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4-1<br />

<strong>CHAPTER</strong> <strong>4.</strong> <strong><strong>THE</strong>RMODYNAMICS</strong>: <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FIRST</strong> <strong>LAW</strong><br />

A. Introduction<br />

Thermodynamics deals with the macroscopic observable properties of matter. It is a subject<br />

that is broadly applicable to all energetic processes involving large aggregates of atoms and<br />

molecules.<br />

Thermodynamics is founded upon three fundamental laws of nature. The first of these laws<br />

is the familiar law of conservation of energy, which in general terms states that the energy of the<br />

universe is constant. As with other natural laws, the validity and generality of the laws of<br />

thermodynamics have been firmly established by experimental observation. One of the major<br />

strengths of thermodynamics is that it does not rely on any assumptions regarding the fundamental<br />

structure of matter.<br />

Thermodynamics plays a major role in chemistry. It provides the theoretical basis for<br />

equilibrium as well as for most discussions of the energetics of chemical reactions. One of the<br />

primary applications of thermodynamics to chemistry is in providing the criteria for predicting<br />

whether a particular chemical reaction will proceed spontaneously.<br />

In the study of thermodynamics, it is necessary to divide the universe into the particular<br />

region in which we are interested, called the system, and everything else, called the surroundings.<br />

Usually, the system is separated from the surroundings by some kind of physical boundary. If this<br />

boundary is such that both matter and energy may be transferred between the system and the<br />

surroundings, the system is called an open system. If the boundary prevents the transfer of matter,<br />

but allows the transfer of energy, the system is called a closed system. A system for which neither<br />

the transfer of matter or energy is possible is called an isolated system. For example, a thermos<br />

bottle with the top screwed on is an isolated system because it is thermally insulated from the<br />

surroundings.<br />

B. State functions<br />

In order to specify the macroscopic state of a system, it is necessary to know the values of<br />

various parameters called state functions, such as temperature, pressure, volume, etc. When a<br />

system changes from one state to another, the final values of the state functions do not depend on

4-2<br />

how the change of state was carried out. Therefore, the changes in the values of the state functions<br />

are determined only by the initial and final states of the system. For example, consider the four states<br />

of a system composed of an ideal gas, as depicted in Fig. 4-1.<br />

path 1<br />

State 2<br />

P 2<br />

= 2 atm<br />

V 2<br />

= 22 L<br />

T 2<br />

= 546 K<br />

State 1<br />

P 1<br />

= 1 atm<br />

V 1<br />

= 22 L<br />

T 1<br />

= 273 K<br />

path 3<br />

State 4<br />

P 4<br />

= 2 atm<br />

V 4<br />

= 11 L<br />

T 4<br />

= 273 K<br />

path 2<br />

State 3<br />

P 3<br />

= 1 atm<br />

V 3<br />

= 11 L<br />

T 3<br />

= 136 K<br />

Figure 4-1. Transformation of a system from state 1 to state 4 via three different paths.<br />

Three different paths lead from state 1 to state <strong>4.</strong> However, the changes in all three of the state<br />

functions listed (P, V, and T) are the same for each path. Going from state 1 to state 4 via path 1,<br />

path 2, or path 3 results in P = 1 atm, V = 11 L, and T = 0 K. In other words, the final value<br />

of a state function does not depend on the path taken between the initial and final state. On<br />

the other hand, suppose that instead of different states of a system, the above (state) labels<br />

represented different cities on a map and the three paths represented different routes between them.<br />

It is obvious that distance is not a state function since the distance between city 1 and city 4 depends<br />

on the route taken. In the city analogy, is altitude a state function? Of course distance is not a<br />

thermodynamic variable, but two very important thermodynamic variables that are not state<br />

functions are work and heat.<br />

C. Work and heat

is<br />

=<br />

4-3<br />

Mechanical work is defined as a force applied in the direction of motion times the distance<br />

moved (displacement). Specifically,<br />

dw ' PF@ Pds ' Fdscosθ<br />

,<br />

where θ<br />

the angle between the force vector and the displacement vector. An example of the<br />

application of this formula is the calculation of the work done in raising a mass m to a height h<br />

against the force of gravity:<br />

F = ma = mg<br />

dw = Fds cos θ<br />

mgds<br />

w '<br />

h<br />

0<br />

mgds ' mgh.<br />

A particularly important form of work in chemical thermodynamics is the work associated<br />

with a pressure-volume change. The diagram in Fig. 4-2 shows a cross sectional view of a piston<br />

undergoing a compression.<br />

Figure 4-2. A piston system undergoing a compression.<br />

The applied force can be expressed as an external pressure times the cross sectional area of the<br />

piston; F = P A. Therefore,<br />

ex<br />

but<br />

dw = Fds = P Ads, ex

4-4<br />

and so<br />

Ads = dV,<br />

dw = P dV. ex<br />

The thermodynamic sign convention is that work done on the system is positive. To conform to this<br />

convention, the above expression for P-V work must include a negative sign since, work was done<br />

on the system, but because V < V , dV was negative. Therefore, the general expression for<br />

2 1<br />

differential P/V work is<br />

.<br />

If an expansion (compression) is carried out with a constant external pressure, then the work<br />

done by (on) the system is<br />

V 2<br />

dw ' !<br />

V 1<br />

P ex<br />

dV ' !P ex<br />

(V 2<br />

! V 1<br />

) ' !P ex<br />

V<br />

.<br />

Another way of performing a compression would be to keep the temperature constant and make the<br />

external pressure infinitesimally greater than the internal pressure throughout the process. This is<br />

called an isothermal reversible compression. The term reversible is derived from the fact that the<br />

process could be reversed by applying an infinitesimal change in the opposite direction. Assuming<br />

ideal behavior of the gas inside the system, the external pressure in this case is<br />

P = P = nRT/V,<br />

ex<br />

(i.e., neglecting the infinitesimal difference, the external pressure is equal to the internal pressure for<br />

a reversible compression or expansion). Therefore, the work done on the system is<br />

dw ' !<br />

V 2<br />

V 1<br />

P ex<br />

dV ' !nRT<br />

V 2<br />

dV<br />

V ' !nRTln V 2<br />

V<br />

V 1<br />

1<br />

.<br />

P-V diagrams are useful for analyzing processes involving P-V work. A P-V diagram for two

expansion processes which start at P , V and end at P , V are shown in Fig. 4-3.<br />

1 1 2 2<br />

4-5<br />

P 1<br />

a<br />

path 1<br />

b<br />

dw = -PdV<br />

P<br />

path 2<br />

c<br />

P 2<br />

V 1 V<br />

V 2<br />

Figure 4-3.<br />

A P-V diagram for two expansion processes between the same initial and final values<br />

of P and V.<br />

Path 1 consists of a constant pressure expansion from point a to point b followed by a reduction in<br />

pressure at constant volume from point b to point c. Path 2 is an isothermal reversible expansion (P in<br />

= P ) from point a to point c (shown by the hyperbolic curve or isotherm). As indicated by the<br />

ex<br />

shaded region labeled P dV, the differential work is represented by the area of a rectangle having<br />

1<br />

length P and width dV. Therefore, the total work associated with path 1 is equal to the area of the<br />

rectangle having length P and width V ! V , while the work associated with path 2 is equal to the<br />

1 2 1<br />

area under the hyperbolic curve. Clearly these two areas are not the same even though both<br />

processes involved the same changes in pressure and volume. One must conclude, therefore, that<br />

work is not a state function.<br />

Another way in which energy can be exchanged between systems is by heat flow. A system<br />

at a higher temperature may exchange energy with a system at a lower temperature, thereby lowering<br />

its own temperature and raising the temperature of the other system in the process. Since the same<br />

change in state can be achieved by either heat or work, one must conclude that like work, heat is not<br />

a state function.

4-6<br />

Exercise:<br />

Calculate the work for each of the following constant temperature processes;<br />

a). Expansion due to a sudden pressure change from P ex to P ex/<strong>4.</strong><br />

b). Expansion in two steps- from P to P /2, then from P /2 to P /<strong>4.</strong><br />

ex ex ex ex<br />

c). Reversible expansion from P ex to P ex/<strong>4.</strong><br />

What do you conclude about a reversible expansion?<br />

a). w = ! P V; V = V (P /P ) = 4V so V = 3V and<br />

2 1 1 2 1 1<br />

w = ! (P /4)(3V ) = !0.75P V .<br />

1 1 1 1<br />

b). w = ! 0.5P V = !0.5P V (V = 2V )<br />

1 1 1 1 2 1<br />

w = ! 0.25P V = !0.5P V (V = 4V )<br />

2 1 1 1 2 1<br />

w = w + w = ! P V .<br />

1 2 1 1<br />

c). w = ! nRT ln (V /V ) = ! P V ln 4 = !1.39P V .<br />

2 1 1 1 1 1<br />

As can be seen from this exercise, the reversible work is the maximum possible work<br />

that can be done by the system or the surroundings in a given process.<br />

D. The first law of thermodynamics<br />

Since heat added to a system must result in a change of the internal energy content of the<br />

system, or it must produce work, or both, one is led to expect that these quantities must be intimately<br />

related. The first law of thermodynamics expresses the fact that (a) heat and/or work are involved<br />

in the transfer of internal energy from one system to another, and (b) the total internal energy of a<br />

system must be conserved;<br />

The first Law.<br />

In the first law equation above, the quantity U represents the internal energy, which consists of the<br />

kinetic and potential energies of all the atoms and molecules of the system. Unlike heat (q) and work<br />

(w), internal energy is a state function. If this were not true, it would be possible to construct a<br />

cyclic process going from state a to state b that released U and then returned back to state a using<br />

1<br />

U , such that | U | < | U |. This is the condition for a perpetual motion machine. It is important<br />

2 2 1<br />

to understand the thermodynamic sign conventions as they apply to the first law. Namely,

4-7<br />

when heat is added to a system, q is positive,<br />

when work is done on a system, w is positive.<br />

According to the first law, when heat is transferred to or from a closed system in a process<br />

that does no work, the heat involved is equal to the internal energy change. Specifically, for a<br />

constant volume process<br />

where<br />

but<br />

and so<br />

dU = dq + dw,<br />

dw = ! P dV, ext<br />

dV = 0<br />

at constant volume.<br />

In general, when only P-V work is involved,<br />

dq = dU + P dV. ext<br />

Therefore, it is useful to define a new quantity (H), called enthalpy, such that<br />

,<br />

where P is the pressure of the system. Since U, P, and V are all state functions, H is a state function<br />

also. A differential change in H may be expressed as<br />

When P is constant,<br />

dH = dU + PdV + VdP.<br />

dH = dU + PdV,<br />

and if P = P (i.e., when the system is in mechanical equilibrium with the surroundings),<br />


4-8<br />

Therefore,<br />

dH = dU + P dV. ext<br />

at constant pressure.<br />

For liquids and solids, (PV) is usually very small (typically - 0.1% of U), and hence H<br />

. U. For ideal gases,<br />

H = U + PV = U + nRT,<br />

so<br />

H = U + nRT<br />

at constant temperature. It should be noted that n is the change in the number of moles of gas.<br />

Exercise:<br />

A total of 885.7 kJ of heat is evolved in the reaction<br />

CH + 2O ! CO + 2H O<br />

4(g) 2(g) 2(g) 2 (l)<br />

o<br />

Carried out at fixed volume and 25 C. Calculate U and H for this reaction.<br />

U = q = !885.7 kJ<br />

H = U + (PV) = U + nRT; n = 1 ! 3 = !2<br />

!3<br />

H = !885.7 ! 2(8.314)(298)x10 = !890.6 kJ<br />

Exercise:<br />

A 10.0 g sample of benzene at its boiling temperature (353.2 K) is placed in contact<br />

with a resistance heater. It evaporates when 3942 J of heat have been produced by<br />

the heater. Calculate the molar enthalpy change and the the molar internal energy<br />

change. (Neglect the volume of the liquid).<br />

This is a constant pressure process in which H = U + (PV) = q.<br />

n = 10.0 g C H x 1 mol C H /78 g C H = 0.128 mol<br />

6 6 6 6 6 6<br />

H = 3942 J/0.128 mol = 30797 J/mol = 30.8 kJ/mol<br />

m<br />

U = H ! (PV ! PV )/n = H ! RT<br />

m m gas liq m

4-9<br />

!3<br />

= 30.8 kJ/mol - (8.314x10 kJ/mol-K)(353.2 K) = 27.9 kJ/mol.<br />

E. Heat capacity<br />

The amount of heat released or absorbed in a process may be determined by measuring the<br />

change in temperature of a mass in thermal contact with the process. The heat capacity is defined<br />

as the change in heat divided by the change in temperature, C = dq/dT. However, this definition is<br />

not very useful unless a path is specified, since the value of dq depends on how the process is carried<br />

out. In the laboratory, there are two convenient paths; the constant volume path, where a reaction<br />

is carried out in a closed container so that the volume cannot change, and the constant pressure path,<br />

where a reaction is carried out in an open container so that the pressure remains constant at the<br />

pressure of the surrounding atmosphere. Consider a process carried out at constant volume. Then<br />

dw = 0 and so dq = dU, therefore, the heat capacity (per mole) at constant volume is<br />

and<br />

,<br />

.<br />

For a process carried out at constant pressure, dq = dH, therefore, the heat capacity (per mole) at<br />

constant pressure is<br />

,<br />

and<br />

.<br />

Physically, the difference between C V and C P is related to the fact that when the volume is

4-10<br />

held constant, all of the heat goes into producing a corresponding change in temperature (i.e., it all<br />

goes into changing the internal energy), whereas when the pressure is held constant, some of the heat<br />

goes into work of expansion or contraction. Therefore, it is to be expected that<br />

since a given q results in a smaller T.<br />

P<br />

C P > CV<br />

When a monatomic ideal gas is heated at constant volume, all of the heat goes into increasing<br />

the translational kinetic energy of the atoms. However, in the case of molecules, there are other<br />

energy modes available in addition to kinetic energy. Specifically, molecules may have rotational<br />

and vibrational energy. Therefore, when a molecular gas is heated, the resulting energy increase is<br />

distributed among all three energy modes. Statistically, it may be shown that the amount of energy<br />

per mole that goes into each energy mode is<br />

U m = N m(½RT),<br />

where N is related to the number of degrees of freedom and the number of different types of energy<br />

m<br />

(e.g., kinetic and potential) associated with the energy mode, and R is the gas constant. This result,<br />

which assumes that all energy modes have continuous energy distributions, is known as the<br />

equipartition theorem. The number of degrees of freedom for a molecule, D , is related to the<br />

m<br />

number of coordinates required to specify the position of each atom. The degrees of freedom<br />

associated with the various energy modes of a molecule and the corresponding values of N are m<br />

summarized below;<br />

N = D , N = D , N = 2D<br />

tran tran rot rot vib vib<br />

D = 3n tot<br />

D = 3 tran<br />

D = 2 (linear molecule) or 3 (nonlinear)<br />

rot<br />

D = 3n !5 (linear molecule) or 3n ! 6 (nonlinear)<br />

vib<br />

The equipartition theorem may be used to estimate the heat capacities of gas-phase molecules at high<br />

temperatures.<br />

Example: Estimate the value of C for CO .<br />

V 2

4-11<br />

In this case, n = 3 and so D = 9. This molecule is linear; therefore D = 2 and D<br />

tot rot vib<br />

= 9 ! 5 = <strong>4.</strong> Hence U = U tran + U rot + U vib = 3(½RT) + 2(½RT) + 8(½RT) =<br />

13/2 RT. The estimated heat capacity is therefore C V<br />

' dU<br />

dT ' 13 R ' 6.5 R. The<br />

2<br />

measured value at 298 K is 3.46 R.<br />

Exercise: Estimate the value of C for CH .<br />

V 4<br />

In this case, n = 5 and so D tot = 15. This molecule is nonlinear; therefore D rot = 3 and<br />

D vib = 15 ! 6 = 9. Hence U = U tran + U rot + U vib = 3(½RT) + 3(½RT) + 18(½RT) =<br />

12RT. The estimated heat capacity is therefore C V<br />

' dU ' 12 R. The measured<br />

dT<br />

value at 298 K is 3.25 R.<br />

Because the energies of rotation and vibration are not really continuous, the values of C obtained<br />

V<br />

for molecules from the equipartition theorem are reached only at very high temperatures.<br />

The relationship between C V and C P can be derived for an ideal gas as follows:<br />

H = U + PV<br />

MH<br />

' MU % P MV<br />

MT P<br />

MT P<br />

MT<br />

P<br />

,<br />

but for an ideal gas, the internal energy only depends on temperature U = f(T) (recall that U = trans<br />

(3/2)RT), and so<br />

MU<br />

' MU<br />

MT P<br />

MT<br />

' C V<br />

.<br />

V<br />

Also<br />

V m<br />

' RT<br />

P , so MV m<br />

MT<br />

' R . Therefore<br />

P<br />

P<br />

.<br />

Exercise:<br />

Determine the values of C V and C P for Ar assuming it to be an ideal gas.<br />

U = (3/2)RT so C V = dU/dT = (3/2)R and C P = (5/2)R.

4-12<br />

Exercise:<br />

Draw a P-V diagram for one mole of a monatomic ideal gas initially at a pressure of<br />

2.5 atm and a volume of 5.0 L undergoing the following: (a) the pressure is reduced<br />

suddenly to 1.0 atm while the volume is held constant, (b) then, the volume expands<br />

to 12.5 L while the pressure is held constant. Calculate U, H, q, and w for both<br />

steps and for the isothermal, reversible expansion from the initial to the final state.<br />

T = P V /R = 5(2.5)/0.08206 =152.3K<br />

1 1 1<br />

T = 5(1.0)/0.08206 = 60.9 K<br />

2<br />

T = T = 152.3 K<br />

3 1<br />

P (atm)<br />

3.0<br />

2.5<br />

2.0<br />

1.5<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

(5.0, 2.5)<br />

A<br />

C<br />

B<br />

(5.0, 1.0) (12.5, 1.0)<br />

Step a:<br />

U = C T = (3/2)(8.314)(!91.4)<br />

V<br />

= !1139.8 J<br />

0.0<br />

4 6 8 10 12 14<br />

V (L)<br />

H = U + (PV) = !1139.8 +[(1.0)(5.0)!(2.5)(5.0)] x 8.314/0.08206<br />

= !1899.7 J Also H = C T = 5/2(8.314)(!91.4) = !1899.7 J (state func.)<br />

P<br />

w = 0, q = U<br />

Step b:<br />

H = C T = (5/2)(8.314)(91.9) = 1899.7 J<br />

Step c:<br />

q = H<br />

P<br />

w = !P V = !(1.0)(12.5 ! 5.0) x 8.314/0.08206 = !759.9 J<br />

U = q + w = 1899.7 ! 759.9 = 1139.8 J Also U = C T = 3/2(8.314)(91.4)<br />

V<br />

U = 0<br />

(T is constant)<br />

H = U + (PV) = 0 (P V = P V )<br />

1 1 2 2<br />

w = !RT ln V /V = !(8,314)(152.3) ln (12.5/5.0) = !1160.2 J<br />

2 1<br />

q = !w<br />

= 1139.8 J (state function)<br />

(Note that both U and H are zero for the closed cycle 16 2 6 1).

F. Thermochemistry<br />

4-13<br />

A very important application of thermodynamics to chemistry is the study of the heat released<br />

or absorbed in a chemical reaction. Chemical reactions are most commonly carried out at constant<br />

pressure (i.e., in an open vessel) and for this specified path, the heat changes are the same as the<br />

enthalpy changes. Since enthalpy is a state function, it is possible to calculate the change in enthalpy<br />

accompanying a chemical reaction simply from a knowledge of the enthalpies of the reactants and<br />

the enthalpies of the products. In actual, practice, enthalpies for chemical reactions may be<br />

o<br />

determined from tabulated standard enthalpy changes, denoted by the symbol H . The term<br />

standard means that the enthalpy change is for a reaction in which the reactants and products are in<br />

their so-called standard states.<br />

Standard state:<br />

the pure substance at a specified<br />

temperature and a pressure of 1 bar.<br />

Although enthalpy changes may be tabulated for any temperature, the most common tabulations are<br />

for 298 K.<br />

1. Enthalpy of formation<br />

The most useful thermochemical tabulations give standard enthalpies of formation denoted<br />

o<br />

by the symbol fH .<br />

Standard enthalpy of formation:<br />

the enthalpy change accompanying the formation of a<br />

substance in its standard state from the most stable forms of<br />

the constituent elements of the substance in their standard<br />

states.<br />

For example, the standard enthalpy of formation for benzene is the enthalpy change for the reaction<br />

6C + 3H ! C H .<br />

(s,gr) 2(g) 6 6(l)

is<br />

=<br />

=<br />

=<br />

4-14<br />

At 298 K and 1 bar, where the solid (graphite) is the most stable form of carbon, the diatomic gas<br />

is the most stable form of hydrogen, and the liquid is the most stable form of benzene, the standard<br />

o<br />

o<br />

enthalpy of formation of benzene is H (C H ) = 49.0 kJ/mol. Note that H is a molar quantity<br />

f 6 6 f<br />

and the formation reaction is always balanced such that one mole of product is formed. The<br />

enthalpies of formation of all pure elements in their standard states are taken to be zero.<br />

of formation:<br />

o<br />

Now consider the task of calculating H for the following reaction using standard enthalpies<br />

(1) 2HN + 2NO ! H O + 4N .<br />

3(l) (g) 2 2(l) 2(g)<br />

We begin by writing the formation reactions for each of the (nonelemental) reactants and products<br />

and looking up the standard enthalpies of formation;<br />

o<br />

(2) 3/2 N 2(g) + 1/2 H 2(g) ! HN 3(l) fH (HN 3) = 26<strong>4.</strong>0 kJ/mol<br />

o<br />

(3) 1/2 N 2(g) + 1/2 O 2(g) ! NO (g) fH (NO) = 90.25 kJ/mol<br />

o<br />

(4) H 2(g) + O 2(g) ! H2O 2(l) fH (H2O 2) = !187.78 kJ/mol<br />

Next, we rearrange the reactions in such a way that they add up to reaction (1);<br />

Therefore,<br />

reaction (1) = !2 x reaction (2) ! 2 x reaction (3) + reaction (4) .<br />

o o o o<br />

H = fH (H2O 2) ! 2 fH (HN 3) !2 fH (NO) = !896.28 kJ/mol.<br />

This is an illustration of Hess's Law. The above procedure may be generalized and stated in a more<br />

concise form by representing each of the stoichiometric coefficients of the net reaction by the symbol<br />

ν, where i represents the reaction species and the sign of taken to be positive for products and<br />

ν<br />

i<br />

negative for reactants. (For example, in reaction 1 above,<br />

ν<br />

i<br />

1,<br />

ν<br />

!2, and<br />

ν<br />

1 2 3<br />

!2). Then<br />


4-15<br />

Applying this formula directly to reaction (1) above gives<br />

o o o o<br />

H = fH (H2O 2) ! 2 fH (HN 3) !2 fH (NO) = !896.28 kJ/mol,<br />

which is exactly the same as we obtained before.<br />

Hess's law is a direct consequence of the fact that enthalpy is a state function; the enthalpy<br />

change for a reaction is the same for any path that connects the reactants and products.<br />

Exercise:<br />

Construct a diagram for the above example showing the relationship between the<br />

direct reaction path and the path involving the formation reactions.<br />

2HN + 2NO !<br />

H O + 4N<br />

3 2 2 2<br />

9 9 8<br />

(3N + H ) + (N + O ) ! (4N + H + O ) .<br />

2 2 2 2 2 2 2<br />

Exercise:<br />

Use the tabulated enthalpies of formation in your textbook to calculate the enthalpy<br />

of combustion for phenol (C H OH).<br />

6 5<br />

C H OH + 7O ! 6CO + 3H O<br />

6 5 (s) 2(g) 2(g) 2 (l)<br />

o o o o<br />

cH (C6H5OH) = 6 fH (CO 2) + 3 fH (H2O) ! fH (C6H5OH)<br />

2. Enthalpies of physical change<br />

= 6(!393.51) + 3(!285.83) ! (!165.0) = !3054 kJ/mol.<br />

Other enthalpy changes of importance in chemistry are those that accompany transitions from<br />

one physical form to another. The transitions of particular interest are defined below.<br />

Transition Physical change Symbol for enthalpy change<br />

Fusion solid to liquid H fus<br />

Vaporization liquid to gas H vap<br />

Sublimation solid to gas H sub<br />

Hydration gaseous ions to ions H hyd<br />

in solution<br />

Solution solute to solution H sol

4-16<br />

Ionization gaseous atom to H ion<br />

gaseous positive ion<br />

Electron gain gaseous atom to H eg<br />

Gaseous negative ion<br />

Bond dissociation gaseous molecule to H dis<br />

dissociated gaseous species<br />

G. Bond Enthalpies<br />

One consequence of the fact that bond formation in many molecules is highly localized<br />

between neighboring atoms is that bond enthalpies are fairly insensitive to the other (non-neighbor)<br />

atoms of the molecule. As a result of this, average bond enthalpies that have been determined for<br />

bonds between various atoms may be used to estimate enthalpies of reactions. Average bond<br />

enthalpies for bonds of H, C, N, and O atoms with other common elements are given in Table 4-1.<br />

Table 4-1. Bond enthalpies of common elements (kJ/mol)<br />

H! C! C= C/ N! N= N/ O! O=<br />

H 436 413 391 463<br />

C 413 348 615 812 292 615 891 351 728<br />

N 391 292 615 891 161 418 946<br />

O 463 351 728 139 485<br />

F 563 441 270 185<br />

Si 295 290 369<br />

P 320<br />

S 339 259 477<br />

Cl 432 328 200 203<br />

Br 366 276<br />

I 299 240<br />

Bond enthalpies, such as those given in the above table, may be determined from enthalpies<br />

of formation. For example, to obtain the C!H bond enthalpy, One can use the following information<br />

for the CH molecule: CH ! C + 4H<br />

4 4(g) (g) (g)<br />

o<br />

H (CH<br />

f<br />

4(g)<br />

) = !7<strong>4.</strong>85 kJ/mol

orbitals<br />

orbitals<br />

4-17<br />

o<br />

H (C ) = 718.38 kJ/mol<br />

f<br />

(g)<br />

o<br />

H (H ) = 217.94 kJ/mol.<br />

f<br />

o<br />

Then H = 718.38 + 4(217.94)+ 7<strong>4.</strong>85 = 1665.0 kJ,<br />

and therefore the average C!H bond energy is 1665.0/4 = 416.0 kJ/mol.<br />

(g)<br />

As an illustration of how bond enthalpies may be used to estimate enthalpies of formation,<br />

consider the case of benzene;<br />

6C + 3H ! C H .<br />

(gr) 2(g) 6 6(g)<br />

Using the tabulated C=C, C!C, and C!H bond enthalpies, the<br />

formation of benzene from the gaseous atoms as follows:<br />

o<br />

H can be estimated for the<br />

Form 6 C!H bonds = 6 x !413 = !2478 kJ (Note: When bonds<br />

3 C!C bonds = 3 x !348 = !1044 kJ are formed, H is<br />

3 C=C bonds = 3 x !615 = !1845 kJ negative).<br />

Total bond formation = !5367 kJ.<br />

Then, to obtain the enthalpy of formation, we must add the enthalpy changes for the additional two<br />

steps;<br />

o<br />

o<br />

6C 6 6C , H = 6 H (C ) = 6 x 718.38 = 4308 kJ/mol<br />

(gr) (g) f (g)<br />

o<br />

o<br />

3H 6 6H , H = 6 H (H ) = 6 x 217.94 = 1308 kJ/mol.<br />

2(g) (g) f (g)<br />

o<br />

Therefore, fH (C6H 6(g) ) = !5367 + 4308 + 1308 = 249 kJ/mol. Actually, this turns out to be a rather<br />

poor estimate (the experimental value is 83 kJ/mol) because the double bonds in benzene are best<br />

2<br />

described in terms of sp hybridized σ<br />

and delocalized<br />

π<br />

that extend around the<br />

whole molecule. The delocalization causes the bond enthalpy to be considerably larger than that<br />

expected for single and double bonds. This reduction in the bond enthalpy is referred to as<br />

resonance stabilization.<br />

H. Temperature dependence of enthalpy<br />

It is often necessary to know reaction enthalpies at temperatures other than 298 K.<br />

Consider the cycle shown below involving the same reaction at two temperatures T and T .<br />

1 2

4-18<br />

Since H is a state function<br />

H(T ) 2<br />

aA + bB ! cC T 2<br />

H 9 H 9 8 H<br />

1 2 3<br />

aA + bB ! cC T 1<br />

H(T ) 1<br />

H(T ) = H + H + H(T ) + H .<br />

2 1 2 1 3<br />

For a reaction at constant pressure, the<br />

substance may be calculated from the relation<br />

H associated with changing the temperature of each<br />

T 2<br />

H ' n C P<br />

dT.<br />

T 1<br />

Therefore, T 1<br />

T 1<br />

T 2<br />

H(T 2) = H(T 1) + a C P<br />

(A)dT % b C P<br />

(B)dT % c C P<br />

(C)dT.<br />

T 2<br />

T 2<br />

T 1<br />

Over a restricted range of temperatures, the heat capacities may be treated as constants, in which case<br />

the above formula reduces to<br />

where<br />

H(T ) = H(T ) + C (T ! T ),<br />

2 1 P 2 1<br />

C j C P (i)<br />

P = cC P(C) ! aC P(A) ! bC P(B) = .<br />

iνi<br />

I. Work of adiabatic expansion<br />

The work associated with the expansion of a gas is given by<br />

V 2<br />

w ' !<br />

V 1<br />

P ex<br />

dV<br />

,<br />

and for the isothermal expansion of an ideal gas, we found<br />

a). w = !P V<br />

ex<br />

when P = constant<br />


). w = !nRT ln (V /V )<br />

2 1<br />

4-19<br />

when process is reversible.<br />

Also, for an ideal gas, since U = 0 when T = 0,<br />

q = !w.<br />

Now we shall explore the properties of an adiabatic expansion. For an adiabatic expansion,<br />

q = 0, and so dU = dw. Therefore,<br />

w ' dU ,<br />

which means that when a gas expands adiabatically, the work done on the surroundings is<br />

accompanied by a decrease in the internal energy of the system. Hence, the temperature of an ideal<br />

gas will decrease in an adiabatic expansion. Since U is a state function, we may obtain the work for<br />

an adiabatic expansion of n moles of an ideal gas from<br />

T 2<br />

w ' U ' n C V<br />

dT ' nC V<br />

T,<br />

T 1<br />

where the last expression assumes C is constant over the temperature range. The above equation<br />

V<br />

applies to both reversible and irreversible processes.<br />

Lets consider the important case of a reversible adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas. The<br />

initial state of the system is specified by P , V , and T , while the final state of the system is specified<br />

1 1 1<br />

by P , V , and T .<br />

2 2 2<br />

so<br />

Therefore,<br />

and<br />

a). Determine the relationship between V and T.<br />

where c = C /R. V<br />

Thus<br />

dw = !PexdV = !(nRT/V)dV = nCVdT,<br />

ln V 1<br />

V 2<br />

T 2<br />

C V<br />

dT<br />

T<br />

T 1<br />

V 2<br />

RdV<br />

' ! .<br />

V<br />

V 1<br />

C V<br />

ln T 2<br />

T 1<br />

' Rln V 1<br />

V 2<br />

' C V<br />

R ln T 2<br />

T 1<br />

' ln T 2<br />

T 1<br />

,<br />

c<br />


=<br />

><br />

=<br />

4-20<br />

.<br />

b). Determine the relationship between P and V.<br />

P 1<br />

V 1<br />

T 1<br />

' P 2 V 2<br />

T 2<br />

so<br />

Now<br />

P 1<br />

V 1<br />

' T 1<br />

' V 1<br />

2 c<br />

P 2<br />

V 2<br />

T 2<br />

V 1<br />

1% 1 c<br />

P 1<br />

V1 ' P 2<br />

V<br />

1% 1 c<br />

1 % 1 c ' 1 % R C V<br />

' C V % R<br />

2<br />

.<br />

C V<br />

Let γ<br />

C P/C V, then<br />

' C P<br />

C V<br />

.<br />

.<br />

Note that γ<br />

1 for all gases and γ<br />

5/3 for a monatomic ideal gas.<br />

' T 1<br />

Exercise: Show that ,<br />

P 2<br />

where<br />

P 1<br />

T 2<br />

c )<br />

c’ = C /R. P<br />

P 1<br />

V 1<br />

P 2<br />

V 2<br />

' T 1<br />

T 2<br />

P 1<br />

P 2<br />

T 2<br />

T 1<br />

c<br />

' T 1<br />

T 2<br />

P 1<br />

P 2<br />

' T 1<br />

T 2<br />

1%c<br />

' T 1<br />

T 2<br />

c )<br />


4-21<br />

An adiabatic expansion is shown schematically on the PVT surface in Fig. 4-4, and an<br />

adiabat (graph of P versus V for an adiabatic process) is compared with an isotherm (graph of P<br />

versus V for an isothermal process) in Fig. 4-5. It should be noted in Fig. 4-4 that the pressure<br />

decreases more in an adiabatic expansion than in an isothermal expansion between the same initial<br />

and final volumes.<br />

Figure <strong>4.</strong><strong>4.</strong> Depiction of an isothermal and an adiabatic expansion on the PVT surface (From<br />

th<br />

Physical Chemistry, 5 Edition, Peter Atkins, W. H. Freeman and Co., New York,<br />


4-22<br />

1.2<br />

1.1<br />

1.0<br />

0.9<br />

P (atm)<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

Isotherm<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

Adiabat<br />

0.2<br />

20 25 30 35 40 45 50<br />

V (L)<br />

Figure 4-5. An isotherm and an adiabat for the expansion of one mole of a monatomic ideal gas.

4-23<br />

Review Questions<br />

1. Define open, closed, and isolated thermodynamic systems.<br />

2. What is a state function? List some state functions. List some non-state functions.<br />

3. Define a reversible process.<br />

<strong>4.</strong> Calculate the work involved in each of the following:<br />

a).<br />

b).<br />

A balloon containing 1 mole of O at 298 K is suddenly ejected into outer space from the<br />

2<br />

space shuttle. (Neglect the elastic force of the balloon).<br />

A bubble in a bottle of champagne expands when the bottle is uncorked. Assume the<br />

bubble contains 0.3 mg of CO at 1.5 atm and 5 C, and that the outside pressure is 1 atm).<br />

2<br />

c). The expansion in part b is carried out reversibly.<br />

5. Draw a PV diagram for parts (b) and (c) of problem <strong>4.</strong><br />

6. A sufficient amount of heat is transferred to 25.0 g of carbon tetrachloride at its boiling<br />

temperature (76.1 C) to cause it to evaporate inside a container with a frictionless piston. The<br />

external pressure is 1 atm.<br />

a).<br />

b).<br />

c).<br />

d).<br />

Does all the heat get changed into internal energy?<br />

If your answer to (a) was no, explain where the rest goes.<br />

The heat of vaporization of CCl is 30.00 kJ/mol. Calculate the internal energy change for<br />

4<br />

this process. (Neglect the volume of the liquid).<br />

After the CCl has evaporated, the outside pressure is reduced to 0.5 atm while the<br />

4<br />

temperature is kept constant. Calculate the change in the internal energy and the change in<br />

enthalpy associated with the resulting expansion.<br />

7. Derive the relationship between C P and C V for an ideal gas.<br />

8. Estimate the high temperature value of C for water vapor.<br />

V<br />

9. How much heat must be transferred to 3 mole of Ar to raise its temperature from 25 C to 100 C<br />

(a) at constant volume, and (b) at constant pressure?<br />

10. The standard heat of combustion of 1-hexene is -4034 kJ/mol. Calculate its standard heat of<br />

formation.<br />

11. Give a physical explanation of why C P is larger than C V.

4-24<br />

12. Write reactions to define each of the following enthalpies:<br />

(a).<br />

sublimation<br />

(b). solution<br />

(c).<br />

hydration<br />

(d). ionization<br />

(e).<br />

lattice<br />

13. Use tabulated bond enthalpies to estimate the enthalpy for the reaction<br />

C H + H ! C H .<br />

2 4(g) 2(g) 2 6(g)<br />

1<strong>4.</strong> Calculate H for the freezing of 2.000 mol of supercooled liquid water at -15.00 C at a pressure<br />

of 1.00 atm, given that the standard enthalpy of fusion (T = 0 C) is 6.008 kJ/mol. Assume the<br />

heat capacities of liquid water (76.1 J/mol-K) and ice (37.15 J/mol-K) are constant.<br />

15. A 28.0 g sample of Kr at 25 atm and 300 K expands reversibly and adiabatically to a final<br />

volume of 10.0 L. Calculate the following assuming Kr is an ideal gas:<br />

(a).<br />

(b). U<br />

(c).<br />

The final temperature<br />

q<br />

(d). w<br />

(e). H .<br />

16. A 28.0 g sample of Kr at 25 atm and 300 K expands reversibly and adiabatically to a final<br />

pressure of 2.00 atm. Calculate the following assuming Kr is an ideal gas:<br />

(a).<br />

(b). U<br />

(c).<br />

The final temperature<br />

q<br />

(d). w<br />

(e). H .

Answers:<br />

4-25<br />

<strong>4.</strong> (a) w = 0, (b) w = -0.0053 J, (c) w = -0.0064 J<br />

rev<br />

6. (c) U = <strong>4.</strong>40 kJ, (d) H = 0.24 kJ<br />

8. 6R<br />

9. (a) q =2.806 kJ, (b) q = <strong>4.</strong>677 kJ<br />

o<br />

10. fH (C6H 12) = -42 kJ/mol<br />

o<br />

13. H = !123 kJ/mol<br />

o<br />

1<strong>4.</strong> fusH (258) = !10.848 kJ<br />

15. a) T = 30.8 K, (b) U = -1121 J, (c) q = 0, (d) w = -1121 J, (e) H = -1869 J<br />

2<br />

16. a) T = 109 K , (b) U = -79<strong>4.</strong>6 J, (c) q = 0, (d) w = -79<strong>4.</strong>6 J, (e) H = -1325 J<br />


4-26<br />


First law of thermodynamics:<br />

U ' q % w<br />

Differential work of expansion:<br />

Work for isothermal reversible<br />

expansion of an ideal gas:<br />

Enthalpy:<br />

Heat capacity<br />

w ' !<br />

C V<br />

' dq V<br />

dT '<br />

C P<br />

' dq P<br />

dT '<br />

dw ' !P ex<br />

dV<br />

V 2<br />

V 1<br />

P int<br />

dV ' !nRT<br />

H ' U % PV<br />

constant volume: ;<br />

Constant pressure: ;<br />

V 2<br />

MU U ' n<br />

MT V<br />

MH H ' n<br />

MT P<br />

dV<br />

V ' !nRT ln V 2<br />

V<br />

V 1<br />

1<br />

T 2<br />

T 1<br />

C V<br />

dT . nC V<br />

T<br />

T 2<br />

T 1<br />

C P<br />

dT . nC P<br />

T<br />

Relationship between C V and CP<br />

for an ideal gas:<br />

C P<br />

' C V<br />

% R<br />

Hess’s law:<br />

H o ' jiνi f H o (i)<br />

Reversible adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas:<br />

w ' n<br />

V 1<br />

V 2<br />

' T 2<br />

T 1<br />

T 2<br />

T 1<br />

C V<br />

dT ' nC V<br />

T<br />

c<br />

or<br />

T 2<br />

' V 1<br />

1 c<br />

T 1<br />

V 2

=<br />

4-27<br />

where<br />

where<br />

c = C /R. V<br />

P 1<br />

P 2<br />

' T 1<br />

T 2<br />

c )<br />

c’ = C /R<br />

,<br />

P<br />

,<br />

P 1<br />

Vγ1 ' P 2Vγ2 ' constant<br />

where γ<br />

C P/C V.

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