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twentreth century llterary texts by women wrlters of<br />

different countries and cultures ---- hfro-Arner~can,<br />

Amerlcan, Britlsh, Canadlan and Indian<br />

~SSU~S, the texts selected for study are<br />

Afro-American Allce Walker's Meridian (1977)<br />

Amerlcan<br />

Brltlsh<br />

Canadlan<br />

Ton1 Morrison's ~eloved (19871<br />

To examlne these<br />

Charlotte Perklns Gllrnan's Herland<br />

119151<br />

Marge Plercy's Woman On The Edge of T me<br />

(1976)<br />

Margaret Dranble's The Millstone I19651<br />

Dorls Lesslng's The Smer Before the<br />

Dark I19731<br />

Margaret Laurence's The Dlvlners 119741<br />

Margaret Atwood's The Handmaad's<br />

119861<br />

Tale<br />

Karnala Markandaya's Nectar in a Sieve<br />

119541<br />

Shashl Deshpande's The Dark Holds No<br />

Terrors 11980)<br />

Although a hosc of other fernlnlst wrlters have wrltten on<br />

thls sensltlve yet challenging Issue, thls drssertatlon<br />

restricts ltself to one text each by the above authors,<br />

taklng them as representatrves of thelr mllleu.

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