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to us by Larry-WQ6V and to see if it<br />

can be used for the 450 packet port<br />

to our 145.05 digipeater. The unit<br />

will then be turned over to Paul­<br />

KB5MU for adding it as a port to<br />

145.05. We still have room to add a<br />

10m port if someone is interested in<br />

helping with that project.<br />

In John's SPARE TIME. he is<br />

working on another Motorola repeater<br />

which will be used to replace the<br />

present 146.730 repeater. The old<br />

146.730 repeater can then be used as<br />

a backup to 146.730, a new<br />

frequency. or packet operation.<br />

John really could use some help with<br />

these projects so let us know if<br />

there is anything that you could<br />

help us with in the near future.<br />

- BK ­<br />

Please remember that we do not<br />

discuss certain things on PARC<br />

repeaters: l)repeater location.<br />

2)repeater systems and operation.<br />

3)access codes. and 4)controversial<br />

subjects that might be offensive to<br />

others inviting them to jam or<br />

create other types of interference<br />

to our systems.<br />

- BK ­<br />

The Federal Communications<br />

Commission (FCC) forbids your using<br />

amateur radio to conduct business.<br />

You cannot use Ham frequencies to<br />

run your business. order parts. tell<br />

employees where to go. tell them<br />

where to stop for pick ups. etc.<br />

You cannot ask someone to contact a<br />

place of business to pick up a pump<br />

for your job site. You cannot use<br />

the repeaters (autopatches) to order<br />

pizza. ask a bookstore if they have<br />

a magazine. ask a plummer to come to<br />

your house. ask a ham to stop by a<br />

commercial establishment to buy<br />

something for you or your business.<br />

Also. if you are trying to avoid a<br />

toll call by calling your spouse<br />

from the office or from the office<br />

parking lot by amateur radio, you<br />

are in trouble •••and PARC too for<br />

providing you with the opportunity<br />

to sin.<br />

You can probably call your spouse<br />

about whether you are to stop for<br />

groceries (a "few" since that<br />

implies a ·spur of the moment" state<br />

of mind) but don't do it from the<br />

parking lot of the store picking up<br />

a list a mile long. You can use the<br />

autopatch to report telephone or<br />

power outages. You can probably ask<br />

a ham to stop by HRO for something<br />

that you need since it is obvious<br />

that it is connected with amateur<br />

radio and probably the operation of<br />

your station. You probably can get<br />

away with asking someone to stop in<br />

someplace to find out the cost of<br />

coax for your station •••but not for<br />

a commercial station. You can<br />

indicate that you have a rig for<br />

sale with the approximate price but<br />

you had probably better tell them to<br />

give you a "land line" to discuss<br />

the exact price. There are swapnets<br />

that mention specific prices but<br />

they are certainly operating in a<br />

GRAY area of FCC rules and<br />

regulations.<br />

The club's viewpoint is that if<br />

you are in doubt about what to do.<br />

don't do it! Until the FCC spells<br />

out what is legal (and they won't).<br />

we have to use good judgement in<br />

what we do or they will fine us and<br />

pass very restrictive rules. Some<br />

present amateur fines have been for<br />

$2.000 and these were not<br />

interference fines.<br />

Over the past four months we have<br />

been told that several amateurs have<br />

been using improper language on the<br />

147.13 repeater after 2am. If you<br />

hear any of this, please copy down<br />

call letters (if any) and notify a<br />

club officer immediately (later in<br />

the morning?). The repeaters can be<br />

put on ·standby· during the early<br />

morning hours with a speCial code<br />

required to ~wake· them up if this<br />

continues.<br />

- BK ­<br />

10 METER KA6UAI LINK. Greg­<br />

WB9MII uses the 10m link probably<br />

about the nicest of anyone. He<br />

comes on the repeater. announces<br />

access like he was using an<br />

autopatch. calls CQ 10m de WB9MII<br />

remote. listens S seconds. and calls<br />

CQ again. If he gets no response,<br />

he shuts down the link and leaves.<br />

Some users bring the link uP. call<br />

CQ. and listen for 10 minutes which<br />

causes all sorts of problems.<br />

Sometimes while they are listening<br />

another conversation starts up on<br />

the repeater •••which of course is<br />

now going out on 10m. Please do not<br />

listen on 10m for more than a few<br />

seconds. If there is activity on<br />

29.6. you will hear it almost<br />

immediately. Call several short 10m<br />

CQ's with little space between your<br />

calls. If you are interferring with<br />

anyone on 29.6. I'm sure they will<br />

let you know right away.<br />

The club should should have a<br />

beeper on the repeater when the<br />

repeater is in the 10m mode so that<br />

others could recognize that the<br />

"blank space with beeper" was<br />

someone listening to the 10m link.<br />

The easy thing would be to remove<br />

the squelch from the 10m receiver so<br />

that you could hear the "hiss" of<br />

the ·open" 10m receiver but this<br />

might be somewhat obnoxious. We<br />

will work on the problem.<br />

The 10m link is only for Generals<br />

and above unless you can get a<br />

general class licensee to bring up<br />

the link and shut it down for you.<br />

- BK ­<br />

WORKPARTY (06-01/02-91): Erik­<br />

KA6AUI and crew took the 147.13<br />

repeater off the mountain for<br />

deviation adjustments and<br />

installation of a Motorola part<br />

"that never was soldered in" but<br />

appeared in the schematic. There is<br />

still a problem with its deviation<br />

which will require another trip to<br />

the mountain. TASHA specifies that<br />

repeater deviation must be kept at a<br />

3.Skc maximum while industry<br />

standards are below Skc (4.5kc is<br />

usual).<br />

- BK ­<br />

WORK PARTY (06-16-91): John­<br />

WB6IQS, Mike-KC6KCQ, and Ron Mieley<br />

(waiting for call) trenched two new<br />

1.S" AC lines (Iax3 220) and 12VOC<br />

lines (112x2 4pr) between the bunker<br />

and the battery shed. They also<br />

pulled in an a-conductor control<br />

cable. We hope to connect<br />

everything up next trip. Afterwards<br />

SCOPE-JUL'91 EXEC MTS THUR, July 12th, 1930Hr, W9FQN(I3}, Valley Center Pg. 4

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