1959 NORAD CONAD History Jul-Dec.pdf - US Northern Command

1959 NORAD CONAD History Jul-Dec.pdf - US Northern Command

1959 NORAD CONAD History Jul-Dec.pdf - US Northern Command


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After <strong>CONAD</strong> took over I a neN agreeinent was signed;<br />

dated 1 January 1957, by CINCO~AD and the AI)G RC.AF A!)o:,<br />

It provided that the latter would exercise operational<br />

control over all U. S. air defense forces in Canada<br />

through CIN<strong>CONAD</strong>'s sub::>rdinate cnu'llander in the area.<br />

0:1 27 O:::tober <strong>1959</strong>, NNR suggested that this agreement<br />

be rescinded as being redundant because of the formation<br />

of NNR Headquarters and al~o because it had been<br />

superseded by other <strong>NORAD</strong> regulations and orders. <strong>NORAD</strong><br />

replied that it agreed and that effective 1 November<br />

<strong>1959</strong>, the agreement would be re'se i nded.<br />

••<br />

,<br />

Manning of Other Canadian/U. S. Border Regions.<br />

On 25-reoruary -I1r5'!r,"'lfO~A!J:3ub;ni fh:~d to -ilie CiniaTan<br />

Chiefs of Staff Com1littee its prvposed U. S.lCanadian<br />

manpower requirements and the ~:o.n.nander and deputy commander<br />

positions for border regions and sectors. <strong>NORAD</strong><br />

listed five regions and eleven s(,,:tors in this submission.<br />

<strong>NORAD</strong> :3tated in its lettel' to the executive agent<br />

that the manp::>wer requirements did not represent a foriltalized<br />

headquarters positioj, b~t were provided as a<br />

basis for study and reco:tl1lendat ion by the COSC.<br />

For co:n..nanders and deputy cO.1\l1anders of these<br />

~. jointly manned organizations, NORf\O proposed the follo'iViug:<br />

25th Region U. S. Canada<br />

Seattle Se~tor U. S. Canada<br />

Sp,:>kane Sector U. S. U. S.<br />

29th Region U. S. U. S.<br />

Grand Forks Se~tor U. S. U. S.<br />

Great Falls Sector U. S. U. S.<br />

Minot Sector U. S. U. S.<br />

30th Region U. S. Canada<br />

Detroit Sector U. S. U. S.<br />

D'Jluth Sector U. S. U. S.<br />

Sault Ste Marie Sector U. S. U. S.<br />

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