En Route to Global Occupation .pdf - Equal Parenting-BC

En Route to Global Occupation .pdf - Equal Parenting-BC

En Route to Global Occupation .pdf - Equal Parenting-BC


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World Constitution md Parliament ~tm<br />

140t-loy1 St. Sulle 31/U\ewood. C080115,USA/Ptt, 303-l33·3S41. r. .. ._ 37179$7 EARtH<br />

~r friond of Peaco and HOJmcnltya<br />

Fol>1vary -April, 1987<br />

At tl,;, tlmtt of ~JIItr•~ global crhe1, we should like <strong>to</strong> Invite yov <strong>to</strong> por•<br />

llcirwtl~ In the Thhd s.,.Jon or th• Provlslonol World Porlloment, OS a ......ay<br />

<strong>to</strong> help ~<strong>to</strong>rn conhol over worlcf tvenh ror lhe good or oil people on forth.<br />

n,. Thhd Se,tlon or th• PorUo ment will convef'e hom 18 <strong>to</strong> 28 of Ju~,<br />

1987, ot tfole Fon<strong>to</strong>tnebleou Hil<strong>to</strong>n, M<strong>to</strong>mi 8eoch, Floticlo . Thh location ls<br />

parHculorly convenient Jor delegates rrom Centro! ond South America and<br />

th<strong>to</strong> Caribbean a•eo. An agenda for the Th;,d Senlon h encloted, <strong>to</strong>gether<br />

with a tf'ghhotion poge a nd rurther Informa tion.<br />

The Provlslnnol Wotld Parliament oHen o construc tive W'OY for people who<br />

wont peoc:t ond hvmcm welfa re (including both pri vate citizens ond government<br />

leoders) <strong>to</strong> beain <strong>to</strong>kins charge of world offpjrs .... o il in the conteJCt or<br />

on emerging World Federation ond Democratic Non- Military World Government.<br />

The Porl<strong>to</strong>mtnt 1s orgonlzed under Article 19 of the Constitution for<br />

the Federation of Ea rth~ oncf convenes eoc:h yea r unti l reploc:ed by o fQ!'mally<br />

elected World Parliament under o mtified Wodd Conditution.<br />

"-"oiot obitctivts or the Third Senlon or the Provhiof'OI Wo..-ld Parliament<br />

ore <strong>to</strong> wortc on implementation of World ~gislotion adopted ot previous<br />

K'Uions of the Porlioment, <strong>to</strong> promote the campaign for rotificotion of the<br />

Constitution for the Federal ion or Earth, <strong>to</strong> ta\:e oct1on on oth..r world prob1""''<br />

buc.h os world rood sueely, the Third World h!!! siluot1ort, world energy<br />

>vpply, ond """"'" rlghh) and <strong>to</strong> ~slobH.h o Provhlonol World Cobinel.<br />

At pcev1oUI ttuions or the Porlioment, held tn <strong>En</strong>gland and in Indio,<br />

eight World l.,e.gislotive IY\eosurts hove been odopt•d. lhes• include~<br />

8ill '1, <strong>to</strong> outlaw nveleor weapons onc:l other weapons of rT'OSS dntruction,<br />

ol"'d <strong>to</strong> es<strong>to</strong>blish o World Oisormoment Agency 1<br />

Bill 1 2, I at o World Economic Development OrgoniMiion, which will<br />

••<strong>to</strong>blish o new global 1ydem of finance ond credit;<br />

li11 13. (Of ownenhip by the people of Eorth oil oc.eon., and t.eobeds from<br />

20 ~fl'll offshore, no exclusive e

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