SENATE - Louisiana

SENATE - Louisiana

SENATE - Louisiana


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Page 26 <strong>SENATE</strong><br />

June 18, 2004<br />

Chaisson Gautreaux, B Jones<br />

Cravins Heitmeier Marionneaux<br />

Duplessis Holden Ullo<br />

Total—15<br />

NAYS<br />

Adley Hainkel Mount<br />

Barham Kostelka Romero<br />

Boasso Lentini Schedler<br />

Cain Malone Smith<br />

Ellington McPherson Theunissen<br />

Gautreaux, N<br />

Michot<br />

Total—17<br />

ABSENT<br />

Mr. President Dardenne Nevers<br />

Amedee<br />

Fontenot<br />

Cheek<br />

Hollis<br />

Total—7<br />

The Chair declared the bill failed to pass. Senator Mount moved<br />

to reconsider the vote by which the bill failed to pass and laid the<br />

motion on the table.<br />

Called from the Calendar<br />

Senator B. Gautreaux asked that House Bill No. 1579 be called<br />

from the Calendar at this time for its final passage.<br />

HOUSE BILL NO. 1579—<br />


AN ACT<br />

To enact R.S. 26:71.1(4)(d) and R.S. 27:306(A)(8), relative to the<br />

operation of video draw poker devices at certain golf courses; to<br />

provide with respect to the licensing requirements for the<br />

operation of video draw poker devices at certain golf courses; to<br />

provide relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages at certain golf<br />

courses; to provide for the issuance of a conditional alcoholic<br />

beverage permit to certain golf courses; to provide for the<br />

continued operation of video draw poker devices at certain golf<br />

courses; and to provide for related matters.<br />

The bill was read by title. Senator B. Gautreaux moved the final<br />

passage of the bill.<br />


The roll was called with the following result:<br />

YEAS<br />

Adley Duplessis Jackson<br />

Bajoie Dupre Jones<br />

Boissiere Fields Marionneaux<br />

Chaisson Gautreaux, B Romero<br />

Cheek<br />

Hainkel<br />

Cravins<br />

Holden<br />

Total—16<br />

NAYS<br />

Amedee Gautreaux, N McPherson<br />

Barham Hollis Michot<br />


Boasso Irons Mount<br />

Cain Kostelka Schedler<br />

Dardenne Lentini Smith<br />

Ellington Malone Theunissen<br />

Total—18<br />

ABSENT<br />

Mr. President Heitmeier Ullo<br />

Fontenot<br />

Nevers<br />

Total—5<br />

The Chair declared the bill failed to pass. Senator Mount moved<br />

to reconsider the vote by which the bill failed to pass and laid the<br />

motion on the table.<br />

Called from the Calendar<br />

Senator Amedee asked that House Bill No. 108 be called from<br />

the Calendar at this time for its final passage.<br />

HOUSE BILL NO. 108—<br />


AN ACT<br />

To amend and reenact Code of Civil Procedure Article 2412(A),<br />

relative to garnishments; to provide for notice of garnishment to<br />

the judgment debtor; and to provide for related matters.<br />

The bill was read by title. Senator Amedee moved the final<br />

passage of the bill.<br />


The roll was called with the following result:<br />

YEAS<br />

Amedee Fontenot Malone<br />

Bajoie Gautreaux, B Marionneaux<br />

Boissiere Gautreaux, N McPherson<br />

Cain Heitmeier Mount<br />

Cheek Holden Romero<br />

Cravins Hollis Schedler<br />

Duplessis Irons Theunissen<br />

Dupre Jackson Ullo<br />

Ellington<br />

Jones<br />

Fields<br />

Lentini<br />

Total—28<br />

NAYS<br />

Barham Dardenne Michot<br />

Boasso Kostelka Smith<br />

Total—6<br />

ABSENT<br />

Mr. President Chaisson Nevers<br />

Adley<br />

Hainkel<br />

Total—5<br />

The Chair declared the bill was passed. The title was read and<br />

adopted. Senator Amedee moved to reconsider the vote by which the<br />

bill was passed and laid the motion on the table.<br />


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