2000 - Palomar Amateur Radio Club

2000 - Palomar Amateur Radio Club

2000 - Palomar Amateur Radio Club


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P.A.R.C. Ine<br />

(<strong>2000</strong> Board)<br />

Pres: Allen Maslowski N2DCA 8S8.64l.2400xJ229<br />

N2DCA@amsaLorg<br />

.~ VP: Charlie Ristorcelli NN3V 858.6763307<br />

NN3V@ARRL.oct<br />

See: David Patterson WB6DAV 760.727-5560<br />

WB6DAV@jIlllO.com<br />

Treas: JoAshley KB6NMK 760.741.2560<br />

KB6NMK@amsat,org<br />

Dir#l: Ted Wilcox KF6BFI 619.295.1202<br />

KF6BFI@amsalorg<br />

Dir#2: Marsh Parker W A6SAX 760.751.8930<br />

W6SAX@amsal1lQ!<br />

SCOPE: Stan Rohrer W9FQN 760.749.0276<br />

W9FQN@1I1lO.com<br />

Teehnieal: Mike Doyle AB6QT 760.742.1573<br />

AB6QI'@amsal1lQ!<br />

MSh: Al Donlevy W6GNI 760.630.3096<br />

aldoole..y@JlIlO.com<br />

Board Mtg. 7:00 pm Wednesday of week<br />

following the <strong>Club</strong> meeting as announced.<br />

Treasurer $$,$$$<br />

JoAshley <br />

KB6NMK @aImat"'l! <br />

See me at<br />

club mtgs for<br />

"hard copies"<br />

of fmancial<br />

statement( s).<br />

Past <br />

months <br />

"projectsl <br />

•available": !<br />

<br />

02.31.96 57,884 6.30.99 $8,700<br />

02.31.97 54,880 7.3 1.99 $8,888<br />

02.28.98 $8,414 10.31.99 510,191<br />

2.28.99 510,118 11.30.99 59,038<br />

4.30.99 $8.540 1.31.00 510,212<br />

Routjne: Scope printing -$3OOImo; ~ posIa!je -$1OImo;<br />

eIectridIy -1501mo; phone -$5O/mo -$570/810. (lnsumoce<br />

eacb Nov. -$I,IOOlyear)<br />

Under .....W!tjoo: 6m ~ spn -$200; 449.42 Iepeller<br />

spare -$200; spare 8IlIe/ID8S -$700; etc ~ --51,100.<br />

Approved eIl!!!!_ not SIleII: $)00 tent tmiIer; = --5100<br />

Last mOlld!'. Seope Hdpen:<br />

'I1I.uIIs to An lIIId AIlIt. for die foldiea ........d die<br />

rer....._u.. Really Ift'It eookies.<br />

KB6YHZ Art & KB6Y11Y Anita<br />

W6GNl AI<br />

W6YOOHany<br />

N6lJZH Terri &. MY2K1D TyJerlMatt<br />

KG6AEWBilI KB6NMJC 10<br />

""FQN Sian<br />

LocabonIdue 3.31J18 6.38JI8<br />

C04114-01t19,98 2,271,99 2,3(lJ80<br />

CD5#2-JOJJ9.98 2,428.50 2,462.85<br />

CDI#J-.05,24.98 2,37253 2,415.84<br />

CD4#1~,13,99 2,896.66 2$37,62<br />

Checking 5,115,31 3,515.38<br />

Post Oflic:e 99.25<br />

101.38<br />

CaSh«:D's 15,184,24 13,13(i87<br />

Pre­ 5,152,00 4,576.00<br />

pmjeclsl IG,03l.24 9,160.87<br />

Discussion continued on how to increase<br />

membership.<br />

Mike's technical report stated that<br />

the preamp for 147.130 was powered by<br />

the same source as 146.075. For this<br />

reason, wben 147.075 was left unplugged,<br />

the receiver was down on<br />

147.130. When the power supply was<br />

plugged in, the repeator was working<br />

fine. Mike suggested that repeaters be<br />

turned off using the control codes to<br />

avoid this kind ofproblem in the future.<br />

Mike received two official observer<br />

notifications as a result offield day. One<br />

claimed that the 20 meter pbone station<br />

had an excessively wide signal. The<br />

other was that the 40 meter phone station<br />

was operating out of band on<br />

7.1506 mhz, lower sb.<br />

Mike has not yet ordered the 70cm<br />

brick: as approved at the last meeting.<br />

Marsh has not gotten the paperwork<br />

from Lake Dixon yet. The dates of the<br />

picnic are of concern due to conflict<br />

with the Olympics? Mike offered to<br />

assist with preparations for the picnic.<br />

Ted reported that the auction is progressing<br />

well. Jo will send Ted an email<br />

with Marvins phone # and email address.<br />

Next Ix>ard meeting to be at AI's<br />

(W6GNJ) bouse.<br />

Goodies were by Barbara, KA6FPS.<br />

Meeting adjourned at 2055 Hrs.<br />

Ted Wilcox, CAPT USNR, Deputy<br />

Knowledge Officer, (858) 537"()529<br />

President's Message<br />

Allen Maslowski N2DCA@amsat.org<br />

I have never commented on the<br />

new licensing restructuring that happened<br />

in the beginning ofthis year. I<br />

believe that the new structure of the<br />

licenses are in order with the rest of<br />

the <strong>Amateur</strong> community throughout<br />

the world. A lot of the U.S. amateur<br />

community feels that the reduction of<br />

the code requirement has hurt the<br />

hobby. In my opinion, one's skill in<br />

their technical ability should not be<br />

judged by the speed of the Morse<br />

code they can send. I am a died in the<br />

wool CW operator for the last three<br />

years exclusively.<br />

The newly restructured license<br />

plan, in my opinion, has made it<br />

easier than ever to upgrade. Yes,<br />

there are more questions on some pg.3<br />

of the tests, but after reviewing ;!~3<br />

both the old and the new licens- Allg.<br />

ing exams for the General, Advanced<br />

and Extra class licenses, they<br />

are definitely easier. The elimination of<br />

the higher speed code requirement, 13­<br />

WPM for the General and the 20-WPM<br />

for the Extra class licenses has enhanced<br />

the ability of some people that<br />

would not have entered the hobby a path<br />

to get there.<br />

CW is an old communications mode.<br />

In low power, QRP, operation, it is the<br />

preferred mode of communications.<br />

With its 51 Hz bandwidth requirements,<br />

and its simplicity of circuit design, CW<br />

has never fallen out of favor with the<br />

true HAM. It is true that you can<br />

design a SSB QRP radio and have tons<br />

of fun in the process, but it is the CW<br />

signal that will persevere were other<br />

signals may fall short of reaching there<br />

destination. For those who doubt that<br />

CW is alive and working, all you have<br />

to do is listen to the CW portions ofthe<br />

bands.<br />

As I mentioned above, the licensing<br />

structure has been made to conform to<br />

the rest of the <strong>Amateur</strong> <strong>Radio</strong> community<br />

throughout the world. With the<br />

restructuring, it was made easier to get<br />

and hold higher class licenses. In part I<br />

think: that the ARRL has done a good<br />

job and has worked closely with other<br />

groups to consider how to attract new<br />

people to our hobby. If we don't consider<br />

new modes ofcommunications and<br />

other refinements in our privilege to use<br />

the FCC's RF spectrum, our privileges<br />

will be lost forever.<br />

With the ever growing communications<br />

industry constantly looking for<br />

more spectrum, some of the <strong>Amateur</strong>s<br />

spectrum has been looking very attractive<br />

to this industry.<br />

<strong>Amateur</strong> <strong>Radio</strong> plays an important<br />

part in the development of new ideas.<br />

For instance, the company that I work<br />

for was originally designing and building<br />

slow-scan TV equipment and CW<br />

keyboards for the amateur community.<br />

Now it is part of a billion dollar corporation<br />

involved in the electronic security

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