contacts - Bassetlaw District Council

contacts - Bassetlaw District Council

contacts - Bassetlaw District Council


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May 2009<br />

Welcome to the <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> First Contact<br />

Signposting Scheme Newsletter. My name<br />

is Jayne Bullock and as the co-ordinator<br />

for the scheme I am responsible for<br />

keeping you up to date on what is<br />

happening and will give information<br />

through your steering group member<br />

(details on last page). I am based at the<br />

Retford Action Centre which has now<br />

moved to Canal Street, Retford,<br />

Nottinghamshire DN22 6EZ. If you<br />

have any queries you can contact me on<br />

01777 709650 or e-mail<br />

jbullock@retfordactioncentre.org.uk<br />


So far over 500 staff have been<br />

trained/re-trained in the <strong>Bassetlaw</strong><br />

area. Training covers how to use<br />

the checklist correctly as well as a<br />

talk by each of the pathway<br />

organisations detailing the services<br />

you can refer to. Smaller sessions<br />

can be arranged. If you have not<br />

received training and would like<br />

to, or would like a recap on<br />

training then please contact me or<br />

your manager.<br />

Self Referral has launched<br />

On March 23 rd 2009 <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> First<br />

Contact launched self referral. The leaflet<br />

incorporates the checklists and can be<br />

returned using the freepost address.<br />

The leaflet is not a replacement to the<br />

checklist; talking with the client will<br />

always be better in giving a true reflection<br />

on what the clients needs are.<br />

People aged 60+ who do not come into<br />

contact with service providers who can<br />

complete the checklist with them or those<br />

who need a little more time to accept help<br />

are the clients we are hoping to reach using<br />

the self referral leaflet.<br />

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Since the launch of First Contact just<br />

under 900 checklists in <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> have<br />

been completed resulting in more than<br />

3300 referrals.<br />

Please keep up the good work – you are<br />

making a difference to these peoples<br />

lives!<br />




MONTHS!<br />

When you complete the checklist please<br />

ensure that you have put the department,<br />

watch, service etc that you are from. This<br />

helps when compiling reports, ensures that<br />

you receive accurate data and makes it<br />

easier if anyone needs to contact you.<br />

Only put one persons name on a checklist<br />

even if they are husband and wife. If there<br />

is more than one name, we don’t know<br />

who the personal information relates to. If<br />

there is more than one person living in a<br />

house and they both have separate needs<br />

please fill in one form for each of them. If<br />

there is only one person that requires<br />

services then just fill in one form in their<br />

name.<br />

Check that the age of the client you are<br />

First Contacting. We cannot process the<br />

checklist if the client is not 60 or above.<br />

We have had some checklist where the<br />

client has been as young as 50!<br />

Please ensure that all of the answers to the<br />

questions on page one of the checklist have<br />

been circled. In the case of DYNAH or the<br />

groups and clubs question, please state in<br />

the more details box which service from<br />

DYNAH or type of group/club is required.<br />

When completing the repair question,<br />

please state in the more details box what<br />

type of repair is needed e.g. door, window<br />

When completing the energy efficiency<br />

question, please state in the more details<br />

box if it is loft insulation, cavity wall or<br />

new heating system that is required<br />

If you need to ring a client in response to a<br />

referral, the older person will not usually<br />

identify with the name of First Contact.<br />

Generally clients will remember the name<br />

of the person that completed the form with<br />

them so my advice would be to quote the<br />

name of the advisor and their organisation<br />

when you ring. This helps to minimise<br />

confusion.<br />

If you have the checklist on your<br />

computer, key in to it your name,<br />

telephone number and organisation before<br />

you print them. This is then one less thing<br />

to fill in on the day and it won’t be<br />

forgotten. (If you don’t have the checklist<br />

on your computer and would like it in this<br />

format please contact the co-ordinator;<br />

Jayne Bullock on 01777 709650 or e-mail<br />

firstcontact@retfordactioncentre.org.uk<br />

When filling in the checklist, please do not<br />

promise the client anything. This can raise<br />

expectations and lead to disappointment<br />

and confusion for the client. Clients<br />

needing adaptations would love to have<br />

walk in showers etc but we cannot<br />

guarantee that their referral will lead to this<br />

happening. It could be that they just need a<br />

grab rail to assist them.<br />

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A1 Housing HomeFinder is a Choice Based Lettings scheme introduced in March<br />

2009. HomeFinder is a new way of allocating <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s properties.<br />

Each week A1 Housing will advertise properties and give applicants on the Housing<br />

list the opportunity of having a say in where they live.<br />

Registration<br />

The first stage to getting a home through the Homefinder Scheme is to complete a<br />

Homefinder application from. These can be obtained from our property shops at 17b<br />

The Square, Retford or Queens Buildings, Potter Street, Worksop. We can also<br />

send an application form out in the post by contacting either our Retford office on<br />

01777 713202 or our Worksop office on 713202. The council operates an open<br />

housing register, so anyone can apply, including existing <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

tenants, however applicants must normally be 18 years and over to go on the<br />

housing register.<br />

Advertising<br />

Vacant properties will be advertised each week starting on a Thursday and closing<br />

on the following Tuesday. Advertised properties will be available on our website<br />

www.a1homefinder.org.uk, at our property shops at Retford and Worksop and on a<br />

dedicated telephone line, 0800 590542. We also advertise vacant properties<br />

throughout the <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> area at the following venues: -<br />

• Harworth Housing Office, Scrooby Rd, Harworth, Doncaster DN11 8JP<br />

• Carlton Village Hall, Long Lane, Carlton in Lindrick, Worksop, S81 9AP<br />

• Surestart Centre, Langold, Worksop, S81 9PX<br />

• Manton Community Alliance, Edinburgh Road, Worksop S80 2UD<br />

• Tuxford Mine of Information, 2 Market Place, Tuxford NG22 0LA<br />

• Misterton Centre, High Street, Misterton, DN10 4BU<br />

Bidding<br />

Applicants who are interested in an advertised property will need to place a ‘bid’ for that<br />

property. A ‘bid’ is an expression of interest. Applicants can express an interest or ‘bid’ on<br />

up to 3 properties. There are several ways to make a ‘bid’ including: -<br />

• By a dedicated phone line 0845 230 4365<br />

• On the website www.a1homefinder.org.uk<br />

• By visiting one of our property shops and completing a bidding card.<br />

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continued:<br />

All bids received by the closing date will be sorted by Band and application date. The<br />

successful applicant for properties in Band A & B will be placed in date order, based on the<br />

date they entered Band A or B. The successful applicant for Band C, D & E will be the<br />

earliest date the application was made.<br />

The time at which the bid is received within each advertising cycle has NO bearing on the<br />

selection process.<br />

Successful applicants will be contacted shortly after the closing date to arrange a viewing and<br />

moving in date. Unsuccessful applicants will not be contacted directly but will be able to get<br />

feedback on homes that have been recently let. These results will be published on the<br />

website, and in our advertising locations, so that unsuccessful applicants will be able to find<br />

out how long they may have to wait for a particular locality/dwelling.<br />

For more information and for general housing advice contact us on ;<br />

Worksop: 01909 533426<br />

Retford: 01777 713202<br />

New Service - Health Trainers<br />

The PCT has identified reducing health inequalities as one of its key aims over the<br />

next three years. The health profile for <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> has shown that even though the<br />

health of the local population is improving, significant inequalities exist.<br />

The role of the health trainer is to reduce these inequalities and improve the health<br />

and wellbeing of the local community. We know it’s often difficult to make changes to<br />

ones lifestyles without support.<br />

Health trainers have an understanding of the local area and the services available.<br />

They can enable clients to achieve big differences through small achievable steps.<br />

They can identify and sustain health choices, with particular emphasis on smoking,<br />

healthy eating, substance/ alcohol misuse, and physical activity.<br />

Health trainers can assist with referrals to specialist services, they can talk to groups,<br />

organisations or individuals to inform them of all the available options to make<br />

healthier changes to achieve the results they want.<br />

Health trainers are ideally recruited from the area they work in. This gives them a<br />

greater understanding of the local community, and the barriers they face to achieve<br />

their health ambitions.<br />

Working together to control weight, get fitter, or stop smoking with someone who<br />

understands, could make it that bit easier, to make that positive lifestyle change.<br />

For further information contact your local health trainer.<br />

For Worksop 01777863282 Natalie Dawes and Heather McMillan.<br />

For Harworth 01777863282 Jane Brown and Julianne Wright.<br />

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<strong>Bassetlaw</strong> Community Outreach<br />

The <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> Community Outreach Advisor (Laura Jarman) has recently married and is now Mrs<br />

Laura Goad. Laura is based at the Retford Action Centre and offers help, advice and information<br />

for people over 50, to help them remain safe and independent in their own home.<br />

Laura can visit older people in their own homes and offer advice and information on a number of<br />

local services including, but not exclusively:<br />

• Adaptations to the home<br />

• Befriending Schemes<br />

• Benefits advice<br />

• Community Transport<br />

• Crime prevention<br />

• Home safety checks<br />

• Local groups and clubs<br />

• Meal Services<br />

Laura also visits local groups and clubs in <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> to promote the service and talk to people<br />

about any issues they have, no matter how big or small.<br />

On Thursdays Laura can be found at the Retford’s Resource for Older People at the<br />

Buttermarket, Retford Town Hall. Laura is on hand to answer any queries people may have and to<br />

just have a general chat with anyone who drops in, appointments do not have to be made.<br />

To contact Laura call the Retford Action Centre on 01777 709650 or the Retford’s Resource for<br />

Older People on 01777 862745 (Thursdays only), or mobile 07793 978055 or<br />

outreach@retfordactioncentre.org.uk<br />


Activity Friends is a project for people over 50 who would like support to become more physically active<br />

or who can give support to others to become more physically active.<br />

This could involve planning, organising or undertaking walks, accompanying someone swimming or<br />

cycling, finding out about other activities and encouraging someone to join in them……and more!<br />

In the region of seventy people have attended village walks organised by Rural <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> Befriending<br />

between January and April as part of its Activity Friends work.<br />

The village walks were gently paced and between 2 & 3 miles, followed by homemade soup and cakes.<br />

The next walk is from Sturton le Steeple Village Hall on Sunday 7 th June 10.30.<br />

For more information about Activity Friends, Traditional Befriending or the village walks, please<br />

contact:<br />

Rural <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> Befriending<br />

2, Market Place<br />

Tuxford<br />

Newark<br />

NG22 0LA<br />

Tel: 01777 871482 or email: friendship@ruralbassetlawbefriending.org.uk<br />

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A day in the life of :<br />

Lynn Tupling<br />

Retford Action Centre Chief Executive<br />

I am Lynn Tupling and I have lived in Misterton for the past 23 years. My day job is Chief Executive of the<br />

Retford Action Centre which is based on Canal Street in Retford. I also am a tutor for the Workers Educational<br />

Association (WEA) and currently I teach a Literacy and Numeracy class at the Primary School in Misterton<br />

every Tuesday evening. I also assist in the Computer Class in Misterton every Wednesday evening.<br />

The work that I do provides me with a great deal of variety. The Retford Action Centre has 7 projects, each<br />

covering the whole of <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> in addition to providing office space to the <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> Alzheimer’s Society, the<br />

WRVS, the BCVS community partnership room and a training room. We have 11 paid staff and around 45<br />

direct volunteers all of which are managed through our office.<br />

The projects are predominantly to support the independence of older people – something that I am firmly<br />

dedicated to, and include the following:<br />

• <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> Community Car Scheme<br />

• <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> First Contact<br />

• Community Outreach<br />

• Retford’s Resource for Older People<br />

• Self Help Link<br />

• Staying Well Programme<br />

• <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> Share a Ride<br />

In addition to having overall responsibility for the organisation, I also am vice chair of the Local Strategic<br />

Partnership, Chair of the Older Person’s subgroup, Chair of the Transport Subgroup and sit on the Executive<br />

Group. I am also on the board of bassac (the British Association of Settlements and Social Action Centres)<br />

which provides me not only with frequent trips to London, but an opportunity to raise local issues at National<br />

Level and ultimately the opportunity to inform and influence policy.<br />

My background is quite varied, having taken a junior post with an industrial plant hire organisation when<br />

leaving full time education before progressing through the organisation to office manager. I then managed a<br />

small business before becoming the manager of a nursing home where my passion for working with older<br />

people developed.<br />

I have always been keen on professional development having completed many qualifications in everything from<br />

supervisory management, teacher training through to subject specialism in both Literacy and Numeracy (at<br />

Warwick University).<br />

When I joined the Retford Action Centre 13 years ago the organisation looked very different to what it does<br />

today. There were 3 part time staff working in 2 offices, sharing one computer. We had 8 volunteer drivers<br />

and the training room housed 8 typewriters. It became apparent to me very quickly that there was a lot of<br />

unmet need in <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> – particularly in services for older people, and so my work began.<br />

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There have been many significant developments over the years including the formation of a drop in Resource<br />

Centre in <strong>Bassetlaw</strong>, where anyone over 50 can call in for advice and information on a range of services for<br />

older people. The project became so successful that we relocated this project to the Buttermarket in Retford in<br />

May last year. This project is funded by the County <strong>Council</strong>, is delivered by us, a Voluntary Sector<br />

organisation with the <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> providing the venue at peppercorn rent, and <strong>Bassetlaw</strong> Primary Care<br />

Trust gave a significant contribution to the upgrade of the facilities. This is real partnership in action to bring a<br />

local resource for local people.<br />

I enjoy going to the Buttermarket as frequently as my work schedule allows, because this is where I get the<br />

opportunity to chat with older people and discover what real issues people are facing on a daily basis, in order<br />

that I can signpost to existing services or lobby for development of services.<br />

I can typically, be serving lunch or washing up at the Buttermarket on one day and doing a presentation at a<br />

transport conference, following the Transport Minister the following day. I was also invited to a reception with<br />

Tony Blair (and Cherie) when he was Prime Minister in recognition of services to the Voluntary Sector. My<br />

work is very varied!<br />

Another source of variety I have recently been involved with was project managing the relocation of the<br />

Retford Action Centre to our new building in January this year. I was involved in drawing up the plans,<br />

meeting with building control through to painting the walls. So we now have a wonderful new building and<br />

working environment. The fully DDA compliant (accessible) building with full internet and intranet facilities<br />

really does bring us right into the present century, and staff, volunteers and service users are really pleased with<br />

the results.<br />

My work as a basic skills tutor, brings another dimension to the work I do. I lesson plan, teach and produce<br />

differentiated resources for a group of individuals keen on personal development at their own level. This<br />

ranges from a student wanting to achieve level 2 qualifications to enable them to access a course to further their<br />

learning, to individuals who are unable to read and write. It is extremely satisfying to see someone achieve<br />

their goal, or to witness the look on an individual’s face when they have read a sentence for the first time.<br />

I am very fortunate both at the Retford Action Centre and the WEA to have a very capable, dedicated and<br />

passionate staff team working with me, without which my work would not be so manageable nor enjoyable.<br />

So, what does the future hold? …. Well I guess you will just have to watch this space!<br />

If you would like to share your working experience please contact:<br />

Jayne Bullock on 01777 709650 or<br />

email: jbullock@retfordactioncentre.org.uk<br />

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Notts Fire & Rescue Service<br />

Robyn Ellis<br />

Police<br />

Kelly Woodward<br />

01909 500999<br />

Community Outreach Advisor<br />

Laura Goad<br />

01777 709650<br />


County Contact<br />

17b The Square<br />

Retford<br />

DN22 6DB<br />

Tel: 01777 713800<br />

Fax: 01777 713810<br />

E-mail: contact.retford@nottscc.gov.uk<br />

Jayne Bullock<br />

First Contact Co-ordinator<br />

Retford Action Centre<br />

Canal Street<br />

Retford<br />

DN22 6EZ<br />

Tel: 01777 709650<br />

E-mail: jbullock@retfordactioncentre.org.uk<br />

DYNAH<br />

Michael Harrod<br />

01909 478913<br />

<strong>Bassetlaw</strong> Community Car<br />

Scheme<br />

Jayne Bullock<br />

01777 709650<br />

Mine of Information<br />

Kath Hobart<br />

01777 870040<br />

Adult Social Care & Health<br />

Denise Anderson-Moll<br />

01909 535540<br />

Pension Service<br />

Bev Pearson<br />

0115 9428327<br />

<strong>Bassetlaw</strong> PCT (Falls Team)<br />

Rachel Atkinson<br />

01777 712960<br />

A1 Housing<br />

Peter Exley / Julie McGeever<br />

Tel: 01909 533207<br />

Retford Action Centre<br />

Lynn Tupling<br />

01777 709650<br />

<strong>Bassetlaw</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Wendy Taylor<br />

01909 533250<br />

Energy Saving Trust<br />

Denise Marsden<br />

0115 9597701<br />

Preventative Adaptations<br />

A1 Adaptations<br />

01909 53 5128<br />

A1 Home Call – Alarm Service<br />

Elizabeth Erye / Lorraine Brunt<br />

01909 533192<br />

Helen Houghton<br />

PCT<br />

01777 863578<br />

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