Acer - J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.

Acer - J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.

Acer - J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.


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Index<br />

<strong>Acer</strong> (Maple) ............................................. 5<br />

buergeranum (Trident) ............................ 5<br />

campestre (Hedge) ................................. 5<br />

circinatum (Vine) ..................................... 5<br />

freemanii ................................................. 6<br />

ginnala (Amur) ........................................ 6<br />

glabrum (Rocky Mountain) .................... 6<br />

grandidentatum (Big Tooth) .................... 7<br />

griseum (Paperbark) ............................... 7<br />

henryi ...................................................... 7<br />

miyabei ................................................... 7<br />

negundo (Box Elder) .............................. 7<br />

nigrum (Black) ........................................ 8<br />

palmatum (Japanese) ............................. 8<br />

pensylvanicum (Striped) ....................... 10<br />

platanoides (Norway) ............................ 10<br />

pseudoplatanus (Sycamore) ................. 12<br />

rubrum (Red) ........................................ 13<br />

saccharinum (Silver) ............................. 15<br />

saccharum (Sugar) ............................... 15<br />

tataricum .............................................. 17<br />

truncatum ............................................. 17<br />

Aesculus (Horsechestnut, Buckeye) ...... 17<br />

Alder - Alnus .......................................... 17<br />

Alnus (Alder) ........................................... 17<br />

Amelanchier (Serviceberry) .................... 18<br />

Apricot, Flowering - Prunus ................. 51<br />

Ash - Fraxinus ........................................ 29<br />

Aspen - Populus .................................... 50<br />

Bald Cypress - Taxodium ..................... 63<br />

Beech - Fagus ....................................... 28<br />

Betula (Birch) .......................................... 19<br />

Birch - Betula ......................................... 19<br />

Buckeye - Aesculus ............................... 17<br />

Buckthorn - Rhamnus ........................... 59<br />

Caragana (Siberian Pea) ......................... 21<br />

Carpinus (Hornbeam) ............................. 21<br />

Catalpa ................................................... 21<br />

Celtis (Hackberry) ................................... 22<br />

Cercidiphyllum (Katsura Tree) ................ 22<br />

Cercis (Redbud) ...................................... 22<br />

Cherry, Japanese - Prunus ................... 51<br />

Chamaecyparis (Falsecypress) ............... 23<br />

Chionanthus (Fringe Tree) ...................... 23<br />

Cladrastis (Yellowwood) ......................... 23<br />

Chokecherry - Prunus ........................... 51<br />

<strong>Co</strong>rk Tree - Phellodendron .................... 49<br />

<strong>Co</strong>rnus (Dogwood) ................................. 24<br />

<strong>Co</strong>tinus (Smoketree) ............................... 26<br />

<strong>Co</strong>toneaster ............................................ 26<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ttonwood - Populus .......................... 50<br />

Crabapple - Malus ................................. 37<br />

Crataegus (Hawthorn) ............................ 26<br />

Dawn Redwood - Metasequoia ............ 48<br />

Dogwood - <strong>Co</strong>rnus ................................ 24<br />

Elaeagnus (Olive) .................................... 28<br />

Elm - Ulmus ........................................... 65<br />

Eucommia (Hardy Rubber Tree) ............. 28<br />

Falsecypress - Chamaecyparis ............. 23<br />

Fagus (Beech) ......................................... 28<br />

Fraxinus (Ash) ......................................... 29<br />

Fringe Tree - Chionanthus .................... 23<br />

Ginkgo .................................................... 31<br />

Gleditsia (Honeylocust) .......................... 32<br />

Goldenchain - Laburnum ...................... 34<br />

Goldenrain Tree - Koelreuteria .............. 34<br />

Gymnocladus (Kentucky <strong>Co</strong>ffee Tree) .... 33<br />

Hackberry - Celtis ................................. 22<br />

Halesia (Silverbell) .................................. 33<br />

Hamamelis (Witch Hazel) ........................ 33<br />

Hardy Rubber Tree - Eucommia ........... 28<br />

Hawthorn - Crataegus ........................... 26<br />

Heptacodium (Seven-son Flower) .......... 34<br />

Honeylocust - Gleditsia ......................... 32<br />

Hophornbeam - Ostrya ......................... 48<br />

Hornbeam - Carpinus ............................ 21<br />

Horsechestnut - Aesculus .................... 17<br />

Juniperus (Juniper) ................................. 34<br />

Katsura Tree - Cercidiphyllum .............. 22<br />

Kentucky <strong>Co</strong>ffee Tree - Gymnocladus ... 33<br />

Koelreuteria (Goldenrain Tree) ................ 34<br />

Laburnum (Goldenchain) ........................ 34<br />

Lilac - Syringa ........................................ 62<br />

Linden - Tilia .......................................... 63<br />

Liquidambar (Sweetgum) ....................... 35<br />

Liriodendron (Tulip Tree) ......................... 35<br />

Locust - Robinia .................................... 59<br />

Maackia ................................................. 36<br />

Magnolia ................................................. 36<br />

Malus (Crabapple) .................................. 37<br />

Maple - <strong>Acer</strong> ............................................ 5<br />

Metasequoia (Dawn Redwood) .............. 48<br />

Morus (Mulberry) .................................... 48<br />

Mountain Ash - Sorbus ......................... 61<br />

Mulberry - Morus ................................... 48<br />

Nyssa (Tupelo) ........................................ 48<br />

Oak - Quercus ........................................ 57<br />

Olive - Elaeagnus ................................... 28<br />

Ostrya (Hophornbeam) ........................... 48<br />

Oxydendrum (Sourwood) ....................... 48<br />

Pagodatree - Sophora .......................... 61<br />

Parrotia ................................................... 48<br />

Pear, Flowering - Pyrus ........................ 54<br />

Phellodendron (<strong>Co</strong>rk Tree) ...................... 49<br />

Picea (Spruce) ........................................ 49<br />

Pine - Pinus ............................................ 49<br />

Pinus (Pine) ............................................. 49<br />

Pistacia (Pistache) .................................. 49<br />

Planetree - Platanus .............................. 50<br />

Platanus (Planetree) ................................ 50<br />

Plum, Purple Leaf - Prunus .................. 54<br />

Poplar - Populus .................................... 50<br />

Populus (Aspen, <strong>Co</strong>ttonwood, Poplar) .... 50<br />

Prunus (Plum, Purple Leaf) ..................... 54<br />

Prunus (Cherry, Japanese) ..................... 51<br />

Prunus (Species) .................................... 51<br />

Pyrus (Pear, Flowering) ........................... 54<br />

Quercus (Oak) ......................................... 57<br />

Redbud - Cercis .................................... 22<br />

Rhamnus (Buckthorn) ............................. 59<br />

Robinia (Locust) ..................................... 59<br />

Salix (Willow) .......................................... 60<br />

Sassafras ................................................ 61<br />

Serviceberry - Amelanchier .................. 18<br />

Seven-son Flower - Heptacodium ....... 34<br />

Siberian Pea - Caragana ....................... 21<br />

Silverbell - Halesia ................................. 33<br />

Smoketree - <strong>Co</strong>tinus ............................. 26<br />

Snowbell - Styrax .................................. 62<br />

Sophora (Pagodatree) ............................ 61<br />

Sorbus (Mountain Ash) ........................... 61<br />

Sourwood - Oxydendrum ...................... 48<br />

Spruce - Picea ....................................... 49<br />

Stewartia ................................................. 62<br />

Styrax (Snowbell) .................................... 62<br />

Sweetgum - Liquidambar ...................... 35<br />

Syringa (Tree Lilac) ................................. 62<br />

Taxodium (Bald Cypress) ........................ 63<br />

Tilia (Linden) ........................................... 63<br />

Tulip Tree - Liriodendron ....................... 35<br />

Tupelo - Nyssa ....................................... 48<br />

Ulmus (Elm) ............................................ 65<br />

Willow - Salix ......................................... 60<br />

Wisteria ................................................... 67<br />

Witch Hazel - Hamamelis ...................... 33<br />

Yellowwood - Cladrastis ....................... 23<br />

Zelkova ................................................... 67<br />

© 2006 All Rights Reserved<br />

Mailing: P O Box 189<br />

Location: 9500 SE 327th Ave<br />

Boring, OR 97009<br />

503-663-4128 • Fax 503-663-2121<br />

Toll-Free 1-800-825-8202<br />

Toll-Free Fax 1-800-283-7537<br />

www.jfschmidt.com<br />

Catalog Production Staff<br />

Nancy Buley<br />

Editor & Photography<br />

Jeff Lafrenz<br />

Graphic Design & Production, Photography<br />

Keith Warren<br />

Descriptions & Tree Form Illustrations, Photography<br />

76<br />

© J. <strong>Frank</strong> <strong>Schmidt</strong> & <strong>Son</strong> <strong>Co</strong>.<br />


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