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AUG'91 <br />

The San Diego County Amateur<br />

Radio Council (SANDARC) of which we<br />

are a member has been having its<br />

troubles the past year or so. It<br />

first started with the losing of<br />

money on the ARRL San Diego<br />

Convention due to fewer hams show1ng<br />

up than expected. Then the capital<br />

money invested some time ago<br />

apparently was not spread around and<br />

a $42.600 investment turned into a<br />

$7.600 loss when the money was<br />

withdrawn before the firm went<br />

Rbe11y·up,· On 10·25-90 SANDARC's<br />

balance Capital was $48.549.50 and<br />

on 6·27-91 was $31,002.29. A<br />

special committee has been appointed<br />

to look into these problems.<br />

SANDARC's const1tution limits the<br />

council to only spending the<br />

interest on its capital so reduced<br />

capital and interest will limit<br />

SANDARC's spending ability.<br />

Inaustrial <br />

Comrnen:ial <br />

R.esUkntial<br />

Lie. # 556187<br />

(619) 749-2699<br />

Joseph Conto9enis<br />

P.O. Box 1560<br />

VaCCey Center<br />

CA 92082<br />

NU6L <br />

##11111#111#1111111111#11111111111#1<br />


de Art Smith, W6INI<br />


How did the Amateur Radio<br />

Emergency Service (ARES) become<br />

1976. a program was presented by the<br />

San Diego Ranger Unit Fire<br />

Prevention Chief, Doug Allen. This<br />

was CDF's introduction to Amateur<br />

Radio and vice versa. Chief Allen<br />

pOinted out the need for volunteers<br />

with reliable radio communications<br />

to patrol critical areas during Red<br />

Flag Alerts.<br />

The Red Flag Patrol is a fire<br />

prevention program which is<br />

implemented when weather conditions<br />

present an EXTREME FIRE HAZARD in<br />

the wildland areas usually<br />

occur1ng during Santa Anas when hot<br />

weather, low humid i ty , high<br />

northeasterly winds. and low fuel<br />

moisture exist. Patrol objectives<br />

are to: (1) identify and report<br />

situations that may cause fires.<br />

(2) serve as a deterrent to<br />

arsonists. (3)report fires in their<br />

incipient stages. and (4) after<br />

reporting. extinguish very small<br />

fires. The occurrence of fires.<br />

whether major or minor, do not<br />

necessarily signify the need for Red<br />

Flag Patrols. It is determined by<br />

severe weather conditions. Patrol<br />

routes are in the Ramona, Lakeside,<br />

Harbison Cyn. Alpine, Fallbrook.<br />

Escondido and Valley Center areas.<br />

Aweek after the June meeting.<br />

the first call came to assist CDF<br />

with special Red Flag Patrols fn the<br />

Santee/Lakeside area after a series<br />

of arson fires had plagued the area<br />

for several days. For four days,<br />

with temperatures over 100 degrees,<br />

operators covered the area by ground<br />

and air. Ffres contfnued fntermit·<br />

tent1y thoughout the perfod. but on<br />

the fourth day. Bob Frye. W6JWU.<br />

spotted the arsonist. CDF fire<br />

prevention officers immediately<br />

surrounded the area and arrested the<br />

culprit.<br />

Since then eight to ten patrol<br />

routes have been covered regularly<br />

during each ffre season.<br />

If you like action. this program<br />

is for you. Volunteers must be over<br />

Flag Patrol. they become volunteer<br />

employees of the State of California<br />

w1th workers' compensation protection.<br />

Patrol vehicles must have two<br />

persons - driver and observer. Only<br />

one needs to be a 1icenssed Amateur<br />

Radio operator (Tech or higher) with<br />

2-meter or 220MHz 25w mobile in<br />

vehicle (no HTsl). The second<br />

person may be unlicensed or hold a<br />

Novice Class license. Here's a<br />

chance to get your spouse or a<br />

friend involved with you. Classroom<br />

and/or on-the-job training is<br />

provided.<br />

In the past. the headquarters<br />

stations (at Monte Vista) required<br />

the assigned operators to bring<br />

their own equfpment. Recently the<br />

Amateur Radio Club of E1 Cajon<br />

provided a 2-meter radio and SANDRA<br />

a 220 radio which could rema1n at<br />

the headquarters facilitating<br />

operation.<br />

The coming fire season is<br />

expected to be severe and it takes a<br />

good many operators to sustain<br />

operations over several days.<br />

There's room for you! contact me at<br />

273-1120 or on 146.265(-) at 1900<br />

Sundays to sign up.<br />

11111111111111#111#11111111#11111111<br />

> FIE L D DAY 199 1 <<br />

de Dennis - N 6 K I<br />





TO THE ARRL. We will also have some<br />

more pictures of Field Day for you<br />

to look at.<br />

Below are some of the stats on FD<br />

91. If we would have had<br />

propagation on 10m we most likely<br />

would have achieved our goal of<br />

5,000 QSOs. Of course. all of our<br />

competitors were at the same<br />

disadvantage. We can only hope that<br />

Murphy took a bigger bite of our<br />

nemesis K4BFT who nosed us out of<br />

involved with the California 18 years of age and will be 1st place in 1990. Because of<br />

Department of Forestry's Red Flag registered in the Volunteers in problems with the N6NAB dup program<br />

Patrol? Prevention (VIP) program. When it might be wise to switch to the<br />

At a SANDRA meetfng in June, assigned by a CDF official to Red K1EA program. Club contesters<br />

,<br />

SCOPE-AUG '91<br />

EXEC MTG THUR, August 15th, 19300r, Jac'-kI'JM', QTf\e\(l oa'i · Pg. 8

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