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WB6FMT patches cover every prefex<br />

covered by the KA6AUI patch. We are<br />

also consfderfng the opening of the<br />

Ramona area to autopatch use. ff<br />

there is interest.<br />

We wfll probably keep our present<br />

autopatches on 147.13 in operatfon<br />

unt n the new system is up and<br />

workfng properly. The new system<br />

will probably be connected as<br />

follows: 1st 146.730. 2nd 449.425.<br />

and 3rd 147.13 wfth the possfbilfty<br />

of the 220 machine next year. Past<br />

experfence indfcates we will not<br />

move as fast as we would like to<br />

move but we are looking at Palomar<br />

Mountafn additions in September.<br />

146.730 connection fn October.<br />

449.425 in November and completion<br />

of the project by the end of 1991.<br />

Everything would move much more<br />

rapidly if we had more help •••and<br />

more slowly with problems or without<br />

help. Remember. all officers.<br />

trustees. and committee heads are<br />

volunteers and don't receive lc for<br />

work done! Everything is done<br />

during our ·spare time- with surplus<br />

equipment modified to work in the<br />

Ham bands.<br />

When the basic cost of a repeater<br />

is $30 for the transmitter and<br />

receiver. and the controller fs<br />

$150. you know we are taking the<br />

cheap way out with John-WB6IQS<br />

supplying the -know-how." Many<br />

clubs spend $1,500-$3.000 for the<br />

repeater and $2,000 for an<br />

intellfgent talking controller.<br />

That doesn't take into account<br />

filters and antennas. Autopatches.<br />

radios, fdentification. ff1ters, and<br />

antennas for autopatch systems could<br />

cost $1.000-2,000 for each patch<br />

($4,000-8,000 total for four<br />

patches) but so far we are operatfng<br />

at a fraction of that cost. Durfng<br />

the testing phase of the autopatches<br />

the club has been usfng equfpment<br />

supplf ed by Er fk-KA6UAI, Jerry­<br />

WB6FMT, and items supplied by the<br />

PARC (ie., prefex filters, a<br />

telephone line, antenna, etc.) In<br />

tfmes of emergency the abi11ty to<br />

access the phone l1nes with 2-3<br />

phone connections reduces the<br />

possibility that an accident would<br />

completely sever us from all of the<br />

phone lines.<br />

Provisions are being made in the<br />

new system for the possible<br />

-dumping- of ALL unauthorized calls<br />


and ALL calls made by non-members<br />

although you could still call up the<br />

patches for a non-member, if you<br />

-wanted to -do so •. The restriction of<br />

the patches to only club members is<br />

because we feel that club members<br />

will be more aware of the problems<br />

connected with the use of<br />

autopatches by their reading of the<br />

club newsletter, the SCOPE. At<br />

present we only restrict you to<br />

specific call areas and to specific<br />

telephone numbers that are abused.<br />

The priority on the "dump· feature<br />

IS NOT HIGH on our list but it could<br />

easily be moved up hfgher if we<br />

detect problems in the future.<br />

Patents<br />

Trademarks<br />

Copyrights<br />

"Mac" - W9WV<br />


Registered u.s. Patent Attorney <br />

Fallbrook 723..06.20 <br />

We are gett1ng a lot of -new<br />

hams" who are not familiar with<br />

amateur radio and this could<br />

possibly open us up to problems in<br />

the future on our repeaters and<br />

autopatches. We could issue each<br />

member his own personal access code<br />

but we would like to stay away from<br />

too many restrictions. Club members<br />

need to continue using the patches<br />

inte1l1gently within FCC ANO CLUB<br />

guidelines ••note the use of ·CLUB"<br />

guidelines. We not only want to be<br />

"LEGAL" but we want to be<br />

Conservative, Pol1te, and Qufck<br />

(CPQ).<br />

- BK ­<br />

"""""""""""""""""" <br />

> FORSAIL <<br />

If you have an item for sale.<br />

bring it to the SALE TABLE at the<br />

club meetings. tagged with name.<br />

call and minimum price. if any. The<br />

Club takes 10'1 and you go home with<br />

$$. PARC takes NO 1 on the ads<br />

below and they ARE FREE TO CLUB<br />

MEMBERS. The month of first being<br />

run is indicated by date at the<br />

beginning of the ad. PLEASE tell us<br />

when the 1tem(s) are sold.<br />

Oeadl1ne FORSAIL items is the<br />

15th of the month addressed to the<br />

temporary editor at his home<br />

address: 30311 Circle R Ln. V.C •• CA<br />

92082-9423 or call 749-0276. Late<br />

items will appear the following<br />

month.<br />


member is app01nted by the PARC<br />

execut1ve committee to handle each<br />

individual station with initial<br />

contact by Eleanore-N6QJE and<br />

pricing of equipment being done by a<br />

PARC committee headed by Dennis­<br />

N6KI. Announcements of Silent Keys<br />

in the SCOPE is done only after PARC<br />

contact with the family.<br />

MEMBERS FREE ADS are for the sale<br />

of their own used personal<br />

equipment. or for the sale of<br />

approved PARC Silent Key Estates<br />

(which must be so designated in the<br />

ad.) Sale of new items or other<br />

items incidental to a commercial<br />

operatfon should be done through the<br />

purchase of a PARC paid ad with the<br />

exception of items offered by PARCo<br />

SWAPMEETS: Oenn1s-N6KI (price$);<br />

John-WB6IQS (VHF. UHF, Hard1fne);<br />

Kerry-N6IZW (Microwave & test<br />

equipment); Paul-KB5MU (Pkt.<br />

Computers); and Bi1l-KB6MCU (ATV).<br />

- BK ­<br />

(6-23)Kenwood<br />

TM-TS-700(SP) service<br />

COPE-JUL '91 EXEC MTG THUR. July 12th, 193DHr. W9FQN('3). Valley Center Pg. 6

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