Bench Bulletin - Issue 12 - Kenya Law Reports

Bench Bulletin - Issue 12 - Kenya Law Reports

Bench Bulletin - Issue 12 - Kenya Law Reports


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Procedure in the discipline, investigation and/or removal of a Judge - Scope of the authority of a<br />

Tribunal established to investigate the conduct of a Judge under section 62 of the Constitution<br />

Republic v Chief Justice of <strong>Kenya</strong> & 6 others ex-Parte Ole Keiwua [2010] eKLR<br />

High Court of <strong>Kenya</strong> at Nairobi<br />

M. Apondi, G. Dulu & M. Warsame JJ<br />

April 20, 2010<br />

This judicial opinion in this case (also reported in the ‘Feature Case’ column of this edition), concerned the procedure<br />

in the discipline, investigation and removal of a Judge from office. The Judicial Review court that was considering an<br />

application by a suspended Judge of Appeal challenging a Tribunal appointed to investigate his conduct made certain<br />

pronouncements that shed new light on the administrative actions that should precede the appointment of such a<br />

Tribunal and the scope of the Tribunal’s mandate. These pronouncements are pertinent to and would inform the<br />

ongoing debate on the proper procedure in the disciplining and/or removal of judges.<br />

The High Court held, among other things, that:<br />

• Under section 61(2) of the Constitution, a Judge is appointed after the President has received the advice<br />

of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) that a person is fit and competent to hold the office of a Judge.<br />

When a question arises as to the removal of a Judge, it is essential to seek and obtain the advice, guidance,<br />

contribution and direction of the JSC as it was the same body that had given the advice to the President<br />

that it was okay to employ him in the first instance. Since the Chief Justice as the Chairman of the JSC<br />

had mandated the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Committee of the Judiciary [the Ringera Committee]<br />

in 2003 to conduct investigations into the conduct of judicial officers, the JSC ought to have been the<br />

first branch that ought to have authorized the next step.<br />

• The role of the JSC would be to determine whether the act complained about is of the nature and degree<br />

to qualify as misconduct sufficient to set in the processes that may lead to an adverse representation<br />

being made to the President. Such an examination would include seeing and hearing the complainant<br />

and the Judge separately for that would serve to inform and enhance a balanced and proper evaluation<br />

of the circumstances that has arisen which is likely to lead to removal of a Judge.<br />

• The representation to the President to appoint a Tribunal is such a grave and serious matter with severe<br />

consequences of likely to remove a Judge from office that it is mandatory for the Judge to be given<br />

a hearing either by the JSC or by the Chief Justice before the representation is made to the President.<br />

The Judge ought to be heard by the JSC prior to the commencement of the removal exercise. Though the<br />

Constitution was silent on this, a presumption arose that the Legislature did not intend to deny natural<br />

justice to the applicant or to any other Judge.<br />

• The President has no power to empower a tribunal to conduct an inquiry or investigation other than<br />

or outside the representation he receives from the Chief Justice. In this case, it was not proper for the<br />

Tribunal to purport to gather evidence and to engage investigators to sustain what it was calling charges<br />

against the applicant<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> <strong>12</strong>: April-June 2010<br />


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