jepta 1987 06-1 - European Pentecostal Theological Association

jepta 1987 06-1 - European Pentecostal Theological Association

jepta 1987 06-1 - European Pentecostal Theological Association


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VOL VI NO, 1<br />


P , ART1 CLE<br />

HOW Public are Public Testimonies?<br />

A Short Reflection on a Liturgical Practice<br />

by Jean-Daniel PlUss<br />

Many of the free churches of the pietistic<br />

tradition are acquainted with the practice of testifying<br />

at public meetings. <strong>Pentecostal</strong>s from their beginning<br />

have been very conscious of the impact personal<br />

testimonies can have on church life in general and on<br />

missionary activity in particular. They understand a<br />

. witness to the power of the Moly Spirit to be a christian<br />

mandate to the world (~cts 1:B). It is therefore not<br />

surprising that early pentecostal publications were<br />

careful to underline any aspect demonstrating the public<br />

and accessible nature of religious experience.(l)<br />

The logic for bringing an intimate experience of<br />

the Transcendent to the market place of opinions is, as<br />

such, easy to formulate. <strong>Theological</strong>ly, the grace of God<br />

is recognized as a free and priceless gift which compels<br />

the witness to share its descriptian for the benefit of<br />

all, and also in order that he can come to terms with his<br />

own impressions. In other words, the public sharing of a<br />

testimony can be understood as the hermeneutic response<br />

to an experience which the believer ideally knows to have<br />

its roots outside himself, Furthermore, it seems<br />

inconceivable to think of a non-public testimony, The<br />

question, though, arises whether or not public telling<br />

automatically leads to public understanding. What should<br />

be public by nature is not necessarily public in<br />

practice. Three aspects of the testimonial practice need<br />

to be considered specifically if the queation of the<br />

title is to be answered. Theae aspects focus on the<br />

communicative triangle consisting of the sender, the<br />

message, and the receiver. The first aspect can be<br />

formulated in the following question: How true is the<br />

witness to himself? More specifically, in what way can<br />

self-deception interfere with the contents of the<br />

narration? The second aspect concerns the question, how.<br />

can the use of language promote or hinder the understanding<br />

of religious values. Are certain language games<br />

unable to qualify for public consumption? And the third<br />

aspect to be examined is the role of the audience. What<br />

does llpublicityll imply?<br />

The Problem of self-~sce~tion<br />

Probably the easiest criteria for the discoverv of<br />

self-deception in testimonial narratives is the<br />

"Who speaks?" The testimony as such speaks for itself. It<br />

is through 'Ithe irruption of something higher" that the<br />

witness feels compelled to testify. If the witness<br />

intends to speak through his testimony then he brings a<br />

foreign element into khe narrative. As Raimundo PANIKKAR<br />

puts it,<br />

I do not bear witness to the truth of my faith if I<br />

proclaim it in order to be a witness . . . O f<br />

course falsehood is alao possible here, As long as<br />

the audience believes the teatimony of the witness,<br />

he bears true witness - ex opere operantis - but he<br />

ceases to do so when the audience discovers that he<br />

- rather than the testimony itself - intends to<br />

speak, to bear witness. In fact, the w i l l to bear<br />

witness implies wanting to show . . . to convert<br />

him because I myself am convinced that the contents<br />

of my testimony are proper for him too . . . the<br />

purpose is no longer the passive blossoming of a<br />

grace that the audience freely discovers, but the<br />

active communication of a value . . . (2)<br />

The winning force of a spontaneous testimony is not<br />

problematic, buk the pre-meditated proclamation in the<br />

disguise of a intuitive telling poses difficulties,<br />

Interprstative comments are therefore rare in spontaneous<br />

testimonies. If they are present, they indicate that the<br />

witness has already passed a pre-reflective stage, for<br />

instance, by virtue of having testified to the same

experience on several occasions, or by their transmission<br />

to writing. Nota bene: interpretative comments do not<br />

invalidate a testimony, but they make a critical reading<br />

more important.<br />

The question "Who speaks?" can shed more light on<br />

inauthentic testimonies of grace from another angle,<br />

namely in the form in which it relates to a thir'd party,<br />

as the Latin roots testis and tri-stans already Indicate.<br />

A testimony is not a dialectical activity between two<br />

parties, rather it is a witness to transcendence which<br />

may be religious or simply institutional as in the<br />

practice of oath .taking. Now if the witness does not<br />

admit the existence of a third party, then the<br />

possibility of self-deception is very real. Alphonse De<br />

WAELHENS gives, from a psychoanalytic viewpoint, two<br />

examples where triple inter-subjectivity is thwarted.(3)<br />

The first case applies to the schizophrenic person, for<br />

whom there cannot be an address to a third person, due to<br />

the difficulties of already speaking as a self.(4) The<br />

second example applies to the paranoiac for whom the<br />

third party is his own self, for he remains psychologically<br />

at the mirror-stage and reacts aggressively to<br />

any deviation of his perception of himself. If asked who<br />

speaks, he would answer "Me, who elselft For him that<br />

means that all truth is his truth. In testifying he<br />

actually makes apodictic statements in which any form of<br />

ambiguity is excluded.(5) But it is ambiguity that<br />

characterizes testimony and bestows unpretentious power<br />

to its speech. After all, to testify is to be involved in<br />

an act of faith. Signs of ambiguity refer to the<br />

awareness of the third party. Phrases like "1 asked<br />

myself,tt "I wondered," or I t i t dawned on mett are typical<br />

pointers to such inter-subjectivity.<br />

It is generally assumed that testimonies<br />

emphatically claim only one interpretation of truth. That<br />

this is not the case is illustrated by the early<br />

pentecostal testimonies of healing in which the medical<br />

profession stands in an ambivalent position. On the one<br />

hand, the real physician is Jesus, on the other hand<br />

medical terminology is used to describe the worsening of<br />

the initial situation and doctors are invited ta verify<br />

miraculous healings. (6) Indeed such testimonies are not<br />

incoherent, but reflect the divided character of human<br />

existence and the delicate enterprise of placing moral<br />

commitment between strongly held beliefs and constantly<br />

emerging model8 with new formulations of what is held to<br />

be true. It follows that the function of testimony for<br />

the Itmapping of a life worldtt fulfills a pivotal role<br />

especially in a secular and pluralist society. As a<br />

conclusion it can be suggested that the ambivalent<br />

character of a testimony, if it is shared in a public<br />

context and is open ,to a public critique, can lend<br />

veracity to the act of communicating a religious<br />

experience. Ambiguity and truth are not necessarily<br />

diametrically opposed,<br />

The Problem of Language Use<br />

If a testimony is truly communicated publicly, it<br />

w i l l he expressed in a language game understandable to<br />

all. It Is not so easy to do so for at least two reasons.<br />

First, a religious experience always evolves around a<br />

disclosure that reveals a surplus of meaning. <strong>Theological</strong>ly,<br />

khis can be described as a disclosure of<br />

grace, The witness testifies to an event that enlarged<br />

his horizon of understanding . Linguistically, such an<br />

experience is described poetically. (7) The insight gained<br />

cannot ho rlescrlhed in a flatly descriptive way.<br />

Metaphors are used as illustrations of that which seems<br />

odd but true.(R) From a positive paint of view there is<br />

a universally ncknowledged and commonly understood way of<br />

expresrslng the religious, It takes the form of<br />

narratives, The bnuic structure of a narrative with its<br />

plot, tensions, and resolutions can be understood by<br />

everyone. Xt i~ no accident that the Christian Gospel is<br />

essentially a nt;ary. If a testimony is truly public it<br />

w l l l mo~t I tkely t;ake the form of a narrative. From a<br />

negakive point; of' vltsw, tho use of poetic language for

describing disclosures of the transcendent can lead to<br />

the well-known problems evolving around "God-talk." This<br />

leads us to the second problem of language use.<br />

The secularization of western society has brought<br />

about a separation between religious language and the<br />

language of common use. Whereas in the Middle Ages the<br />

world view was governed by all embracing religious<br />

convictions, the man of the twentieth century differentiates,<br />

for example, between scientific, social, and<br />

private views. In other words the witness can no longer<br />

take it for granted that formerly common religious lingo<br />

is still being understood. In its form, a testimony can<br />

sound like a "category mistake" when human questions are<br />

met in terms of a transcendent reference, that is, when<br />

an (apparently) non-religious question is answered<br />

religiously. What should be avoided, therefore, is an<br />

unintelligible leap from one language game (and the human<br />

experiences it describes) to another. Edward<br />

SCHILLEBEECKX states:<br />

The missionary task of christianity and the<br />

transition from non-christian to christian thus<br />

confront us with the need for an explicitly<br />

non-religious context of experience within which it<br />

Is possible to listen meaningfully to christian<br />

talk about God in a secularized world.(9)<br />

In one sense this radical statement clearly suggests to<br />

contextualize faith to an experience of meaning, and that<br />

this correlation has to be so fundamental as to be<br />

accessible to all human questions relating to the meaning<br />

of life. The narrative and everyday character of<br />

testimonies seems suitable in this respect, as long as<br />

testimonies do not hide behind a wall of religious<br />

stereotypes. A statement like, "The Lamb of God brought<br />

me to the foot of Golgotha," can hardly be described as<br />

publicly accessible, but the simple story how faith in<br />

God through the example of Jesus changes one's own life<br />

might be understandable. In summary, the message<br />

conveyed, as the second element of the communicative<br />

triangle, can only be of public value to the extent that<br />

it is presented in an accessible code,<br />

What are the Claims of the Audience?<br />

A testimony is by definition addressed to an<br />

audience. It follows that the receivers of the<br />

testimonial message are endowed with an active<br />

communicative role. They are expected to respond as a<br />

sign that the message has been understood. In order to<br />

ascertain the dialogue between sender and receiver a<br />

twofold pact needs to be made if the testimony is to be<br />

truly public.<br />

The first has been called the "autobiographical<br />

act, l1 (10) In an autobiographical communication (as in a<br />

testimony) there is, according to Philippe LEJEUNE, a<br />

generally agreed upon iden'tity between the author and the<br />

narrator, as well as between the narrator and the<br />

protagonist of the story. This basic presupposition makes<br />

an autobiographical account meaningful to the public. The<br />

pact is a warrant of truthfulness. Now, what has been<br />

said concerning self-deception makes the elaboration of<br />

the pact necessary; namely, the warrant of truthfulness<br />

provided by the audience, It takes the form of a public<br />

trial, because the notion of trial is semantically<br />

inherent to the notion of testimony,<br />

The one who testifies reports an event, he gives a<br />

narration, Those who hear the witness must decide whether<br />

or not they can believe the veracity of the facts told.<br />

For the witness it is not enough to state what he has<br />

tlseen,ll he must also give account of its truthfulness. As<br />

such, testimony is therefore always at the service of<br />

j udgmenk ,<br />

This trial is charncterized by a party dispute; the<br />

pleading for one opinion against the other is a<br />

phenomsnon of moat human situations. "We cannot claim to<br />

have cer2:al,n?;y but only probability, It writes Paul<br />

RICCOEUR, !land the probable is only pursued through a<br />

struggle of ~pinlon,~~(ll) This is especially the case<br />

with startemenl;s of faith, The critical element of a

trial, however, does not necessarily debunk the<br />

testimony. It may also enhance its value by acclamation.<br />

The testimony receives an exterior dimension through the<br />

.judgment of its hearers, without which it cannot be truly<br />

public, nor do justice as a doxological expression of<br />

belief.<br />

In other words, testimonial , practice in church<br />

should involve the community - for it is a community of<br />

interpretation. The role of the christian community (and<br />

by implication also that of the world) is, negatively, to<br />

question the testimony in view of the witness' life and<br />

the message of the Gospel. (e.g. Does the false testimony<br />

meet the test of conviction?) Positively, the community<br />

can appreciate a testimony if it reflects the ultimate<br />

testimony, that is, the testimony of life and total<br />

commitment of Jesus Christ.<br />

A final remark on the public nature of testimonies<br />

will bring us back to the early days of <strong>Pentecostal</strong>ism.<br />

As the movement took roots in the western world it<br />

proclaimed its new found freedom in Christ across<br />

institutional barriers and in public places because it<br />

could generally not afford its own architecturally<br />

designed church buildings.(12) The testimonies were<br />

shared on truly public grounds such as parks, public<br />

meeting places and factory halls. Although the<br />

<strong>Pentecostal</strong>s religious practice was claimed to be<br />

esoteric, their language of experience (reflecting<br />

various social milieus) was not.<br />

Furthermore, the argument for publicity has also a<br />

biblical reason. William EVERETT puts it like this,<br />

"Biblical faith gives God a specific character and<br />

address. God has a 'dwelling place I described variously<br />

as 'most high, heaven, heavenly kingdom, heavenly court,<br />

or throne. This spatiality may strike sophisticates as<br />

quaint, unless they realize that the biblical authors are<br />

claiming that God dwells in perfect public - a place of<br />

light, of open disclosure, of persuasive truth, of<br />

judgment in the light of all the facts.I1(l3) To this<br />

statement one could add the familiar notion in the Old<br />

Testament of "God's presence dwelling among his people,"<br />

or the New Testament equivalent: Itthe Word became flesh<br />

and dwelt among us, full of grace and truthu (John 1:14).<br />

EVERETT advocates another reason for paying<br />

attention to the public realm.(l4) It arises as a<br />

contrast from the fallen human condition which retreats<br />

into privation, a place of isolation and darkness,<br />

selfish coercion and death. Ironically, the pluralistic<br />

concept of the "publict1 in a secular world becomes a<br />

symbol of wholeness and salvation.<br />

Jean-Daniel PLUESS<br />

Meuelatrasse 45<br />

CH - 8032 Zurich<br />

Endnotes<br />

(1) So for instance in the first issue of the British periodical<br />

Confidence 1,1 (April 1908). pp. 8-10; or in the Swiss journal<br />

-<br />

Die<br />

Verheissung des Vaters 6, 36 (1913), p. 8. Testimonies from various<br />

iocial backgrounds are mentioned and the witnesses are referred to with<br />

full name, occasionally also uith their complete address.<br />

(2) Raimundo PANXKKAR, Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics (New York:<br />

Paulist Press, 1979), p. 249,<br />

(3) Alphonse DE WAELHENS, I1Ambiguftk de la notion de<br />

tlimoignage," in Le thoignage, Enrico CASTELLI ed., (paris: Aubier,<br />

1972), pp. 467-476.<br />

(5) The case of schizophrenia should however not be confused<br />

uith the double aspect: of the self making a testimonial narrative<br />

possible. Paul BROCKELHAfi distinguishes a self which is characterized<br />

in the tsmporal process brought to light in the testimony, and the self<br />

which causes any reflection about it, Tho ability to keep one's<br />

distance from a temporal experience also explains self-deception,<br />

namely the interplay betwcen a deceiving self and a deceived self. A t<br />

the same time it allows awareness of this arocess and a correction OF<br />

ael f-.decep tion. Paul UROCUELMAN, Time and Self. Phenonsnological<br />

Explorations (Oecatur: 1985), pp, 15-16, 82-83.

(5) Alphone DE WAELHENS, Ambiguftk, pp. 470-473. By implication<br />

the objective to Ittell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the<br />

truth" is in fact a paranoiac fallacy! Another example of unambiguous<br />

and self-deceptive testimony has been discussed by Stanles HAUERWAS in<br />

an article on Albert SPEERfs autobiography lllnside the Third Reichll in<br />

Truthfulaess and Tragedy: Further Investigations in Christian Ethics,<br />

(Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1977), pp. 82-98. HAUERWAS<br />

mentions various reasons for consciously or unconsciously allowing<br />

self-deception in an autobiographical narrative. To give a few examples<br />

the following desires are cited: to stay morally ignorant about a<br />

certain state of affairs, not to spell out certain activities, to<br />

cherish an illusion, to fit a social role. TO illustrate the possible<br />

extent of self-deception HAUERWAS points to SPEER's deliberate<br />

avoidance of the Jewish issue by clinging to the narrative thread that<br />

presented him as HITLERls apolitical architect. SPEER put aesthetics<br />

over ethics and correlated his identity picture to that decision.<br />

(6) To give a few examples from early <strong>Pentecostal</strong>ism: "A<br />

Wonderful Case of Cancer Healing by the Lord," i n Confidence 5,3<br />

(1912), pp. 65f,; "A Girl's Miracle-Cure,tl in Christian Herald (March<br />

7th, 1912), reprinted in Confidence 5,3 (1912)~ pp. 70f.; Ver alle<br />

deine Krankheiten heilt," in Die Verheissung des Vaters 9,11+12 (1916),<br />

pp. 6ff.<br />

(7) For further information see for instance the writings of<br />

Paul RICOEUR, such as, Essays on Biblical Interpretation, Lewis S.<br />

MUDGE, ed., (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1974-1980), pp. 73-154; and<br />

The Rule of Metaphor (London: Routledge E Kegan Paul, 1977).<br />

(8) On a theory of disclosure of odd logic cf. Ian T. RAMSEY,<br />

Religious Language: An Empirical Placing of <strong>Theological</strong> Phrases<br />

(London: SCM Press, 1957).<br />

(9) Edward SCHILLEBEECKX, The Understanding of Faith: In terpretation<br />

and Criticism (London: Sheed and Ward. 1974). .. o.<br />

9<br />

160,<br />

(10) Phillipe LEJEUNE, "Le pact autobiographique,~~ in Podtique<br />

14 (1973) 9 pp. 137-162.<br />

(11) Paul RICEUR, Vhe Hermeneutics of Testimony,l in Essays on<br />

Biblical Interpretation, p. 125.<br />

(12) See endnote (1).<br />

(13) William EVERETT, "Liturgy and Ethics: A Response to Saliers<br />

and RamseylH in The Journal of Religious Ethics 7,2 ( 1979)~ p. 209.<br />

(14) William EVERETT, "Liturgy and Ethics," p, 210.<br />

Paul<br />


ELBEIIT (ed.), Essays on Apostolic Themes: Studies in<br />

Honor of Howard M. ERVIN presented to him by<br />

Colleagues and Friends on his Sixty-fifth Birthday<br />

(Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1985). . . 239<br />

pp. Reviewed by John KARSTEN, Zeist, ~olland.<br />

Honoring a scholar with a book - a familiar custom<br />

among Germans - is starting among Charismatics and<br />

<strong>Pentecostal</strong>n. This back honors the American scholar and<br />

Pastor H.M. ERVIN who teaches at Oral Roberts University.<br />

A brief story of ERVIN'S life and his bibliography is<br />

included. The contributors come from a wide range of<br />

denominations, including the Assemblies of God and the<br />

Roman Catholic Church.<br />

A brief survey will illustrate the book's value. At<br />

the: level of l~orrneneu'tical presuppositions, William<br />

MENZIES defends the classical pentecostal link between<br />

,[;he I4oly Spirit and tongues while G,A, TURNER briefly<br />

doacribea tho Woly Spirit in the Hermeneutics of the<br />

Iicformation and the Radical Reformation." Strangely<br />

enough, he includes Pietism, Quakerism and Methodism in<br />

which the inner. testimony is the major work of the<br />

Spirit. In HI-lermeneutics; A <strong>Pentecostal</strong> Option," ERVIN<br />

himself opposes demythoLogization and the new hermeneutics.<br />

I-le argues that the miraculous is not mythical<br />

but real and can be experienced today by the Spirit. This<br />

assumptian, he believes, is more realistic than an<br />

accomodation to outmoded materialistic thinking.<br />

F.P. BRUCE writes exhaus'tively on "The Spirit in<br />

the I,,ettcr to tho Ga.latianstl and relates data to other<br />

New Tsstament aogments . The Galatians had received the<br />

Spirit vi~ibl.y and He had produced love and hope, The<br />

promise was given praviously that the judgment started<br />

with Pentecost RO that justification and life in the<br />

Spirit are inseparable. Adoption is not only a change in

status for it implies a relationship to God as Father,<br />

and Jesus as Lord. BRUCE'S consideration of the leading<br />

of the Spirit in moral living and the fruit of Christ's<br />

character concludes a first-rate study.<br />

J .D. G. DUNN in his contribution entitled "Romans<br />

7:14-25 in the Theology of Paultt argues forcefully and<br />

with broad documentation that this position describes<br />

Paul's present christian life. Those contending for<br />

other views (e.g. that the passage refers to Paul's<br />

pre-christian life, or the majority view that it refers<br />

to men apart from Christ as viewed by a believer) will<br />

need to take note of his arguments. H.R. YIM has his<br />

focus on "Preaching God's Word in Demonstration of the<br />

Spirit and of Power.I1 He argues that effective preaching<br />

requires the centrality of the Bible and the ministry of<br />

the Holy Spirit and that the goal of preaching is<br />

liberating people although the context in which preaching<br />

occurs can vary.<br />

J. HORNER relates "The Holy Spirit and the Wisdom<br />

of God," while J. REA examines "The Personal Relationship<br />

of Old Testament Believers to the Holy Spirit,"<br />

concluding that Old Testament believers were regenerated,<br />

but not permanently indwelt by the Spirit, Temporary<br />

endowment for tasks did occur, but only just before<br />

Christts ascension was the Spirit finally given. C,M.<br />

ROBECK, Jr. shows that IRENAEUS, the second century<br />

bishop of Lyons, was acquainted with charismatic<br />

phenomena not only in Gnostic and Montanist settings, but<br />

also in orthodox churches, for prophecy was apparently<br />

part of normal church life.<br />

The editor of this volume, Paul ELBERT, discusses<br />

sympathetically and broadly llCalvin and the Spiritual<br />

Gifts." It is common knowledge that CALVIN considered the<br />

visible gifts to have ceased in apostolic times, yet he<br />

recognized graces and ministries in the Church. Some<br />

"restoration pastors" now follow CALVIN possibly without<br />

knowing it. G. STRACHAN proves his grasp of the<br />

It<strong>Theological</strong> and Cultural Origins of the Nineteenth<br />

Century <strong>Pentecostal</strong> Movement." This movement started<br />

among the cultured members under influence of new<br />

cultural impulses which uncovered old biblical truths<br />

Such as the uni~ersal love of God, the humanity of Christ<br />

which overcame through the Spirit, and the pattern of the<br />

early church.<br />

<strong>European</strong> topics are discussed by Ivar LUNDGRAN, who<br />

describes briefly I1Lewi PETHRUS and the Swedish<br />

<strong>Pentecostal</strong> Movement. Although the description is brief<br />

the author is successful in his task. L. GOTT introduces<br />

ttDonald GEE: The Apostle of Balance" as he describes the<br />

man who excelled as a Bible teacher, writer and educator.<br />

I-lis involvement with Bible school work should be well<br />

known, for he stated that he ftshould like to make it<br />

clear that we place no premium upon ignorance and<br />

illiteracy" (p 176). Furthermore, GEE'S stance on<br />

healing and wealth is atill important. J.L. CORNELLY in<br />

his article entitled "Not in the Reputable Churches: The<br />

Reception of the Charismatic Movement in the Mainline<br />

Churches in AmericaM shows that these churches first<br />

opposed the charismatic phenomena claiming that<br />

glossolalia was symptomatic of mental illness, but in the<br />

19701s it came to acceptance, provided certain safe<br />

guard. were strongly maintained. Fundamentalist churches,<br />

nsvertheless, remained opposed, The article concludes<br />

w tth the unexpected findings of GREELEY and McCREALY that<br />

45% of all Americans claim ecstatic experiences,<br />

The Jesuit *D,L. GELPI in his "Ecumenical<br />

Reflections on Christ s Eucharistic Presence" utilizes<br />

his philaeophical. training to relate different underatandings<br />

of communion in LUTHER, CALVIN, and ACQUINAS to<br />

the appropriate philosophical frame of reference. He then<br />

advances nine affirmations which, he hopes could prove<br />

acceptable to all, but of course not all will accept<br />

them, This item is certainly the most original article in<br />

the book. J. AMSTUTZ in "Deyond Pentecogt: A Study of<br />

Some Sociological Dimensions of New Testament Church<br />

Growth from the Book of Actsft examines why the early<br />

Church continued to grow, The reasons he finds are: a<br />

love expressed socially, a conductive structure, the fact

that all believers were active, the expansion of<br />

leadership base, the indigenous nature of the Church and<br />

a sensitivity to culture, its concentration of receptive<br />

people and, finally, the fact that multiplication was<br />

built in. This article is one of the most practical.<br />

Indexes of names and references conclude this<br />

beautifully produced book.<br />

Howard M. ERVIN, Conversion-Initiation and the Baptism in<br />

the Holy Spirit (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1984),<br />

172 pp. Reviewed by David PETTS, Mattersey,<br />

England.<br />

This fine study by Dr. Howard M. ERVIN, who is a<br />

professor at Oral Roberts University, is sub-titled "An<br />

Engaging Critique of James D.G. DUNNts 'Baptism in the<br />

Holy Spirit,tl1 a work which, since its publication in<br />

1970, has been acclaimed by those who oppose a common<br />

pentecostal position. DUNNts conversion-initiation<br />

thesis, . which sees repentance, faith, baptism and the<br />

gift of the Holy Spirit as representing an indivisible<br />

unity without which one is not a Christian, provides the<br />

basis for his rejection of the pentecostal understanding<br />

of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as an enduement with<br />

power for service received subsequent to regeneration.<br />

ERVIN recognizes DUNN's work as Itone of the most<br />

comprehensive and influential rebuttals of <strong>Pentecostal</strong>ism<br />

todayt1 and systematically tackles DUNN s<br />

conversion-initiation hypothesis chapter by chapter. As a<br />

result the structure of his work is predetermined by that<br />

of DUNN .<br />

Following DUNNt s outline ERVIN deals first with the<br />

John the Baptist references to the Baptism in the Holy<br />

Sprit, then with Jesusf baptism, the Day of Pentecost,<br />

the Samaritans, Paul, Cornelius, and the Ephesian<br />

disciples. Relevant passages in the Epistles of Paul and<br />

the Johannine literature are covered systematically<br />

followed by those in Hebrews and I Peter. The standard<br />

pentecostal understanding of the Baptism in the Holy<br />

Spirit as subsequent to regeneration is defended<br />

throughout and the weaknesses and presuppositions in<br />

DUNNts position are exposed,<br />

Particularly compelling, for example, is ERVIN'S<br />

rejection of DUNNts contention that the Samaritans were<br />

nat yet Christians even though they had believed and been<br />

baptised. By a careful comparison of the use of the verb<br />

pisteuein elsewhere in the NT writings ERVIN skillfully<br />

refutes DUNNts contention that the use of the verb with<br />

the dative indicates only an intellectual acceptance<br />

rather than real commitment.<br />

There are times, however, when one feels that ERVIN<br />

is pressing far too hard for the concept of the<br />

subsequence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. This is<br />

particularly evident when he argues that the infilling<br />

recorded in Acts 4:31 was the occasion oithe converts at<br />

Pentecost receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit,<br />

though even here the discussion is scholarly if<br />

unconvincing, In this connection it is unfortunate that<br />

ERVIN, along wikh many pentecostal exegetes, falls into<br />

the trap of insisting that the Baptism in the Spirit must<br />

follow regeneration when all that the pentecostal<br />

position logically demands in that it may.<br />

Despite these cautions, however, ERVIN has made a<br />

valuable contribution to pentecostal scholarship and<br />

appears in most cases to have successfully challenged<br />

DUNNts exegesis. However, it is unfortunate that his<br />

style is far less readable than DUNN's and 'despite his<br />

claim to have attempted to minimise the tediousness of<br />

the kind of answer demanded by such a response, one<br />

cannot help but feel that, in this respect at least, he*<br />

has failed. We are, nevertheless, grateful to ERVIN for a<br />

skillful and thorough rebuttal of DUNN s hypothesis. His<br />

work should undoubstedly stand alongside that of DUNN in<br />

every Bible college library.


Nyreligiiisa rijrelser i Svergie: En kort presenta-<br />

- tion Ingmar GUSTAFSSON (ed.), (Stockholm: Normans<br />

Forlag, 1983), 160 pp. Reviewed by David BUNDY,<br />

Lexington, KY; U.S.A.<br />

The study of new religious movements was<br />

traditionally designated the study of "cults. " That term<br />

came to connote condescension and an assumed negative<br />

evaluation. In congruence with the long tradition of<br />

apologetics within the christian tradition, such works<br />

served to convince the convinced that the alternative<br />

traditions were not valid traditions. Such triumphalism,<br />

however, makes for poor scholarship and does not<br />

accomplish its purpose within the church, much less<br />

outside, In highly individualistic western society, the<br />

llcultsll approach is not taken seriously by persons who<br />

have actually come into contact with other, albeit newer,<br />

traditions and have felt the strength of their<br />

commitments and integrity and have recognized the cogency<br />

of their reason.<br />

The present volume by GUSTAFFSON et. al. takes<br />

quite a different approach. The effort is to present, as<br />

accurately and non-prejudicially as possible, the history<br />

and religious philosophy of the various new religious<br />

movements recruiting in contemporary Sweden. The<br />

introductory chapter (pp, 11-16) reveals the personal<br />

commitments of the authors to an established tradition.<br />

They note that the majority of the new movements have<br />

arrived in Sweden from the U.S.A., including most of<br />

those which are originally from East Asia and India. They<br />

also indicate that most groups are rather authoritarian<br />

in their community structures, concerned with security in<br />

the future,<br />

and do not accept the traditional christian<br />

canon and exegesis.<br />

The authors introduce serially the Jehovah's<br />

Witnesses (pp. 17-40) , Mormonism (pp. 41-60) , Baha i (pp,<br />

61-66}, Transcendental Meditation (pp. 67-72), Zen and<br />

other forms of meditation (73-84), Scientology (pp.<br />

85-92), Family of God (Karlekens Famil j ) (pp. 93-loo),<br />

spiritualism (PP. 101-108), Hare Krishna (pp. 109-112),<br />

~heosophy (PP. 113-120 ) , Anthroposophy (121-124), The<br />

unification Church (Tongill (125-131 ) , Eckankar (132-133)<br />

and UFO-ology (pp. 134-136). The method is consistent.<br />

The history of the group and its development are<br />

the teachings of the movement are described,<br />

sources of authority identified, and the organisational<br />

structure delineated, When there are creeds or statements<br />

of faith, these are appended. Extensive bibliography<br />

about each movement i ~ l provided (pp. 137-144). Here as<br />

well., the effort of the writers to be fair is apparent,<br />

After a list of general works on new religious movements,<br />

the bibliography is classified according to movement, In<br />

each case the movement's own literature is presented<br />

first, and then a bibliography of works about the<br />

movement is added. A general index and a separate index<br />

of names facilitate use of the volume as a reference<br />

tool, A study plan, which allows the volume to be used in<br />

church groups or classrooma is appended.<br />

The volume is remarkable for its perspective,<br />

design and for the accuracy of the information presented.<br />

It iu hoped that this work will serve as a model for<br />

other efforts.<br />

Ralph P, MARTIN, The Spirit and the Congregation (Grand<br />

Rapids: Wil.liam B. Eerdmans Publishing Cob , 1984),<br />

vii + 168 pp. Reviewed by Robert A. LOVE, Brussels<br />

Belgium.<br />

A t first glance, The Spiri't and the Congregation<br />

appears to be simply a specialized commentary. To be<br />

sure, it is that. -1t deals successively with the last<br />

four chapters of tho book of First Corinthians.

The underlying purpose of the book, however, is not<br />

merely the exposition of an intrinsically interesting<br />

portion of scripture. The theme is congregational<br />

worship, with all spiritualities, charisms and graces in<br />

operation and under review by apostolic authority,<br />

Each of the chapters is preceded by a transla'tion<br />

of the text to be considered. Such translations, often<br />

presumed to be literal, are occasionally presented as the<br />

capstones of the arguments. In this case, rather the<br />

author provides us with "Points to Ponder.I1 These are<br />

identifications and amplifications of difficult areas,<br />

Reference is made without comment to scholarly opinion.<br />

Of particular interest to the community of modern<br />

day pentecostal believers, whether classical or charismatic,<br />

are the treatments of First Corinthians twelve and<br />

fourteen. It is refreshing that the traditional<br />

evangelical proscriptions are overlooked if not forgotten.<br />

The unsupportable contention that tttongues shall<br />

ceaset1 becomes a positive assertion that there should be,<br />

Itin a public service, a desired blend of the formal and<br />

the intimate that never descends to the level of what is<br />

no better than the casual or even flippant.I1 (p. 64)<br />

The themes of congregational unity and edification<br />

inhere. The author speaks clearly for the broad scope of<br />

gifts. MARTIN identifies twenty gifts of God in the New<br />

Testament literature. The nine selected for mention in I<br />

Corinthians were Paul's choice based on the situation at<br />

Corinth. In response to this situation a call is issued<br />

for order and a disciplined way of conducting worship. As<br />

onerous as it may seem there should be control: the<br />

control of the Spirit, self-control of the believers, and<br />

as necessary, the more formal control of leadership. Paul<br />

opposed Itthe Corinthians1 desire to turn the church into<br />

a Gnostic conventicle of private individuals, each<br />

concerned with his or her own inalienable experiences and<br />

heedless of the corporate dimension ..,I1 (D. .-<br />

62)<br />

The Spirit and the Congregation offers interesting<br />

- even fascinating - alternative explanations for a<br />

number of interpretations which have been canonized by<br />

the classicists of many camps. For example, Paul enjoins<br />

the Corinthians not to forbid speaking in tongues<br />

(14:39). The standard pentecostal/ charismatic approach<br />

is to refrain gingerly from any discouragement of the<br />

of 'this gift except under all but the most<br />

extreme of circumstances. Othera take the view that<br />

tongues are by no mean8 forbidden. "Let them,I1 they say,<br />

tigo to the pentacostal church and do it.!! MARTIN points,<br />

however, that there is more than one activity which<br />

passes under this rubric: These are llhottl tongues which<br />

border on frenzy, and ttcoollt tongues which can be<br />

restrained (p. 67). Indeed, it is held that the statement<br />

Itnot all speak with tonguestt (12:30) is explained by this<br />

disti.nction which Paul makes. It is the controllable<br />

variety of tongues which Paul practices and encourages in<br />

others.<br />

The distinguishing of the roles of men and women in<br />

corporate worship is another of MARTIN'S creative<br />

alternatives. There is little doubt that there was at<br />

least; a local problem with the behaviour of the<br />

Corinthian women. This resulted in their identification<br />

as disturbere of the service and the placing of certain<br />

restrictions on their participation. Can we from this<br />

infer that a1.l wamen, everywhere and for all the time,<br />

should be in silence and subjection? Certainly not. The<br />

subjection to which Paul refers is nok to their husbands<br />

but rather ta their own spirits or to the body, Indeed,<br />

the prohibition of women teaching results, in MARTINIS<br />

thinking, not from any intrinsic inferiority of women but<br />

rather from Ittheir wrongful aspiration to charismatic<br />

teachers, Ispenking in inspired languages and laying<br />

clafm to introduce fresh revelations that they were not<br />

willing to have assessed and corrected by the assembly<br />

and in accord with aposto1.i~ standards.I1 (p. 87)<br />

One can hardly refrain from comparing The Spirit<br />

and ,the Congregation with the anti-pentecostal polemics<br />

of a generation or two ago, Ralph MARTIN does not lay<br />

down his pen to bellow and to paw the earth. Rather, we<br />

can picture him smiling or even laughing as he writes.

There are many types of laughter. There is the<br />

laughter which exults over the imperfections of others<br />

and which hardly qualifies as laughter at all. There is<br />

the laughter of friends who share the humor of the<br />

unanticipated of the inconsistent. There is also that<br />

laughter of the one who sees an inconsistency first and<br />

enjoys the dawning perception of the other. This most<br />

gentle of all forms of humor begins within and makes its<br />

way to the surface. Often, a smile is all that remains.<br />

The Spirit and the Congregation does indeed contain<br />

within its scholarly pages that latest from of laughter,<br />

Its source is, as it were, between the lines and speaks<br />

to those who all too readily maintain that all should be<br />

Charismatics. "Ah! " it says, "You see it now. Take care<br />

that you do not lose the mystery of God and your<br />

perception of the body and, in so doing, become merely<br />

spiritual . I '<br />

Carl Erik SANLBERG, The <strong>Pentecostal</strong> Movement - Five Case<br />

Studies (Nairobi: no publisher given, but printed<br />

by Evangel Publishing House, 1985), 69 pp, Reviewed<br />

by Peter HOCKEN, Gaithsrsburg, Maryland, U.S.A.<br />

SHALBERG is a Swedish Lutheran pastor, whose<br />

doctoral dissertation at Upps~la in 1977 was on the<br />

Swedish <strong>Pentecostal</strong> movement and its daily newspaper<br />

Dagen. Since 1983, he has taught church history at<br />

Makumira Lutheran <strong>Theological</strong> College in Tanzania.<br />

This booklet gathers five studies on the<br />

<strong>Pentecostal</strong> movement presented at Makumira. A11 present<br />

an historical account of the evolution from the earliest<br />

stages of the <strong>Pentecostal</strong> movement through the phases of<br />

expansion to those of wider acceptance.<br />

The first study<br />

concerns the attitudes of scholars to <strong>Pentecostal</strong>ism (a<br />

version of this has been published in Evangelical Review<br />

of, January 1985, pp. 70-77) , the rest deal with<br />

the practices and beliefs of <strong>Pentecostal</strong>s: the roles of<br />

the Father and of the Son; attitudes toward political and<br />

involvement; attitudes to medicine and healing;<br />

the: pentecostal missions in Tanzania. The strong points<br />

of these studies are SAHLBERG1s feel far what is<br />

significant, his breadth of interest and of awareness and<br />

his ability to mduce complex data to managable<br />

proportions without distortion. The historical evolution<br />

is presented critically yet sympathetically, avoiding the<br />

two extremes of seeing the movement's history as either<br />

steady decline from pristine glory or as sectarian<br />

fanatics gradually becoming more reasonable. There is<br />

much interesting information in these studies, some of it<br />

not easily accessible elsewhere in English, especially<br />

the parts relating to Scandinavia and to Tanzania. He has<br />

a number of pertinent observations, e .g. "The <strong>Pentecostal</strong><br />

churches of the Third World also keep a more original<br />

eschatological perspective alivevv (p. 30) and "It is no<br />

coincidence that in the country which is considered to be<br />

the most dechristianiz;ed in this Western Europe, namely<br />

Sweden, the first; political party in the world with<br />

pentecouta1.s a8 t;he core shou1.d also ba founded,I1 (p, 32)<br />

Also worth noting nro remarks on early pentecostal .<br />

attitudes to illness aB lacking in any reflection on the<br />

phenomenon of suffering (pp. 39-41).<br />

Thc weakness of these studies is primarily in the<br />

intelligibility of the Engli~h, which must be worse than<br />

the author imagines, and in the carelessness of the use<br />

of source material, which can only partly be due to the<br />

difficulties of writing pentecostal history in a country<br />

with lesser Library facilities, The errors are numerous,<br />

though they @re generally incidental and do not vitiate<br />

the arguments of the studies, Charles W. CONN is referred<br />

to ns Chaileo W. CANNS (p. 6) ; the charismatic renewal is<br />

described as being "born in a univer~ity milieu1' (p. 71,<br />

presum~lbly an attribution of the 1al;er start among<br />

Catholics to the whole movement; James BARR's book<br />

Fundnmentalisrn is mentioned as ~undamental~ (p, 311, and<br />

the plural of homo politicus is wrongly given as homini<br />


politici (pp. 3Of. ) ; ttIntercessors for Americatt is<br />

described as being established in about 35 countries,<br />

instead of ttIntercessors for Britaintt, etc. (p. 33) ; the<br />

Assemblies of God in the USA is said to have been "more<br />

closely reorganized in 1914" (p. 51). It is to be hoped<br />

that Dr. SAHLBERG will pursue his historical -<br />

theological reflections on the <strong>Pentecostal</strong> movement, but<br />

that the accuracy of the English and the references will<br />

be significantly improved.<br />

Robert L. YOUNGBLOOD ( ed. ) , Cyprus : TEE Come of Age<br />

(Exeter:: Paternoster Press for the World Evangelical<br />

Fellowship and the International Council of<br />

Accrediting Agencies, 1986), 78 pp. Reviewed by<br />

Donald Dean SMEETON, Rhode St. Genese, Belgium.<br />

Critical self-assessment is characteristic of the<br />

progress toward maturity. The willingness to identify<br />

strengths and acknowledge failures can also contribute to<br />

improvement and self-reliance. It is thus fitting that<br />

<strong>Theological</strong> Education by Extension (TEE), which was<br />

birthed at the Evangelical Presbyterian Seminary two<br />

decades ago, should evidence these signs of having come<br />

of age. self-criticism characterizes this modest volume,<br />

which contains the three major papers presented at a<br />

consultation on TEE sponsored by the International<br />

Council of Accrediting Agencies and the <strong>Theological</strong><br />

Commission of the World Evangelical Fellowship held<br />

during July 1984 in Cyprus.<br />

TEE has outgrown the impertinent exuberance of its<br />

adolescence and its impatience with the traditional<br />

establishment of theological education. Its early<br />

promises included the rejuvenation of educational<br />

structures as well as the renewal of church life. TEE,<br />

with its pattern of independent study punctuated by<br />

periodic classes, promised to bring the school to the<br />

~tudent and to eliminate the elitist mentality that<br />

seemed to dominate theological education. The traditional<br />

pattern of theological education was judged to be<br />

theoretical., irrelevant, and isolated from cultural<br />

realities. TEE seemed to be the only reasonable option<br />

for those parts of the world where Christianity was<br />

rapid ~u~erical growth and where leadership<br />

not be severed for a period of four or more years<br />

of theological formation on the western model in<br />

isolation from the student's own community. TEE was<br />

considered the perfect answer to the needs, for it wag<br />

formed in the matrix of church growth, missiology, and<br />

theological education.<br />

TEE branched from its Latin ~merickn beginnings to<br />

take root in virtually every continent. TEE has<br />

mushroomed from the first attempts at small step<br />

programed learning, to the copious variety of adaptions of<br />

culture and language, The bandwagon was boarded by a<br />

large number of denominational, interdenominational, and<br />

non-denominational educational organizations. Some<br />

programs have been concerned only with ministerial<br />

training while others have broadened to include the<br />

training of lay 1.eadership in the local church. Even<br />

though TEE has challenged traditional assump tions and<br />

created many new structures, the educational literature<br />

has not kept; pace with these developments. Ross F.<br />

KINSLER has documented Rome of the variety and character<br />

of these programs by his Ministry by the People<br />

(Maryknoll: Orbia Books, l983), but his study is<br />

descriptive and ilXustrative rather than analytical. The<br />

number and variety of TEE programs defies any attempts at<br />

forming a comprehensive listing. As the manifestations of<br />

TEE have multiplied, however, so have its weaknesses.<br />

Although TEE has had considerable success, it has not<br />

achieved ita full promiss, This is precisely why the work<br />

by YOUNGBLOOD is so important, It appears that even some<br />

of the practices that were once judged so harshly now

seem to characterize the TEE structures themselves.<br />

The<br />

message seems to be that TEE may have come of age,<br />

but it<br />

-<br />

has not yet arrived.<br />

As ..-<br />

often happens with the publication of conference<br />

papers, this collection suffers from variety in style,<br />

content and documentation, But even after one makes the<br />

predictable comments about unevenness, there ie an<br />

important logical continuity that binds these studies<br />

together by covering the past, present and future. Each<br />

essay was prepared by an educator with broad experience<br />

in distance education programs in a developing nation.<br />

Each contribution is permeated with practical insights<br />

and personal commitment. Each has its own significance.<br />

. A summasv of the history of TEE is sketched by<br />

Kenneth MULHOL~AND whose fluid style is interrupted by<br />

his over-fondness for citing authorities, especially<br />

himself! This essay is, however, more than a history<br />

lesson for MULHOLLAND does not; hesitate to draw lessons<br />

from history by listing TEE'S achievements and failures,<br />

Next Lois McKENNEY, who pioneered cooperative work among<br />

the TEE programs in Brazil, appeals for interaction among<br />

TEE programs, residential schools, accrediting agencies<br />

and other educational entities. Articulate appeals even<br />

when linked with practical suggestions are, however,<br />

easier to make than to implement and her essay suffers<br />

from a lack of the documentation which she could so<br />

easily have added. In another chapter, Robert FERRIS<br />

analyzes the educational psychologies of Paulo FREIRE,<br />

Jean PIAGET, Robert CARKHUFF, Arthur COMBS and Malcolm<br />

KNOWLES, then offers suggestions for the application of<br />

these theories to theological education. He identifies<br />

what he believes should be the essential and controlling<br />

values for future developments of TEE. I-ie concludes that<br />

whatever new patterns develop they must be centered in<br />

experience, grounded in servanthood, and committed to the<br />

need for continued improvement. In keeping with these<br />

needs, Randall BELL contributes a final chapter on<br />

"Institutional Self-Evaluation in Bible Colleges."<br />

Although this document has its origins in the American<br />

accrediting system Was not part of the Cyprus<br />

meeting, it forms a natural sequence to the concept of<br />

self-criticism which is essential to the improvement of<br />

any educational system.<br />

TEE is characteristically, but not exclusively, the<br />

genius of Evangelicalism with its camrnitments<br />

to b~ing<br />

every Christinn to full maturity. It has brought training<br />

to those in tho pulpit as well. as those in the pew who<br />

otherwise would be denied the opportunity of a<br />

theal.ogicnl education. The TEE concepts and techniques,<br />

however, have influenced a wide variety of other<br />

educational programs, Rome evcn outside the discipline of<br />

theology, This influence explains why these essays demand<br />

attention from all who work in decentralized programs or<br />

seek to irnplemen'k distance education structures. The<br />

biblio~rnphien increase the book's usefulness as a<br />

starting point to understanding TIYE, This work may not be<br />

the definitive otudy, but it 1s an important analysis.<br />

IT I , NOTES<br />

C.S. BUTLER, Te5t the Spirits: An Examination of the<br />

Charismatic Movemsnt (Welwyn, Merta: Evangelical<br />

Press, 1985). 156 pp.<br />

Of all the hundredfl of book8 on the <strong>Pentecostal</strong> and<br />

Charismatic movement that X have read this one must rank<br />

as one of the wormt, The publiaherls blurb speaks of the<br />

author's "wealth of experience from within the<br />

charismatic movement. This is contradicted by his own<br />

testimony - which i~ held over until page 124. Me appears<br />

to have tried almost everything. How long he maintains<br />

his position remains to be seen.<br />

The standard of scholarship in this volume is of a<br />

low order. Most of the details are borrowed from<br />

sccondnry sources, There are serious works which question

pentecostal theology and practice (i.e, BRUNNER, DUNN,<br />

and HOEKEMA) but these are ignored, perhaps because the<br />

author considered them too sophisticated, The publishers<br />

have tarnished their good name by such a production. The<br />

book is trivial. The chapter on gifts in the New<br />

Testament contains less than 500 words. Whole groups are<br />

dismissed with a flick of the pen. For example, to write<br />

of David BERG and the Children of God as charismatic is a<br />

travesty.<br />

If it is true as the author claims - and this is<br />

one of the few things in this book with which I would<br />

agree - that there is a growing acceptance of charismatic<br />

practice among some evangelicals" (p. 62), this book will<br />

do nothing to stem the tide. <strong>Pentecostal</strong>/charismatic<br />

theology and practice are open to examination. Some<br />

things that have been done are not above criticism, but<br />

this book will only confirm the prejudices of those whose<br />

minds are already closed and will cause unnecessary<br />

offence to others.<br />

and numerous christian services. The book<br />

ranges from animal welfare organizations to an article by<br />

Jim HOLWAY on Mosque attendance,<br />

Yet; it itit more than a data base on Christian<br />

trivia: it is a revealing study of trends and a pmgnosticator<br />

of the future. For example, the table on page<br />

142 shows that the list of Elim ministers increased from<br />

152 in 1980 'to 403 in 1985. This change represents an<br />

increase of 21% Per m'mum but the number of churches<br />

increased only Q.8% per amurn during the same period, One<br />

can easily sea that this kind of information is essential<br />

for long range plnnning for this group of pentecostal<br />

churches.<br />

In addition the collection of data, the editor<br />

offers an assessment of trends affecting Christianity in<br />

the UK. Ma describes 1) the nature of the post-christian<br />

era, 2) the increasing frngmentation, 3) more polarization,<br />

4) the challenges to leadership, 5) a decreasing<br />

nominalism, 6) the irrelevance of denominational labels,<br />

and 7) the expectations of growth.<br />

Peter BRIERLEY (ed.), UK Christian Handbook <strong>1987</strong>/88<br />

Edition (Bromley , Kent: MARC Europe; London:<br />

Evangelical Alliance; Swindon, Wilts: Bible<br />

Society, 1986), 649 pp.<br />

Do you need to find a christian children's home in<br />

Kent? Or, the telephone number of the headquarters in<br />

London of the Prayer Book Society? Or, a complete list of<br />

all the christian periodicals published in the UK? Or how<br />

to compare the charges of all the anglican theological<br />

colleges? A l l of these answers - and many, many more -<br />

are accessible in this one convenient resource. It<br />

contains listing (with relevant information) on accomodations,<br />

bookshops, churches, educational institutions,<br />

leadership resources, media ministries, missionary<br />

Walter J, HOLJJiNWEGER and S, CARREL, "Le dernier repas:<br />

une liturgie eucl~aristi.que narrative et tht5atrale,lq<br />

Hokhma, 32 (1986), 1-21.<br />

Thia article consists of four parts and provides a<br />

general introduction to H0LLENWEGERt8 theological methodology.<br />

The firfjt part surveys his academic and<br />

ministerial back~round while the second provides a<br />

theological profile, The third presents a drama that<br />

interprets the rite of the Lord's Supper for the particip~nts<br />

and, final.ly, the article closes with a partial<br />

listing of I-IOL1,ENWEGER '8 publications. The authors see<br />

the tradi,tional pr0testnn.t churche~ as much concerned<br />

with hermenewtical reflection on *the biblical texts and<br />

not interested enough in the intercultural proclamation

of the Gospel. Too often their western orientation has<br />

led to division. Faced with this situation, HOLLENWEGER<br />

pleads for an emphasis on picture, story and narrative in<br />

communicating spiritual reality. He also calls for a reevaluation<br />

of the physical aspects of religion including<br />

emotion.<br />

D.D.S.<br />

Marc H. SPINDLER , ttEurope s Neo-Paganism : A Perverse<br />

Inculturation," International Bulletin of Missionary<br />

Research, 11,l (January <strong>1987</strong>), 8-11,<br />

Marc SPINDLER of the University of Leiden traces<br />

the historical background and the importance of Europe's<br />

neo-pagans. He maintains that although this phenomena has<br />

political overtones, it is primarily a religious<br />

movement. We sees the main features of this religion to<br />

be 1) the affirmation of the sacred, against the<br />

desacralization of the universe so that there is no<br />

distance between God and the world; 2) the exaltation of<br />

the vitality and joy of natural human life (in such a way<br />

that eros is separated from agape); 3) the recognition of<br />

fate as a ruling force in human affairs; and 4) the<br />

stress on its claim to cultural identity. This view<br />

features faith in a cosmic beginning and cyclical view of<br />

history. For a significant number of people, <strong>European</strong><br />

neo-paganism is an ideology of resistance against global<br />

systems, drawing upon mythical elements in the prechristian<br />

tradition of european cultures. The article<br />

ends with an appeal to the churches to communicate a<br />

gospel that is not obscured, diluted or mutilated.<br />

D.D.S.<br />

David THORP, "Renewing the Face of the Earth,I1 - New<br />

Covenant (February <strong>1987</strong>), 25-27.<br />

This article is one of several in this issue<br />

dedicated to celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the<br />

Catholic Charismatic Renewal. The entire magazine is a<br />

collection of photographs, evaluations, summaries and<br />

comments by or about the leaders of the renewal.<br />

The one contribution chosen for this llnotetv<br />

identifies what the author deems to be the significant<br />

characteristics of the renewal. Furthermore, he relates<br />

them theologj.cally to the Second Vatican Council. This is<br />

natural, for the renewal understands itself as a visible<br />

manifestation of the famous "pente~ostal~~ prayer of Pope<br />

John XXIII. THORP finds six "wonders" that characterize<br />

the Catholic renewal: 1) giving attention to the working<br />

of the Holy Spirit; 2) experiencing Jesus as Lord; 3)<br />

fostering lives of holiness; 4) serving in Christ's name;<br />

5) stressing evangelization; and 6) experiencing<br />

ecumenism.<br />

D.D.S.<br />

Reinhold ULONSKA, Andens gaver i lare og praxis (Stockholm:<br />

Filadelfiaforlaget, 1986), 283 pp. Translation<br />

of Geistes Gaben in Lehre und Praxis (Erzhausen:<br />

Leuchter Verlag, 1983).<br />

This work, !!The gifts of the Spirit in Doctrine and<br />

Practice," is a literary experience. ULONSKA is a leading<br />

Gesmnn pentecostal pastor and his West German background<br />

is evident he strives to give a reliable picture of<br />

things that are understood to be controversial by many in<br />

his home country.<br />

The book is a good summary of the best classical<br />

pentecostal teaching about truths and realities that have<br />

characterized the <strong>Pentecostal</strong> movement during several<br />

decades. It gives a sound, biblically inspired, easily

understood, and practical presentation of the gifts of<br />

the Spirit. The author defines the "gifts of the Spirit"<br />

in the context of I Corinthians 12 in a balanced manner<br />

and focuses on the place that the gifts have in building<br />

the Church. He works actively with the Greek original to<br />

understand the expressions of Paul.<br />

ULONSKA differentiates between Itgifts according to<br />

grace" and "gifts of the Spirit." He sees the former in<br />

Romans 12 and the latter in I Corinthians 12, The<br />

presentation would have benefitted and been enriched by a<br />

comparison of these gifts. A special treatment of the<br />

gifts that the apostle mentions in the Epistle to the<br />

Romans would have deepened and broadened the perspective<br />

of the work of the Spirit in the individual and the<br />

Church. We can be grateful for this book that ULONSKA has<br />

written. It summarizes, for a new generation of both<br />

<strong>Pentecostal</strong>s and Charismatics, a teaching that has - and<br />

still - guides many.<br />

B.E.<br />

CONTRIBUTORS: B.E. = Bjorn ERIXON; D.W.C. = Desmond W.<br />

CARTWRIGHT, D.D.S. = Donald D. SMEETON<br />


Earl C. DAVIS, Layman's Library of Christian Doctrine :<br />

Life in the Spirit (Nashville, TN: Broadman Press,<br />

19861, 140 pp.<br />

Douglas W. FRANK, Leas than Conquerors: How Evangelicals<br />

Entered the ~ F r a n Rapids, d MI:<br />

Eerdmans, 1986), 310 pp.<br />

JUrgen MOLTMANN, God in Creation: A New Theology of<br />

Creation and the Spirit of God (London: Harper &<br />

Row, 19851, 365 pp. English translation of: Gott in<br />

der SchGpfun~: Oekologische Schopfungslehre<br />

(Munich: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1985).<br />

Douglas MOO, An Annotated Bibliography on the Bible and<br />

the Church (Deerfield, IL: Trinity Evangelical<br />

School, 1986), 113 pp.<br />

Tomislav PERVAN, Queen of Peace: Echo of the Eternal Word<br />

(Steubenville, OM: Franciscan University Press,<br />

19861, 58 pp.<br />

Cecil M. ROBECK, Jr. (ed. ) , Charismatic Experiences in<br />

History ( peabody, MA : endr ricks on Publishers,<br />

l985), 180 pp,<br />

Donald Dean SMEETON, Lollard Themes in the Reformation<br />

Theology of William Tyndale, Vol, VI of Sixteenth<br />

Century Essays and Studies (Kirksville, MO: Sixteenth<br />

Cetury Journal Publishers, 1986), 285 pp,<br />

Lois BARRETT,, Building the House Church (Scottdale, PA:<br />

Herald Press, 1986), 176 pp.<br />

Anne COOPER (compiler), Ishmael: My Brother; A Biblical<br />

Course on Islam (Bromley, Kent: MARC Europe, 1985),<br />

217 pp.<br />

Glenn<br />

C, SMITH (ed) , Evangelizing Adul.ts (Wheaton, IL:<br />

Paulist National Catholic Evangeliea.t;ion <strong>Association</strong><br />

and Tyndale Publishers, 1985), 409 pp,



headed by Adrian and Selina WEST recorded the highest number of new<br />

student enrollments of all the ICI national offices i n Europe in 1986. .<br />

During the year, the office enrolled 223 students i n their first I C I<br />

course. This figure makes that office one of the most active in the<br />

world-wide network of ICI offices. The second highest figure was by<br />

Oitmar MITTELSTAEDT with 77 new students. There were 518 first time<br />

enrollments recorded for all the I C I national offices i n Europe for the<br />

year. (Correspondent: Melody GARBER)<br />

GERMANY, Paul WILLISCROFT, a longterm Assemblies of God (U.S.A.)<br />

missionary to Germany and Eastern Europe, died on February 24, <strong>1987</strong>. He<br />

and his wife Gladys had been active in that area of Europe for almost<br />

40 years. Paul WILLISGROFT~s activity was marked by a pioneering spirit<br />

that ranged frora missionary activity to the building of a publishing<br />

company, from youth work to professional formation in pastoral<br />

activities. His influence was especially felt i n the BEROA Bibleschool<br />

of the Federation of <strong>Pentecostal</strong> Free Churches were he taught for more<br />

than 30 years. The imprints of his life are an illustration of a<br />

faithful witness to the Gospel of Christ. (Taken from: Wort und Geist<br />

Nr. 3 (March <strong>1987</strong>)<br />


record enrollment of forty residential students of nine different<br />

nationalities and five different denominations. Although all have high<br />

recommendations from their home churches, two-thirds of the students<br />

come from non-christian homes. In addition to their studies, the<br />

students are involved in church evangelistic activities on the<br />

weekends. Although BTI is presently crowded beyond its capacities, it<br />

has many inquiries from several other socialist countries of Eastern<br />

Europe and the Third World. The Yugoslavian authorities are open to<br />

allowing such students to come and they are granting visas to foreign<br />

students. (Correspondent: Peter KUZMIC)

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