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SEP'UI<br />

~fDPI!<br />

PalIIIIIiJI' llmateur Radio Club Inc.<br />

POST OFFICE BOX 1803, VISTA, CALIFORNIA 92085-1603<br />

WONW3/R -) IQO,730- & qqU,Q25­ lQ5.050(Pktl[NET/ROM NOOEJ WONWI3-1,-PALMAR"<br />

KAOUAI/R IQ7.130+[Patchea-2J WAOIPD/R lQO.175+[Patchl 220 Club SO WOOHFR/R 224,900­<br />

VOL X X V I. NO. 9 SEPTEMBER 1991 55 YEARS <br />

StlptRnbIUt 4th ~(1J.d: CWd) .i6 aX Wr!Dtn MidJ:.I& ~ol Ca.6d£Jria.m V.i6ta.<br />

1-5 O'l 1-15 t1J Rd..78,<br />

~ Avd.9m6d) iCarIf', noJrth on C6c..Ave., a6Wt 2m.fid1:t bduR.en ~ am. E.V.i6ta. W:uJ. Talk.m .730.<br />

==========================================================:=::=:=====::=:::=:=:=:==:=::==:===::::::::===::=:======<br />

San Diego County. The Our next club meeting will be<br />

HAM CAL END A R communications room (180) used for September 4th at 7:30pm in the<br />

Sep 4 Wed - PARC CLub Meeting ARES and RACES was available for our Lincoln Middle School Cafeteria on<br />

Sep 7 Sat - 3rdARRL Awarness Day inspection after the meeting. Escondido Avenue in Vista. The<br />

Sep 12 Thu - PARC Executive Htg. program will be by Chip-KC600E.<br />

Sep 14 Sat - NO PARC VE Test***** Attending were a record number of chief op at MARS station, with a<br />

Sep 20 Fri - SCOPE info deadline 88 members and 20 guests (total 108) working demonstration of AMTOR which<br />

(Send calendar items to W9FQN)<br />

CON TEN T S<br />

Executive Meeting, del pres • 2<br />

1990-91 PARC Club Roster 3.4,5,&6<br />

Exec Mtg, President. SK • , 7<br />

Thanks, Ads • , • , 8<br />

Autopatches • • • • •• • • 9<br />

Ads, For Sa 1e • • , , •• ..10<br />

Ad. Wanted, Membership .11<br />

Cameo-N6AT. VEt Gen News ••12<br />

N6GNB, Nets, Weekly events .13<br />

Corrections, W6ING Rpt, Tech .14<br />

Experts, Potpourri. Ad .15<br />

LAS T C L U B M E E TIN G<br />

The August 7th program consisted<br />

of Scottie-KH6TL and Nelson Petrey<br />

talking about EVAC (Emergency<br />

Volunteer Air Control) and showed a<br />

VCR tape on the subject. Stan<br />

talked about the autopatches and<br />

Jerry-WB6FMT. the club's autopatch<br />

gru, displayed the new autopatch<br />

link unit along with the first of<br />

three remote links to telephones in<br />

who enjoyed the coffee and goodies,<br />

We were very impressed with the<br />

youth group that attended:<br />

Scott Earl • KC6WRK San Diego<br />

Jeanine Earl ,KC6WRI San Diego<br />

Nicole Steinwedell KC6YZP Vista<br />

Jennifer Thieme • pending Vista<br />

David Pressman • KC6VMR Del Mar<br />

ChriS Allen ,KC6QOJ Encinitas<br />

Elizabeth Childers wrking PalomarMt<br />

Their ages varied from Scott (7)<br />

to the OM David (13), All the calls<br />

are Techs so if you have any<br />

children be sure to "encourage" them<br />

to join the group ",woops. Chr1s­<br />

KC6QOJ just passed his General ,.and<br />

now his Advanced!!!<br />

Jack-KI6JM supervised the coffee<br />

in the absence of Art-KB6YHZ who has<br />

had other obligations on Wednesdays<br />

these past few months, THE GOODIE<br />



N EXT C L U B M E E TIN 6<br />

many amateurs believe is still<br />

better than packet for HF contacts<br />

although he will make comments on<br />

RTTY and Packet operation. Chip<br />

will have on display: JF mobile rig,<br />

VHF 2m HT, Terminal Node Controller<br />

(TNC). 1aptop computer, JF tuner,<br />

portable antenna, and 12VDC power<br />

supplies (no AC).<br />

WAN T to B E a HAM?<br />

(or Dial-a-Ham)<br />

If you or a friend are interested<br />

in becoming an amateur radio operator<br />

and in joining the Club, please<br />

contact one of the following ELMERS<br />

for more information or use the<br />

application form on the back of this<br />

issue:<br />

VALLEY CENTER. Stan Rohrer • W9FQN<br />

(PreSident, Editor(temp) 749-0276)<br />

VISTA. Jack Hanthorn • . KI6JM<br />

(Vice-PreSident, 598-0420)<br />

BONSALL •• Nash Williams •. W6HCD<br />

(Secretary, 728-3574)<br />

CARL$BAD • Benton Caldwell • KK6LX<br />

SCOPE-SEP'91<br />

CLUB MTG WED, September 4, 1930Hr. CARLSBAD SAFETY CTR<br />

Pg. 1

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