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AS <strong>ENGLISH</strong> <strong>LITERATURE</strong> LT2 Section A Assessment Grid (Note: all AOs in this section have equal weighting:10 marks each)<br />

AO1<br />

AO2<br />

AO3<br />

AO4<br />

Arti culate creative, informed and Demon strate detailed critical Explore connections and Demonstrate understanding<br />

Ba nds Marks<br />

relevant responses to literary<br />

texts, using appropriate<br />

terminology and concepts, and<br />

understanding in analysing the<br />

ways structure form and<br />

language shape meanings in<br />

comparisons between different<br />

literary texts informed by<br />

interpretations of other<br />

of the significance and<br />

influence of the contexts in<br />

which literary texts are<br />

coherent, accurate written literary<br />

texts<br />

readers.<br />

written and received.<br />

expression<br />

Response to texts lacks<br />

Understands literary texts at a Struggles to make connections<br />

Describes wider context(s) in<br />

1 0-10 relevance, structure and creativity. superficial level. Comments on between texts, Limited personal which a text was<br />

produced, with<br />

Limited understanding of ideas, surface meanings with little response. Can describe other limited or no understanding of<br />

with little or no terminology. connection to language, form and<br />

views with limited or confused significance of contexts.<br />

understanding.<br />

Frequent errors in expression. structure.<br />

Makes some attempt to organise Beginnings of awareness of the Makes basic, usually valid Some awareness of what can<br />

2 11-20 a creative response, particularly link between language/form and connections<br />

between texts, constitute a context.<br />

towards the top of the band. meaning at the bottom of the stronger towards the top of the Beginning to grasp the<br />

Occasional, not always relevant band, stronger towards the top of<br />

band.<br />

importance of contextual factors<br />

use of concepts and terminology. the band. Sometimes supports<br />

Some personal response with<br />

in shaping literary works.<br />

Expression features some views by reference to the links<br />

increasing awareness through the<br />

Attempts to make links between<br />

inaccuracies, particularly marked between meanings and the<br />

band that texts may be<br />

text and contexts.<br />

towards the bottom of the band. author's<br />

technique, with less<br />

interpreted in more than one way.<br />

support towards the bottom of the<br />

band. Occasional implicit<br />

readings.<br />

Makes an appropriate creative Clear grasp of authors' use of Clear and appropriate<br />

Makes clear and appropriate<br />

3 21-30 response to texts. Clear grasp of form, structure and language to comparisons/connections<br />

links between text and contexts.<br />

key concepts. An increasingly create meaning.<br />

between texts, particularly Increasingly detailed knowledge<br />

shaped response with relevant<br />

Increasingly appropriate textual<br />

appropriate towards the top of the and understanding of the<br />

use of concepts and appropriate<br />

band. Increasing evidence that significance and influence of<br />

terminology. Written expression<br />

support. Shows an increasingly<br />

personal reading has been relevant contextual factors.<br />

generally accurate and clear, detailed<br />

critical understanding of informed by other relevant<br />

particularly towards the top of the texts and response to implicit<br />

interpretations.<br />

band.<br />

meanings.<br />

Creative, effectively structured Sound<br />

analysis and evaluation of Specific and productive<br />

Specific and productive<br />

4 31-40 and often individual response to writers'<br />

techniques.<br />

connections<br />

and comparisons connections between texts and<br />

texts, particularly towards the top Overview and detailed critical between texts. Clear and<br />

contexts. Sound, confident<br />

of the band.<br />

understanding of texts with confident<br />

judgements which appreciation of the significance<br />

Incr easingly confident grasp of<br />

concepts and use of terminology.<br />

increasingly confident handling of absorb other critical opinions, and and influence of relevant<br />

Written expression is accurate implicit<br />

meanings.<br />

show some<br />

sophistication at the contexts.<br />

and fluent.<br />

top of the band.<br />


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