En Route to Global Occupation .pdf - Equal Parenting-BC

En Route to Global Occupation .pdf - Equal Parenting-BC

En Route to Global Occupation .pdf - Equal Parenting-BC


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160 <strong>En</strong> <strong>Route</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Occupation</strong><br />




First of all, you must understand what it is that God has done<br />

for you through Jesus Christ John 3:16 explains:<br />

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and<br />

only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish<br />

but have eternal life.<br />

God sent his son <strong>to</strong> die in our place, so that we might be saved<br />

from the penalty of our sins. Had we been perfect, this would not<br />

have been necessary; we could have entered Heaven on our own<br />

merits.<br />

God created man perfect without sin. However, He gave man<br />

the freedoin <strong>to</strong> make decisions; this included the right <strong>to</strong> choose between<br />

obeying God or following the empty lies and temptations of<br />

Lucifer (Satan)-the master deceiver.<br />

Lucifer was once a powerful angel, but rebelled against God,<br />

wanting <strong>to</strong> be as God himself. Filled with self-pride and arrogance,<br />

he wanted <strong>to</strong> be worshiped like his Maker. Rather than submitting<br />

<strong>to</strong> the one Crea<strong>to</strong>r, he wanted <strong>to</strong> be exalted himself. (He apparently<br />

suffered from <strong>to</strong>o high a self-esteem!)<br />

Having failed at his attempt, Lucifer was removed from God's<br />

presence, and became known as Satan. With the creation of man, his<br />

goal became <strong>to</strong> upset God's plan by luring man <strong>to</strong> make the same<br />

mistake he made-desiring <strong>to</strong> be elevated <strong>to</strong> the position of God. So<br />

he held out the forbidden fruit<br />

"You will not surely die," the serpent said <strong>to</strong> the woman.<br />

•For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will<br />

be opened, AND YOU WILL BE LIKE GOD .... "<br />

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good<br />

for food and pleasing <strong>to</strong> the eye, and also desirable for<br />

gaining wisdom, she <strong>to</strong>ok some and ate it She also gave<br />

some <strong>to</strong> her husband, who was with her, and he ate it<br />

(Gen. 3:4-5a, 6)<br />

The moment that Adam sinned, his seed became corrupted. As<br />

a result, every future human being would be born in<strong>to</strong> sin and would<br />

wage a life-long struggle between doing what he knows is right (obeying<br />

his spiritual conscience) and doing what is wrong (yielding <strong>to</strong> the<br />

sinful nature of his flesh). Contrary <strong>to</strong> popular belief, sin is not only<br />

learned, it is also inherited. Romans 5:12 states that" ... sin entered<br />

the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way<br />

death came <strong>to</strong> all men, because all sinned" (also see Rom. 3:23).<br />

When Satan succeeded in getting man <strong>to</strong> disobey God, it gave<br />

The Coming World Crisis 161<br />

him the right <strong>to</strong> condemn our souls; this fallen angel became our<br />

accuser. According <strong>to</strong> Scripture, he stands accusing us before God day<br />

and night (Rev. 12:10).<br />

By yielding <strong>to</strong> Satan's temptation and choosing <strong>to</strong> live a life<br />

independent of God's will, man inflicted upon himself the penalty for<br />

sin, which is death (Rom. 6:23). Death, aa:ording <strong>to</strong> Scripture, includes<br />

permanent separation from God and eternal damnation in hell.<br />

Man's sin, therefore, presented what appeared <strong>to</strong> be an insurmountable<br />

problem, since only that which is perfect may enter heaven<br />

and live forever with God. This standard of perfection had <strong>to</strong> be maintained,<br />

or else heaven itself would have become corrupt (This is why<br />

Lucifer and his conspiring angels were dealt with accordingly.)<br />

God could have allowed all of us <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong> hell, a punishment<br />

we justly deserve. But because of His great love, He chose instead <strong>to</strong><br />

intervene by paying the penalty for our sins Himself. God came <strong>to</strong><br />

earth in the flesh, in the form of Jesus Christ, <strong>to</strong> suffer and die in our<br />

place on the cross. "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this:<br />

While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom. 5:8).<br />

In this one act of love and mercy God <strong>to</strong>ok upon Himself the<br />

punishment for all our sins. He paid the price so that we might be<br />

set free from the hold of death and have eternal life. This, completely<br />

undeserving though we are, is God's gift <strong>to</strong> us. He did not have <strong>to</strong> do<br />

this but chose <strong>to</strong> do it anyway.<br />

Such an act of mercy runs completely contrary <strong>to</strong> the thinking<br />

of the secular mind. We are not used <strong>to</strong> receiving something for nothing.<br />

It seems unfathomable that God would do something like this<br />

for us simply out of mercy or love. That the very Crea<strong>to</strong>r of the universe<br />

would humble Himself by coming as a man, <strong>to</strong> be mocked and<br />

scorned, and <strong>to</strong> die a grueling death at the hands of His own creation<br />

in order <strong>to</strong> save them, is incomprehensible. It defies all human logic.<br />

It can only be unders<strong>to</strong>od as an act of extraordinary, unjustifiable love!<br />

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness<br />

and brought us in<strong>to</strong> the kingdom of the Son he loves,<br />

in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.<br />

(Col. 1:13-14)<br />

Once you were alienated from God and were enemies<br />

in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now<br />

he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through<br />

death <strong>to</strong> present you holy in his sight, without blemish<br />

and free from accusation. (Col. 1:21·22)<br />

This is the good news of the gospel! Thrn• Is nnthlna w~ c 1111<br />

do <strong>to</strong> earn this eternal life, for it cannot t)(' nhtalnrcl thwugh wutk<br />

or human effort It is purely a gift from G11d 111 111

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