1959 NORAD CONAD History Jul-Dec.pdf - US Northern Command

1959 NORAD CONAD History Jul-Dec.pdf - US Northern Command

1959 NORAD CONAD History Jul-Dec.pdf - US Northern Command


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the possibility of saturation very remote, it was declared.<br />

As for vulnerability, it was pointed out in<br />

the study that many of the Mode III facilities (NCC's,<br />

MDC's) were near metropolitan c.:enters which made them<br />

as vulnerable as the SAGE DC's. Furthermore, in the<br />

era of supersonic speeds and precision control, the<br />

most effective, integrated system possible was necessary<br />

f to profitably employ the weapons. To plan to revert to<br />

manual operations, which actually would be only a partial<br />

system under Mode tIl, for ,,,ffc-ctive employment was<br />

being very optimistic, the stu~. ~aid_<br />

,<br />

Secondly, ADC contended that ~he soli\'.; state computer<br />

in its hardened configuration would eliminate the<br />

requirement for any type of Modv [IT operation. The<br />

requirement for Model '11 woula ile .:mly an interim measure<br />

prier to SCC operation. Ant~ ti:e primary purpose! of<br />

Mode II was a back-up to SA(,E.<br />

Finally, the ADC stud:>' said that ADC clicl not have<br />

the resources to support a Mode I[T back-up and that<br />

if it did provide the resourc~s th€- SAGE system would<br />

be degraded. ADC said it could not provide the manning,<br />

communications. and training neces~ary for Mode III unless<br />

they w~re diverted from SAGE,<br />

Ge:ae;:::-al Partl'idge l'l;:plieo .m 'd: ,<strong>Jul</strong>y <strong>1959</strong> that the<br />

<strong>NORAD</strong> rec'J,llirement for a non..SAGEi; \ck-up method of exercising<br />

operat ional control of all '.v,~apons was valid UDtil<br />

the SCC s:·stem was operational and could not be<br />

withdrawn. Iiowever, GE:!neral Partl'idge said that because<br />

of ADC's problem in sUPPo,r!ing Mod:' III, <strong>NORAD</strong> would<br />

work out a means of reduc ing the C Jrrent "across-theboard"<br />

requireml~!~,t. <strong>NORAD</strong> woul

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