Issue No. 51 June 2014

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What is your favourite destination to travel<br />

to in Egypt?<br />

We’ve been lucky enough to travel around the<br />

country a lot, and seen most of the historic<br />

sites – even had some of the closed tombs in<br />

the Valley of the Kings opened especially for<br />

us, and that was amazing. I was fascinated by<br />

the energy inside those places. I also loved<br />

the White Desert and camping out under the<br />

stars. I remember walking outside the tent<br />

in the middle of the night and just being in<br />

awe of the place and looking at the stars. But<br />

perhaps my favourite destination of all is the<br />

Red Sea, the beaches and the sheer beauty of<br />

the marine life. Gorgeous!<br />

What is your favourite kind of music?<br />

That totally depends on my mood. When<br />

I’m working in my studio I tend to listen to<br />

classical Indian music. When I go out at night I<br />

can enjoy many kinds of music, including jazz,<br />

and anything I can dance to.<br />

Your preferred mode of dress?<br />

Comfortable cotton-wear that’s cool in hot<br />

weather. That’s how I am dressed around the<br />

house and in my studio – with Crocs on! I’m<br />

probably too casual on the whole, and I get<br />

accused of that sometimes. On the other hand<br />

I love my saris, and getting dressed in them in<br />

the evenings.<br />

What was the last film you saw at the<br />

cinema?<br />

I am not really a movie person. I remember<br />

when we were here the first time Indian<br />

cinema was popular in Egypt, and recently my<br />

husband has been instrumental in promoting<br />

it here again. So the last film I actually saw at<br />

the movie theatre was Jinna Express, an Indian<br />

movie shown here in Cairo about six months<br />

ago.<br />

The last book you read?<br />

When I do read I like fiction and I am a fan of<br />

the novelist Amitab Ghosh. His books are very<br />

well researched, in historical settings.<br />

Do you have time for hobbies?<br />

My pottery is the thing I love doing when I have<br />

free time. For me it is like a kind of meditation,<br />

my way to connect with myself. I always begin<br />

by just being still with my eyes closed and the<br />

clay in my hands, waiting to see what comes.<br />

Do you have a pet peeve?<br />

One thing that really annoys me is when<br />

people try to be what they are not.<br />

Favourite scent?<br />

I don’t really have one. Anything that smells<br />

nice! I am a simple person, and not at all into<br />

brands.<br />

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been<br />

given?<br />

I’ll never forget when I was about eight yearsold,<br />

a person came to our school whose job<br />

was to take care of elderly and homeless<br />

people. He told us, “All of you are receiving<br />

a proper education, but remember that the<br />

best lesson you can learn is to treat a poor<br />

person like a rich one; never change yourself<br />

according to who you are talking to.” Also my<br />

father, who was a warm hearted person, used<br />

to say, “Welcome everyone into your home<br />

with open arms, that way you will always be<br />

given more.”<br />

What is your best habit?<br />

When people work for me I always give them<br />

full liberty to do their job, without interference.<br />

Your worst habit?<br />

I worry too much about small things, and I can<br />

be obsessive, especially about cleanliness and<br />

tidiness.<br />

Favourite App?<br />

I’m fond of WhatsApp and Messenger, but<br />

actually I’m addicted to games – in fact maybe<br />

that is really my worst habit! It can be Candy<br />

Crush, or Sudoku, I get easily hooked.<br />

What can’t you live without?<br />

My husband. We have always complemented<br />

each other in everything we do.<br />

What is the secret of happiness for you?<br />

Being connected to your inner self. Having the<br />

freedom to do things the way you want to. To<br />

live and let live.<br />

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