En Route to Global Occupation .pdf - Equal Parenting-BC

En Route to Global Occupation .pdf - Equal Parenting-BC

En Route to Global Occupation .pdf - Equal Parenting-BC


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195<br />


(which require ll world legialuturt and a world government Itt •h:vi¥t nnd 111\JIIt'nu.:nl udc,luutc linl utioru.)<br />

nei•'INITION: World prublem¥ QfCJJrOb l ~m» which troneccncllliHiwtul hi'IUIUi nri l:~ •.-ml rcc,uircllwl bululicm:t Ill.:<br />

wurkcll out uud impl.:mcnh:d un u .:luhul ur trutui nuliullul ltuk i t~, either i 11 J M~I ••t culitdy Mu:.t w ... l,( f ll u l tlt ~1 u:.<br />

ovcrluv und Utlil rclul4:d <strong>to</strong> other world JHul.llt.:nUI, unc.l rec1vit~ inter rclulctl llot1luttuuli<br />

1. Nucl~ar weapon•. apread of nucl .. r CIJ~~tbiUt)' , threat of<br />

nucl .. r war and nu.elr.u winter.<br />

2. Othtr wupone of ma .. de1tll and dutruction.<br />

3. tn~.ern•tional lrada in annamcnta; many local war•<br />

which eoutd ~Kala te;conatanl mili<strong>to</strong>r1 Jt&Ocrutlnr prNaurt<br />

for n~rw lj:C-ner• tion• or wupon • .<br />

i . 1'ht ~ntire prCM:e .. ~( dillurmomenl! by whet tina~•<br />

wnHuhllt•l or muhil• t•rul1 how tUptirvi~~ted the llra lt:J}' of<br />

nuelur lr-:1ue what world PQiitical requirtmenlt for dit·<br />

• rmamen1<br />

!J, Convcr•ion from armamtn ... <strong>to</strong> a p ... c:dul world econ·<br />

omy. 1'lle decentroliution and tub-<strong>to</strong>ntradine ol well pont<br />

production and mUitary RicO, pcrvadinr all at~ltlofa.ociety,<br />

whic:h c:-tdt•• I rUt PUIIIjjUrt MCainet diaannamtnl<br />

6. Neurly a trillion dollert 1a.;enl annually on war prtparaliont,<br />

duminatina sovenun~:nt and clvili~an pr,oritiN.<br />

wa&tinr mon'y ond ruourt~•. ond tub·"~rtinw the wurld't<br />

•dtntilic: <strong>to</strong>ltnla.<br />

1. Nudetr tntrJ)' production, whlch tpreedt thtceptbility<br />

<strong>to</strong> prudu~t~ nuclear W1:6AJ.10n• . lu.:t.a ulu.ulvtJ wut~~c di•1~•~ l<br />

problem•. and up.en.1 door-t /or t.enori"" <strong>to</strong> tttl nuclear<br />

weupona.<br />

8 Third world dtbt and development: lmpo11iLIIily l4<br />

continua re·c:ye;lin1 ~nt and debt• und~r au•l.:rity tuuditiunt<br />

lmminent..:~JII-.~o of .:<strong>to</strong>btall'in•uc:iul infrat •lruc:iur• wttiiUut<br />

bu.K: di~~&nJ~•.<br />

9. Tran1iti1Jn <strong>to</strong> Now Wurld ~conc.mic Ot'dc:r; llllw con till•<br />

be •c~umpl • •hl:d Wh•t kind uf 1\c:w w~~rtd linu.nce, credit ~nd<br />

money I)'Mllt11'1, whieh Clln •flltUtt ud~uolt dtvc l OIIIII~I\1,<br />

lulll.'mplo)'mont lilt u~o u ful wCirk fur ... n. •nd wlubu.l c~tl tlullli C<br />

"'-i\111)'<br />

HI Kupid lntrl tlll ol c.~~tllil•n diux1do in utmo.t)hl!l'l.', wlnc:h<br />

"'">' r~~ouh in CMIUd)'lltntc dimutt(; chlllllln. C02 iucu·u•u<br />

.:utnintt (rum L11rmna ftlluil fud•. mlilhtve de: turc:•lutlun. uud<br />

de 1\liftt:tllilation uf 1110H1<br />

ll. Add r •in, and twn11 ntdon•l uir $lvllutiun.<br />

12 Suil ttrO.iGn, lo•• ull•lt•I.Oil, inl'h' lll•• ul o •• o .. r •. d~·u!UII,I<br />

ol waencullur.JI $•h•Juctivtl)', lmt mmc I""VJ,)~;; l:l~•l1.11 c•i•c:•<br />

br~wmac .<br />

13 UltCif wOc.HJ and aninutl d11011 for fu~: l, Ct1Utin1 tlj.ircudinll<br />

dt:1n~ uncl lu111 ot ~&oil fl.'tlility.<br />

lo&. IUaptd cullinar or ruin fures111 fur wood •nd l.lfticultun.<br />

ltudinw tCIIo ... of ap~i ~11 and aloU11t clunulic d ita•tcr L(ICIUIOC<br />

funat11 oro needed <strong>to</strong> ob1orb C02.<br />

JS. Thrut ol a utw icc •11• or mehine polar cap•; WMch<br />

It ow 1100n Conlt((Ut:nc:u Cun thi• be pr~vent.td Tht: Kkibul<br />

campaitr•' required.<br />

16. <strong>Global</strong> tr•n•ition (t'Qm f'ot~ il f'utl• a nd nucl•at eneray<br />

<strong>to</strong> .. f• and tuatainable tnt~r(y aupplie:a.<br />

17. Ot~vt!lopmtnl of hiU.n• oltrant~porta lion not dependent<br />

on oil, co ... I ot nucl11r powe:r.<br />

18. lJ-.e of lond <strong>to</strong> produce l...,bocc:o, aloohollc L.veuwu.<br />

har.nlul dru.c•. •uuar. •nd <strong>to</strong> .., i.fy meat• diets, mukine<br />

11horuawa o( hmd (or cuentio.l (ood production.<br />

J9. Oro~.trht condition• which art incrc!aainc and•preodu111,<br />

rt.uhinll in •llr.rvation and miJr~tlion or million• or pco,llt:<br />

Cau•u and cure<br />

20. Prn1ure ol populadon oo rno"rCN, and di(tiC'Uitic• of<br />

binl1 cuntr.,l: Huw mony c:an Eurth t''"Y<br />

~I. t.i111,1u1lr1huhun u( world fuvd lllUl!~ly , r.:.Muhin.,; 1n ~dd~ ·<br />

•pr\:•d ulul·nultihon. rnwlcin.r l n wldl.'~opn•pd m~.:nt"l m;al<br />

func:tiu u iut~ : thrttut <strong>to</strong> civilhatinu,<br />

~:l. 'l'r,u umutiuunl J,•ulluti•>n offr.:lllh w11h:r II UJJJIIin, Truns·<br />

nutiutHIIIIt•uhlnd~ 4.111 limit-.·•f frc 11h wutcr • utJJ)I i•·•·<br />

~. Oc.'"' Jlllllutlnn whicll threul11n1 t-:urth'• fi•h and<br />

vanrc:u II'UJIJ!Ii-.·•· l'ullutiun vi uccQII¥ frtltnlrututvort, drdlinc<br />

und pumpinae of oil: It ow lonjf C:o6n tint 10 un L.dur< t.lc>~lll nf<br />

lh• uc:•h•n•<br />

24 Cl.lima b)' natiou• of 200 lttil\111 orf11h~ro (the udu11i.,e<br />

tconomie "one under pro~ed l u~· ufsca11) whieh c:ontuin mw.t<br />

or cu•il>' u ~a~oible: uc;c.an rc1ourcu<br />

:l5 Worli.lwidt~ u•t of pt!l!llitldce h~armrul tu I>\."1.»J>h: • .,...hich<br />

uut~t 111lu wutld trudc in (oud, whill.' Pt~t• .:et mnre virull.'nt.<br />

26. r.ruwiu"' li..:tt~ u tJI.'nC~ of world foo~l t UIJIII)' on 111iniu w<br />

wult:r acquift:tll. pluo~~ incrutt of IWI•Uiution iu h ut dry PftUI<br />

plu• i.lir conditioninr; trite• 1ituulicma •oon.<br />

2'1, lt ... pWity u( ll!dm,ll o)~IC6l l chun.:-.'111, rt~oulllna in h -elmu·<br />

..<br />

IOiloiiJUtiJ'-'t.l<br />

31 l::tluuc, t~li.:iuu.:.. rM'I ,t l .111ol l" •ltlh',ol 1111.,), '"""'"·<br />

r..:l: l ~>hi.OI W;)fw, lllul I" ul.t.:h l u( 11.1011:•'--11<br />

3H Mi~lllliun• ur IIIIIY\,.IIil'lllll ... , ....,,.,11 ... h ... lllll llllloll<br />

IJ.ul.llhi ilflt:ll. ( lj frct:dhlll u( truvd uud t Ju,J-.·~u j J•l.ll I! hili VI' loUd<br />

w1,1 k jmniLII.'<br />

a~ Vivlutiou• &llld llrutccltun ufliUII \1111 rtt.:IHa Pmlc:t:ll\111<br />

uf u1invrit)' r i11h1.11 Ou pee• pi~ al .. o l u1vt' ~ lub.tl t ,a; J.>~~nlllih•l u iu<br />

f.,r twch ot11 ~t •uJ JXIIItcril)'<br />

40 1'~rroria.tn . many (,}filii> DtHI nt.1ny .:uu•"•<br />

.... Co ui iJtcnc~ or dtH~ri na politu::ul unJ ~' by rahu n a l~;<br />

t.hul Li~t ie bad and thttt '"ll l)tnbtcrn•eon t..oa;olv' or by<br />

i ntl ividuultruna~ronuntiu J\ ,<br />

4·1. Tcth.:hint: ubuut h i~o<strong>to</strong>ry tan.J w(lrltJ rroblt·m• o:u thut<br />

JI":Ujtlc will b e: Jlh:p~arcd <strong>to</strong> lh•c lu~.:o.tht:t p<strong>to</strong>t.'t:full)' ;uul wutk "ut<br />

Jttubl.:mll (l)r thu t:l•nu1um ~o.k,k)<br />

-15 l...m.:uai:c barril.',.,. wnrld cum l lt uru..:~othm•. 1u:u:.o:~ tu<br />

htu:uc t-.'31c3rch, f.~i r rt:porliUI) ,,r «he net.~.'"·<br />

IG lh(ti..:ulti\.~ r .. r lc: .. dtrt d( n~ tiun:al t.:••Y"-<br />

:r: ·-0<br />

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