Love - Megève

Love - Megève

Love - Megève


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For love of<br />

émIlE allaIs<br />

ThERE aRE 100 Ways To WIsh émIlE allaIs<br />

a happy bIRThday. hERE aRE hEIghT,<br />

addREssEd To hIm by hEIghT pERsoNalITIEs<br />

closEly coNNEcTEd To ThE REsoRT’s<br />

coNTEmpoRaRy hIsToRy. EvERy oNE<br />

of ThEm has a dIREcT lINk WITh ThE<br />

advENTuRE of TouRIsm aNd skIINg aNd<br />

has had a moRE oR lEss closE coNTacT<br />

WITh ThE champIoN.<br />

« My Émile, I say “my”, how pretentious! As you yourself<br />

know, you belong to no one. On the other hand, you have<br />

always been the man who knows how to give and<br />

assuredly I, we, can only strive to be like you.»<br />

Pierre Margara<br />

« I would like to thank Émile Allais for all that he has<br />

done, and for the totality of his works. He launched the<br />

French skiing method, contributed to its development<br />

and promoted its image.»<br />

Maxime Tissot<br />

compETITIoN<br />

«Émile Allais founded the profession of ski patrol and<br />

maintenance man. Without him this profession would not<br />

exist. He also founded the profession of ski instructor. My<br />

grandfather, clovis Duvillard has skied with him. »<br />

Nicolas Chambet<br />

« It wasn’t until quite late that I learnt of my Dad’s<br />

exceptional career. Until that time, he was my hero<br />

simply because of his qualities as a father, his deep<br />

kindness, patience, his ability to listen, his<br />

broadmindedness and so many other reasons.»<br />

Karen Allais<br />

«Enthusiasm, the spirit of initiative and innovation<br />

have animated each of our encounters.»<br />

Stéphane Grosset<br />


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