

Australian Institute of Management<br />

AIM<br />

Human–computer interfaces<br />

HCI<br />

Australian Institute of Project Management<br />

AIPM<br />

Industry foundation classes<br />

IFC<br />

Australian Performance Based Building Initiative<br />

AusPeBBu<br />

Information and communication technology<br />

ICT<br />

Australian Procurement and <strong>Construction</strong> Council<br />

APCC<br />

Institution of Engineers Australia<br />

IEAust<br />

Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council<br />

ASBEC<br />

Intellectual property<br />

IP<br />

Australian Universities Building Educators Association<br />

AUBEA<br />

International Alliance for Interoperability<br />

IAI<br />

Bill of Quantities<br />

BoQ<br />

International <strong>Construction</strong> Research Alliance<br />

ICALL<br />

Bovis Lend Lease<br />

Brisbane City Council<br />

BLL<br />

BCC<br />

International Council for Research and <strong>Innovation</strong><br />

in Building and <strong>Construction</strong><br />

CIB<br />

Brisbane Water Enviro Alliance<br />

BWEA<br />

Key performance indicators<br />

KPIs<br />

Building Code of Australia<br />

BCA<br />

Life cycle analysis<br />

LCA<br />

Building Commission (Victoria)<br />

BC<br />

National Occupational Health and Safety Commission<br />

NOHSC<br />

Building Industry Redundancy Trust (Queensland)<br />

BIRT<br />

Noise-induced hearing threshold shifts<br />

NITS<br />

Building Information Modelling<br />

BIM<br />

Occupational Health and Safety<br />

OHS<br />

Building Products <strong>Innovation</strong> Council<br />

Building Research <strong>Innovation</strong> Technology<br />

and Environment<br />

BPIC<br />

BRITE<br />

Office of the Australian Safety and<br />

Compensation Council<br />

Off-site manufacture<br />

OASCC<br />

OSM<br />

Building Services Research and Information Association<br />

BSRIA<br />

Outcomes performance indicators<br />

OPI<br />

carbon fibre-reinforced polymer<br />

CFRP<br />

Property Council of Australia<br />

PCA<br />

case-based logic<br />

CBL<br />

Public-Private Partnership<br />

PPP<br />

Centre for Integrated Engineering Asset Management<br />

CIEAM<br />

Queensland Department of Main Roads<br />

QDMR<br />

Civil Contractors Federation<br />

CCF<br />

Queensland Department of Public Works<br />

QDPW<br />

Commonwealth Scientific and<br />

Industrial Research Organisation<br />

CSIRO<br />

Queensland Department of State Development<br />

and <strong>Innovation</strong><br />

QDSDI<br />

Computer-Assisted Design<br />

CAD<br />

Queensland University of Technology<br />

QUT<br />

Contract Planning Workbench<br />

CPW<br />

Research and development<br />

R&D<br />

Cooperative Research Centre<br />

CRC<br />

Royal Australian Institute of Architects<br />

RAIA<br />

Cooperative Research Centre Association<br />

CRCA<br />

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology<br />

RMIT<br />

<strong>Construction</strong> and Property Services Industry<br />

Skills Council<br />

CPSISC<br />

Small-to-medium size enterprise<br />

Small office – home office<br />

SME<br />

SOHO<br />

Continuing Professional Development<br />

CPD<br />

Smart and Sustainable Built Environment<br />

SASBE<br />

Corporate Real Estate<br />

CRE<br />

Soft systems methodology<br />

SSM<br />

Corporate Social Responsibility<br />

CSR<br />

Strategic asset maintenance<br />

SAM<br />

Critical Success Factors<br />

CSF<br />

Technical and Further Education<br />

TAFE<br />

Decision-support Systems<br />

DSS<br />

Vocational education and training<br />

VET<br />

Engineering database management<br />

EDM<br />

University of New South Wales<br />

UNSW<br />

Environmental Protection Agency<br />

EPA<br />

Urban Development Institute of Australia<br />

UDIA<br />

Environmentally sustainable development<br />

ESD<br />

Year of the Built Environment<br />

YBE<br />


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