Woodstock School Alumni Magazine Vol CIV, 2011

Woodstock School Alumni Magazine Vol CIV, 2011

Woodstock School Alumni Magazine Vol CIV, 2011


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16 - Quadrangle<br />

Baccalaureate address<br />

A Time to Remember<br />

Rev. Dale Seefeldt ’64<br />

Dr. Laurenson, esteemed teachers, staff, parents;<br />

honored members of the Class of <strong>2011</strong>:<br />

Mrs. Seefeldt and I are delighted to be back<br />

at <strong>Woodstock</strong> to celebrate the end of a great<br />

school year and the graduation of a distinguished<br />

group of students. Thank you for the<br />

opportunity to be here…and for the honor of<br />

being invited! I know all of you will understand<br />

if I address my remarks primarily to the<br />

members of the graduating class.<br />

In 1965, near the end of my first year in college,<br />

a rock group called the Byrds—yes, we<br />

did have rock music back then—came out<br />

with a hit song protesting the Vietnam War.<br />

The title was “Turn, Turn, Turn.” They took<br />

the words of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, our text, adding<br />

the line, “I swear it’s not too late,” after<br />

the final verse about war and peace-a word<br />

pair that had also attracted the attention of<br />

Leo Tolstoy. So if it helps you listen, we are<br />

talking about rock music!<br />

But these are originally the words of Solomon,<br />

the king of Israel known for his wisdom<br />

and for the prosperity his people enjoyed.<br />

Part of what he has to say is summed up<br />

in his first couplet: “There is a time for<br />

everything, and a season for every activity<br />

under the heavens.” Here you can see<br />

the parallelism that is essential to Hebrew<br />

poetry—the same idea repeated in different<br />

words, slightly rephrased, or two ideas related<br />

because they are opposites, as in the next<br />

fourteen lines. As soon as you recognize this<br />

structure, you begin to understand what the<br />

poet is doing. He’s talking about the whole<br />

of human life— “everything…every activity<br />

under the heavens.” In fact, his first pair of<br />

contrasts sets parentheses around all human<br />

life, beginning with birth and ending with<br />

death—nothing is left out. The following<br />

pairs are similarly—and stunningly—broad.<br />

They make you respond and readily agree<br />

because they are fundamentally human and<br />

true for just about anyone: “a time to plant<br />

and a time to uproot” (gardeners do it all the<br />

time); “a time to tear down and a time to<br />

build” (we can look out the window and see<br />

that, no matter where we live!); “a time to<br />

weep and a time to laugh” (just look around<br />

you at the graduation ceremonies tomorrow!).<br />

You’ll notice there’s even a time to keep silent—an<br />

important lesson! In another place<br />

Solomon says, “Even a fool who keeps silent<br />

is considered wise; when he closes his lips,<br />

he is deemed intelligent!” This is a strategy<br />

worth considering as you start college! So the<br />

poet is saying that each of these very different<br />

activities has an appointed time.<br />

This sounds reasonable, but when the list is<br />

ended, he has something more to add: God is<br />

the One who appoints the time. Verse eleven<br />

completes the thought of verse one: “He has<br />

made everything beautiful in its time. He<br />

has also set eternity in the human heart, yet<br />

no one can fathom what God has done from<br />

beginning to end.” In other words, there is a<br />

time for everything that happens to you, and<br />

you can have confidence that God designed<br />

your “times” to be beautiful—even if you<br />

can’t understand how they all fit together just<br />

yet. Having a sense of these “times” helps<br />

us be ready for the bad times as well as the<br />

good—they, too, are part of the rhythm of life.<br />

With God in the picture, life makes sense.<br />

Without Him in the picture, it is hard to find<br />

purpose and meaning in what happens to us.<br />

In fact, this is Solomon’s underlying thesis<br />

throughout his book. In chapter twelve he<br />

advises, “Remember your creator in the days<br />

of your youth.” Along with the planting and<br />

uprooting that is happening to you, along<br />

with the mourning and dancing, the weeping<br />

and laughing that tomorrow brings, you have<br />

come to a time when it is also important to<br />

remember.<br />

First of all, remember where you came from.<br />

Remember the parents who brought you here.<br />

Remember your home, your family, your<br />

land. I’m reminded of the joyful words that<br />

burst out from Jaishankar Prasad at India’s<br />

independence:<br />

अरुण यह मधुमय देश हमारा।<br />

जहाँ पहुँच अनजान क्षितिज को<br />

मिलता एक सहारा।<br />

सरस तामरस गर्भ विभा पर<br />

नाच रही तरुशिखा मनोहर।<br />

छिटका जीवन हरियाली पर<br />

मंगल कुंकुम सारा।।<br />

लघु सुरधनु से पंख पसारे<br />

शीतल मलय समीर सहारे।<br />

उड़ते खग जिस ओर मुँह किए<br />

समझ नीड़ निज प्यारा।।<br />

बरसाती आँखों के बादल<br />

बनते जहाँ भरे करुणा जल।<br />

लहरें टकरातीं अनंत की<br />

पाकर जहाँ किनारा।।<br />

हेम कुंभ ले उषा सवेरे<br />

भरती ढुलकाती सुख मेरे।<br />

मंदिर ऊँघते रहते जब<br />

जग कर रजनी भर तारा।।<br />

—जयशंकर प्रसाद<br />

Prasad conjures up the images of beauty in<br />

a new dawn, even the far horizon finding a<br />

refuge, birds feeling at home, each finding her<br />

own beloved nest, clouds like monsoon eyes<br />

weeping merciful rain, and the eternal waves<br />

of the sea finding a shore at last. I remember<br />

my delight the first time I read this poem—<br />

delight at the poet’s intense, unabashed joy in<br />

the smallest details of his homeland. It is right<br />

for you to take joy in where you come from<br />

and who you are. I have learned much from<br />

the parents of many of you as they have come<br />

to visit the <strong>School</strong> over the years you have attended.<br />

<strong>Woodstock</strong> would be nothing without<br />

their searching questions, their patience, their<br />

love and ready involvement in what happens<br />

here. Remember where you came from—and<br />

cherish it. Its value is beyond reckoning.<br />

This is a time to remember. Look back,<br />

remember where you came from. But look<br />

around you too, remember where you are<br />

now. Remember what you have learned here,<br />

how you have grown. Remember your teachers<br />

and your friends. Remember whom you<br />

have loved, what you have shared. In short,

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