International qualifications 2013 (pdf) - CUKAS

International qualifications 2013 (pdf) - CUKAS

International qualifications 2013 (pdf) - CUKAS


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Qualifications currently offered<br />

Subject: Maths<br />

Standard Level Extended Level<br />

Stanine Scores Max. 50 points Max. 50 points<br />

1st stanine – lowest 4% 0% – 10% 0% – 10%<br />

2nd stanine – very low 7% 11% – 18% 11% – 28%<br />

3rd stanine – low 12% 19% – 30% 29% – 40%<br />

4th stanine – low medium 17% 31% – 42% 41% – 54%<br />

5th stanine – medium 20% 43% – 54% 55% – 56%<br />

6th stanine – high medium 17% 55% – 66% 67% – 76%<br />

7th stanine – high 12% 67% – 76% 77% – 86%<br />

8th stanine – very high 7% 77% – 86% 87% – 94%<br />

9th stanine – highest 4% 87% – 100% 95% – 100%<br />

Subject: Geography<br />

Standard Level Extended Level<br />

Stanine Scores Max. 50 points Max. 60 points<br />

1st stanine – lowest 4% 0% – 22% 0% – 10%<br />

2nd stanine – very low 7% 23% – 32% 11% – 22%<br />

3rd stanine – low 12% 33% – 44% 23% – 37%<br />

4th stanine – low medium 17% 45% – 56% 38% – 55%<br />

5th stanine – medium 20% 57% – 68% 56% – 72%<br />

6th stanine – high medium 17% 69% – 76% 73% – 83%<br />

7th stanine – high 12% 77% – 82% 84% – 90%<br />

8th stanine – very high 7% 83% – 88% 91% – 95%<br />

9th stanine – highest 4% 89% – 100% 96% – 100%<br />

Subject: Chemistry<br />

Standard Level Extended Level<br />

Stanine Scores Max. 50 points Max. 60 points<br />

1st stanine – lowest 4% 0% – 22% 0% – 10%<br />

2nd stanine – very low 7% 23% – 32% 11% – 22%<br />

3rd stanine – low 12% 33% – 44% 23% – 37%<br />

4th stanine – low medium 17% 45% – 56% 38% – 55%<br />

5th stanine – medium 20% 57% – 68% 56% – 72%<br />

6th stanine – high medium 17% 69% – 76% 73% – 83%<br />

7th stanine – high 12% 77% – 82% 84% – 90%<br />

8th stanine – very high 7% 83% – 88% 91% – 95%<br />

9th stanine – highest 4% 89% – 100% 96% – 100%<br />

Pre-2004 the grading system was as follows:<br />

6 celujacy (excellent)<br />

5 bardzo dobry (very good)<br />

4 dobry (good)<br />

3 dostateczny (satisfactory/pass)<br />

2 mierny (mediocre)<br />

1 niedostateczny (unsatisfactory)<br />


The education system consists of primary schools, lower<br />

secondary schools and upper secondary schools (general upper<br />

secondary, technical upper secondary, specialised upper<br />

secondary and basic vocational schools). Tuition in state schools is<br />

free. Full-time compulsory education continues until the pupil is<br />

16 years of age. Part-time compulsory education, however, in<br />

school or out-of-school, lasts until 18 years of age (based on the<br />

Constitution of the Republic of Poland adopted in 1997).<br />

Full-time compulsory education in primary schools starts when<br />

the child reaches seven years of age. However, starting 2004/05<br />

school year, all six-year-old children are obliged to attend preschool<br />

classes (either in kindergartens or in primary schools) in<br />

order to complete a mandatory year of preparation for primary<br />

education. Education in primary schools lasts six years. This sixyear<br />

period culminates in national testing, to provide information<br />

on how much pupils have learned. Progression is on to<br />

gimnazjum (lower secondary school). Primary and lower<br />

secondary schools (ie compulsory schools) have so-called “school<br />

areas”, which means that every child who is a resident of that<br />

area is admitted in his/her local school. If parents wish to choose<br />

another school, they are free to do so provided there are places<br />

available.<br />

The three-year period at lower secondary school concludes with<br />

an examination, split into two parts: humanities and science (the<br />

latter combining mathematics and natural science). A foreign<br />

language element has been included since 2009. Upper<br />

secondary schools are selected on the basis of the results of this<br />

examination. Students choose from three-year general upper<br />

secondary schools (liceum), four-year technical upper secondary<br />

schools (technikum), two-three-year basic vocational schools<br />

(zasadnicza szkola zawodowa) or three-year specialised upper<br />

secondary schools (liceum profilowane).<br />

Education at vocational schools concludes with a professional<br />

examination, which, from 2004, is externally assessed.<br />

Specialised upper secondary schools offer a combination of<br />

academic and vocational study, which can act as a base to obtain<br />

professional <strong>qualifications</strong> in post-secondary schools (szkola<br />

policealna). Specialised upper secondary and general and<br />

technical upper secondary schools culminate with the matura.<br />

From 2004/05 a new system of matura examinations was<br />

implemented. Assessment is through externally assessed written<br />

examinations and oral examinations assessed in school (the latter<br />

concern both Polish/mother tongue and modern languages).<br />

Subjects are available at basic and advanced levels.<br />


On passing the matura school-leaving examination, students<br />

may continue their education at an institution of tertiary<br />

education (university or college). Dependent on the type of<br />

institution, field and duration of study, students read for the<br />

licentiate (minimum three years of study) or engineer (minimum<br />

three and a half years of study), or for a master’s degree (four<br />

and a half to six years, depending on the field of study, socalled<br />

long-cycle programmes). Upon completion of licentiate or<br />

engineer studies (first-cycle programmes), the graduates can<br />

continue their education undertaking second-cycle<br />

programmes leading to master’s degrees (lasting one and a<br />

half to two years). On graduation, holders of the master’s<br />

degree may begin doctoral studies (third-cycle programmes) or<br />

non-degree postgraduate studies. Non-degree postgraduate<br />

studies can usually be pursued by holders of licentiate degrees<br />

as well as those holding master’s degrees.<br />

Portugal<br />


Diploma de Ensino Secundário (previously known as<br />

Certificado do 12° ano)<br />

The Diploma de Ensino Secundário is granted after successful<br />

completion of the 12th year of schooling. Acceptable as a group<br />

qualification satisfying general entrance requirements for UK<br />

HEIs, provided that an overall grade of at least ‘bom’ has been<br />

achieved.<br />

GRADING SYSTEM - between 0 and 20 - pass mark 10<br />

20 – 18 muito bom (excellent)<br />

17 – 14 bom (good)<br />

13 – 10 suficiente (pass)<br />

9 – 5 mediocre (poor)<br />

4 – 0 mau (very poor)<br />


Nine years of compulsory basic education is followed by three<br />

years of secondary education, which may comprise courses with<br />


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