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Untitled - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

Untitled - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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20<br />

conventionally defined and lrmlted roles Gllman's views<br />

were much more vehemently vorced years later by the radlcal<br />

femlnlst Marge Plercy who believed that the patriarchal<br />

system cannot be reformed, only overturned Plercy asserted<br />

that male power was at the root of the soclal construction<br />

of gender She attacks men's control over women's role as<br />

chlld bearers and childrearers In W m n on the Edge of Time<br />

Her novel Vida evokes the turmolls of the years whlch P~ercy<br />

experienced as one of the organizers of the 'Students for A<br />

Democratic Socrety' Her Braaded Lives is called a<br />

'narrative of surv~val' rather than a blldungsrornan because<br />

the herolne does not succeed, but merely survlves In Small<br />

Changes, she lmaglnes an alternative world ln whlck the<br />

power pol~tlcs of sexual relationships are replaced sy a<br />

concern for each person as an lndlvldual and a respecz for<br />

nutual needs Flercy's formulation of the fernlnlst przblem<br />

acqulres valldlty through her recognltlon of the need for<br />

rerolutronaly change In soclety and through her careful<br />

attention to the detalls of the Intricate relatlor-ship<br />

between sexuality and cultural role playlng<br />

1.7.0. Mov~ng over to the Indlan scene, lt 1s observed<br />

that the old order does not easily yleld to the new, ant the<br />

Indlan mother flnds herself caught ~nextrlcably beryeen<br />

tradltlon and modernity Restricted both blologlcally and<br />

culturally, the Indlan woman's predicament 1s such that she

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