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Jlln 41<br />

KC6SCE. <br />

CA 92044 10 days B4 the test date. SAREX (Shuttle Amateur Radio<br />

OTHERS: Harry Austin-el 2. Dawn Bring ORIGINALS of licenses & Experiment). helped by ARRl. tr1ed<br />

certificates. Questions: call amateur te11v1sion and packet<br />

SANDARC 465-EXAM.<br />

contacts but had trouble with<br />

The advent of the no code up1inking although several SSTV<br />

technician class, as well as greater downlinks were successful. SAREX<br />

numbers of other candidates, has encourages and helps astronauts<br />

prompted SANDARC to suggest that we obtain their amateur radio licenses.<br />

recruit Advanced and Extra Class<br />

- BK ­<br />

Volunteer Exam1 neers. If you cou1 d Bob F1nd1ay-V6NZX. formerly on<br />

donate two to four Saturday mornings retainer by the club for working on<br />

per year to help test at the San our repeaters. called me long<br />

Marcos test site, please contact me distance from Salt Lake City asking<br />

KB6NMK at the numbers below.<br />

for Ralph ind Pat's address in SLC.<br />

)0 ASHLEY<br />

The requirements are only that Can't understand why he can't find<br />

REALTOR­<br />

you hold one of the above class Ralph. Everyone knows Ralph! ••and<br />

Office: 489-1891 licenses. don't have a conflict of Pat is the one in the wheelchair<br />

Home: 741-2560 interest such as working for a Ham ••at least she was the last time we<br />

equipment manufacturer. and have heard from them. Ralph. executive<br />

Call me to buy or sell never had your license revoked. meetings are not the same without<br />

real estate in the There has also been some interest you and I need to get rid of being<br />

north S.D. county recently in forming a test group to assistant editor before my Radio<br />

inland area. test on Tuesday or Wednesday nights. Shack Mod IV's all give up •••de<br />

probably in Poway. This may be a W9FQN<br />

1$t monthly or bi-monthly test session.<br />

- BK ­<br />

If you would like to partiCipate in Sorry to hear that Mark<br />

ERA"' HOMES,II this seSSion, let me know.<br />

Sa1zarulo-WA600C and Bill Whipple<br />

LANO-&-INCOME ~ ~<br />

_ ,~ ':4 de A A 6 0 M. Rusty Masse are not feeling very well. Also<br />

260A W CREST ST.<br />

747-5872. 1249 Nordahl Rd. Esc92026 understand that Phi1-KC60EI was in<br />

ESCONDIDO. CA 92025 2U<br />

the hospital. We wish them all a<br />

speedy recovery.<br />

MAY 11th<br />

11111111111111111"11111111111111111<br />

- BK ­<br />

NOVICE->TECH: Chrtstopher Allen. G ENE R A L NEW S<br />

Received a nice letter from<br />

Sherry Hiltz. James K1rkes. &Mary<br />

Battalion Chief West. City Disaster<br />

Shette1-Neuber.<br />

POTTER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Phil Preparedness Officer for the City of<br />

TECH->GENERAL: Janet Hafner. Leone111-WF6L·s JR High ARC in Carlsbad thanking club members for<br />

Robert Jones. &William Steinwedell. Fallbrook made contact with their participation in the Carlsbad<br />

GENERAL->ADVANCED: Jeffrey astronaut Ken Cameron-KB5AWP aboard Unified School District Drill last<br />

Withers.<br />

the space ship Atlantis. Ken month. He thought the connotation<br />

OTHER: John Jacobs-el lB. reported seeing good amateur TV from of -AMATEUR- radio was misleading ­<br />

VE TEAM: LLoyd Hunt-W6TFB. David Los Angeles and also made contact he thought we were - •• highly<br />

Dutcher-AA6KY. Duane Steadman-WB6R. with Phil's amateur radio class competent. skilled and dedicated<br />

Bob Chantr111-KE6V~. Jack Newlove­ through Art's VA6IPD/R repeater PROFESSIONALS.­<br />

AA6UQ. Bob Rice-KS6S. Jack Hanthorn­ (146.175) in Fall brook for over 15<br />

- BK ­<br />

KI6JM. &Rusty Mass1e-AA6OM. minutes. Phil's class asked Ken Our family (W9FQN-KA6FPS-N6QDB­<br />

Other SANDARC-VEC exams: 1st about space walking and the tools he N6YZZ) will again have a foreign<br />

Sat.E1 Cajon. 3rd Normal Heights. was using during his space walk. student from Spain staying with us<br />

4th Chula Vista. & last Escondido Phil indicates that the NO CODE starting May 28th. She will be from<br />

ARS.<br />

license really does not affect many Basque country like the boy we had<br />

Applicants must send a SASE of his students since most of them last year. We try to give them as<br />

(Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope). a are interested tn operating SSB on many expertences as possible during<br />

completed. signed FCC Form 610 (NO 10m and need the code for their their stay here in the USA and if<br />

PHOTO-COPIES) and copies of license. WA6IPD/R was the first any of you have any suggestions or<br />

1icense(s) and certtficate(s) of repeater on the West Coast to be have something planned that she<br />

successful comp1etton. if any. to used for space communicattons with possibly might be tnterested tn.<br />

SANDARC-VEC. PO Box 2446. La Mesa. the first contact on Apr11 6. 1991. please let us know about it and we<br />


Pg. 1<br />

~~Dore-e1 2. James Pratt Jr-el 3B.<br />

VE TEAM: Sam Burdette-W6YYV. Paul<br />

Wil1iamson-KB6MU. Mark Moskowitz­<br />

AA6TR. Bob Chantri1l-KE6VX. Bob<br />

Rice-KS6S, David Dutcher-AA6KY, Jack<br />

Hanthorn-KI6JM. & Rusty Massie­<br />

AA6OM.<br />

---m<br />

.". ....iOi"

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