multivariate production systems optimization - Stanford University

multivariate production systems optimization - Stanford University

multivariate production systems optimization - Stanford University


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The minimum of a function can occur only where the gradient vector vanishes and the<br />

gradient vector vanishes only at a stationary point. To find the stationary point of the<br />

quadratic approximation, we take the gradient of Q<br />

∂Q<br />

∂x<br />

and equate this to zero. The resulting equation<br />

= g + H p (6.10)<br />

H p = - g (6.11)<br />

can only be satisfied by a stationary point. To solve for the step-direction p that will lead to<br />

the stationary point, the Hessian must be inverted<br />

p = - H -1 g (6.12)<br />

The step-direction p indicates the displacement from the point x that would give the<br />

stationary point of the quadratic model. The Newton step is defined as the product (ρ p)<br />

where ρ is the scalar step-length and p is the step-direction vector. We can update our<br />

estimate of the point x by taking a Newton step<br />

x ← x + ρ p (6.13)<br />

Thus, the method takes a step of length ρ in the p direction. In unmodified Newton’s<br />

Method, the length of the Newton step is implicitly taken as unity.<br />

If the objective function is quadratic in form, then the quadratic approximation is<br />

exact and Newton's Method will converge to the stationary point in a single iteration. In<br />

the more likely event that the objective function is not quadratic in form, the higher-order<br />

terms that were ignored in the Taylor series expansion will become negligible as Newton’s<br />

Method begins to converge on the stationary point. As the higher-order terms go to zero,<br />

the quadratic model will provide a very good approximation to the local surface and the<br />

method will approach quadratic convergence.<br />

A key insight to Newton’s Method can be obtained by investigating the eigensystem<br />

of the Hessian matrix. By performing spectral decomposition of the Hessian<br />

H = V Λ V T (6.14)<br />


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