Mine risk education training module - Avsi

Mine risk education training module - Avsi

Mine risk education training module - Avsi


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Group Work<br />

Once the different styles have been identified the participants form groups of 4 - 6 people. We have found the easiest way to divide the<br />

group is to give each person a number (they count out loud). The facilitator then asks all the people with a specific number to gather in a<br />

small group in different places. It is important for the facilitators to sit in on the first 5-10 minutes of each group to make sure they<br />

understand their tasks.<br />

Each group either chooses a technique or is assigned one. They are then given 15 - 20 minutes to develop a presentation on the key<br />

information learned in the <strong>training</strong> (for example what to do and what not to do if you find an unknown object).<br />

Once the groups have finished their preparation they give a presentation to the entire group. After each production the rest of the participants<br />

and then the trainers give feedback to the group. It is important to emphasize what each group did well and what needs to be changed. This<br />

feedback is very important because the trainees will be using these presentations to teach others. It is necessary to be sure what they are<br />

teaching is correct.<br />

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Participants demonstrate safe behavior and marking procedures in a role-play.<br />


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