(Jamaica) Limited - FirstCaribbean International Bank

(Jamaica) Limited - FirstCaribbean International Bank

(Jamaica) Limited - FirstCaribbean International Bank


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notes to the Financial Statements<br />

Year Ended 31 October 2009<br />

(Expressed in <strong>Jamaica</strong>n dollars unless otherwise indicated)<br />

35. Financial Risk Management<br />

(a)<br />

Strategy in using financial instruments<br />

By its nature the Group’s activities are principally related to the use of financial instruments. The Group accepts<br />

deposits from customers at both fixed and floating rates and for various periods and seeks to earn above average<br />

interest margins by investing these funds in high quality assets. The Group seeks to increase these margins by<br />

consolidating short-term funds and lending for longer periods at higher rates whilst maintaining sufficient liquidity<br />

to meet all claims that might fall due.<br />

The Group also seeks to raise its interest margins by obtaining above average margins, net of provisions, through<br />

lending to commercial and retail borrowers with a range of credit standing. Such exposures involve not just onbalance<br />

sheet loans and advances but the Group also enters into guarantees and other commitments such as letters<br />

of credit and performance and other bonds.<br />

(b)<br />

Credit risk<br />

Credit risk primarily arises from direct lending activities, as well as from trading, investment and hedging activities.<br />

Credit risk is defined as the risk of financial loss due to a borrower or counter party failing to meet its obligations in<br />

accordance with agreed terms.<br />

Process and Control<br />

The Credit Risk Management Department (CRMD) is responsible for the provision of the Group’s adjudication,<br />

oversight and management of credit risk within its portfolios, including the measurement, monitoring and control<br />

of credit risk.<br />

The CRMD’s credit risk approval authority flows from the Board of Directors and are further delegated to the<br />

Chairman and the Chief Risk Officer (CRO). The department is guided by the Group’s Delegation of Authority<br />

Policy. Delegation is based on exposure and risk level; where the credit decision relates to larger and or higher risk<br />

transactions the Credit Committee (CC) is responsible for the final decision.<br />

The Risk and Conduct Review Committee (R&CRC) is responsible for approving policy requirements and key risk<br />

limits.<br />

Credit Risk Limits<br />

Credit limits are established for all loans (mortgages, personal and business & government) for the purposes<br />

of diversification and managing concentration. These include limits for individual borrowers, groups of related<br />

borrowers, industry sectors, and products or portfolios. The Group does not have excessive concentration in any<br />

single borrower, or related group of borrowers, or industry sector.<br />

Collateral<br />

The Group employs a range of policies and practices to mitigate credit risk. The most traditional of these is the taking<br />

of security for funds advanced, which is common practice. The Group implements guidelines on the acceptability<br />

of specific classes of collateral or credit risk mitigation. The principal collateral types for loans and advances to<br />

customers are:<br />

• Mortgages over residential properties;<br />

• Charges over business assets such as premises, inventory and accounts receivable;<br />

• Charges over financial instruments such as debt securities and equities.<br />

The Group’s credit risk management policies include requirements relating to collateral valuation and management,<br />

including verification requirements and legal certainty. Valuations are updated periodically depending upon the<br />

nature of the collateral. Management monitors the market value of collateral, requests additional collateral in<br />

accordance with the underlying agreement during its periodic review of loan accounts in arrears. Policies are<br />

in place to monitor the existence of undesirable concentration in the collateral supporting the Group’s credit<br />

exposure.<br />


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