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should get some practice in using<br />

these programs before FD. W9FQN's<br />

dog. Chula. should be call Chew1a<br />

Coax since she cut one of our coax<br />

runs into two sections.<br />

A special thanks to: the San<br />

Diego DX Club for providing expert<br />

CW operators and logistical support.<br />

Almost 400 CW LQSOs over last years<br />

total were achieved due to 24 hour<br />

operation and superb antenna<br />

systems. All this with mediocre<br />

band conditions.<br />

N6URW. WA6DOC. KZ6X. K6JYO. and<br />

N6WQW for providing RV's and<br />

Trailers for operating positions and<br />

bunks for tired operators.<br />

Especially N6WQW's RV which saved<br />

the day for the Novice/Tech station<br />

when their reserved RV failed to<br />

appear.<br />

N6URW and WA6DOC for KP duty<br />

whipping up two dinners and one<br />

breakfast meal for the tired troops<br />

and KF6BL's leftover MREs from the<br />

Gulf War. WB6R. N6WLX. KC6UQH.<br />

N6SHW. KC6VEC, N6YMD. KZ6X and KF6BL<br />

for building, testing and<br />

refurbishing antennas.<br />

And thanks to everyone who showed<br />

up to make this FD the best<br />

performance ever performed by PARCo<br />

Jo-KB6NMK would like to thank the<br />

Novice-Tech station helpers: logers,<br />

operators, antenna helpers, and<br />

anyone who loaned equipment and<br />

helped 1n many ways. WD6FWE, N6KI.<br />


KC60EI, N6QJE. N6QVW. KC6QXU. N6RMM.<br />

N6SHW. N6UCJ now N7QGH. N6UWW.<br />

N6UZH. WQ6V-antenna trailer. KC6VEC.<br />


N6URW-signs. WB6R-beam work, WB6HMYgenerator,<br />

and expecially a big<br />

thank you to N6YMD who adjusted the<br />

antennas all day and operated CW all<br />

night.<br />

20SSB - N6KI, WF6L. N6WDN. WQ6V.<br />

N6JQK. N6RUV. N6ZUC. (KC60EI). &<br />

(KC6VEC) •<br />

15/40SSB - KZ6X. KF6BL. N6QDB,<br />

(N6UWW). &Virginia (no call).<br />

10/75SSB &2mFM - N6WLX. N6SMW.<br />


(KC6VEC).<br />

calls) •<br />

&Judy and Elizabeth (no<br />

10/20/80CW-N6ND. NODSH. KASQ.<br />

NI6W. & WB6R.<br />

15/40CW-W6YA. K6JYO. K6XT. WR6J.<br />

N6CW. & AA6TR.<br />

Satellite-KBSMU. N6NKF. &WB9RKN.<br />

Packet-WB6KYG<br />

PHOTOGRAPHS(that we are aware<br />

of)- Tony-KA6TNI (also slides) &<br />

Mac-WB6GXR.<br />


N6QYW. KF6RX. KI6JM. N6EBB. N6WQW &<br />


KA6FPS. KC6BJM. N6RMM. & Ralph<br />

Powell (no call).<br />

The 20/40 SSB station really took<br />

a beating this year because of the<br />

sun spots and having to shift<br />

between 20/40 when there was<br />

interference with the 20/40 CW<br />

station which had priority. Despite<br />

their restrictions. they managed to<br />

turn in 823 contacts for both bands<br />

while the CW 20/40 turned in 814<br />

contacts but their score was<br />

multiplied by 2 equaling 1628 phone<br />

contacts. It really takes a team<br />

effort to score high during Field<br />

Day ••and we really had a lot of<br />

team players this year.<br />

Here is some data for the PARC<br />

Field Day. We did our best and we<br />

hope it is good enough for the 'I<br />

spot in SA for the USA. We placed<br />

second last year.<br />

Band CW Ph Sate11ite­<br />

80 151 249 4 CW &117 phone<br />

40 608 522<br />

20 814 1060 Novice/Tech<br />

IS 206 301 79 CW on 40m<br />

10 0 164 61 phone VHF/UHF<br />

2 43 43 and 10m<br />

------- . ---- ---­<br />

--<br />

Total CW Phone Total <br />

Yr "Q'SO QSO- QSO Score <br />

85 1911 298 1613 4.418 <br />

86 2097 338 1759 4,870 <br />

87 2423 354 2069 5.554 <br />

88 2302 599 1703 5.802 <br />

89 2901 936 1965 7.674 <br />

90 4171 1545 2626 11,532 <br />

91 ~6327 1905 2517 13.654 <br />

~3 .3x 6.4x 1.6x 3.1x<br />

For those of you who 11ke<br />

numbers. there they are.<br />

~,,~ - BK ­<br />

'" WORKPARTY(6-1S) Orlando and<br />

neighbor repa1red a 40' crankup<br />

tower given to the club some time<br />

ago which had three ·ice-bursts·<br />

making the holes look like someone<br />

had set off a stick of dynamite<br />

inside the pipe. They really did a<br />

great job of welding and the tower<br />

is almost like new •• now, if it only<br />

had a coat of paint.<br />

WO RK PARTY (6-??) Dennis-N6KI and<br />

father Orlando. N6QVW. worked on<br />

several tower mounts.<br />

WORKPARTIES(6-??) Carl and crew<br />

seemed to be out in the -back 40·<br />

testing 75m antennas every time<br />

W9FQN and family (KA6FPS. N6QDB, &<br />

N6YZZ) turned around.<br />

My apologies to anyone left out ­<br />

please let me know so that I might<br />

update my list for credit due to a<br />

Pizza Bash invitation •• de N6KI.<br />

"""""""""""""""""" <br />

> NET S <<br />

PARC is st111 open to having a<br />

SPANISH net on one of the repeaters.<br />

The 146.730 is open on Friday and<br />

Saturdays at 2100Hrs (9pm) and the<br />

147.130 is open every evening at<br />

2100Hrs.<br />

Hark-AA6TR has suggested that<br />

since there are so many new young<br />

hams that they might want to have a<br />

SCHOOL net some evening. If there<br />

is any interest. please let us know<br />

about it.<br />

- BK ­<br />

146.73 WEE K LYE V E N T S<br />

1 M->S 2000 S.D.Co Traffic Net<br />

(except 1st Wed club meeting)<br />

MON 2100 Microwave Net<br />

TUE 2100 S. D. Pkt. VOice Net<br />

WED 2100 Code Practice Net<br />

THU 2100 Ham Help Net<br />

SUN 0830 PARC Emergency Service<br />

SUN 1000 Sail boaters check-in<br />

SUN 2100 ARE S Planning Net<br />

MON 1930 RACES Net on 147.19S<br />

DIS C L A I MER S<br />


are NOT a function of the V1sta<br />

Unified School Dist. & are NOT<br />

sanctioned by the school D1st. Board<br />

of Trustees. Seel<br />


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