Package 'WGCNA' - Laboratory Web Sites - UCLA

Package 'WGCNA' - Laboratory Web Sites - UCLA

Package 'WGCNA' - Laboratory Web Sites - UCLA


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24 checkAdjMat<br />

blocks<br />

blockOrder<br />

MEsOK<br />

if input blocks was given, its copy; otherwise a vector of length equal number<br />

of genes giving the block label for each gene. Note that block labels are not<br />

necessarilly sorted in the order in which the blocks were processed (since we do<br />

not require this for the input blocks). See blockOrder below.<br />

a vector giving the order in which blocks were processed and in which blockGenes<br />

above is returned. For example, blockOrder[1] contains the label of the<br />

first-processed block.<br />

logical indicating whether the module eigengenes were calculated without errors.<br />

Note<br />

If the input dataset has a large number of genes, consider carefully the maxBlockSize as it significantly<br />

affects the memory footprint (and whether the function will fail with a memory allocation<br />

error). From a theoretical point of view it is advantageous to use blocks as large as possible; on the<br />

other hand, using smaller blocks is substantially faster and often the only way to work with large<br />

numbers of genes. As a rough guide, it is unlikely a standard desktop computer with 4GB memory<br />

or less will be able to work with blocks larger than 8000 genes.<br />

Author(s)<br />

Peter Langfelder<br />

References<br />

Bin Zhang and Steve Horvath (2005) "A General Framework for Weighted Gene Co-Expression<br />

Network Analysis", Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology: Vol. 4: No. 1,<br />

Article 17<br />

See Also<br />

goodSamplesGenes for basic quality control and filtering;<br />

adjacency, TOMsimilarity for network construction;<br />

hclust for hierarchical clustering;<br />

cutreeDynamic for adaptive branch cutting in hierarchical clustering dendrograms;<br />

mergeCloseModules for merging of close modules.<br />

checkAdjMat<br />

Check adjacency matrix<br />

Description<br />

Checks a given matrix for properties that an adjacency matrix must satisfy.<br />

Usage<br />

checkAdjMat(adjMat, min = 0, max = 1)

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