DOOMBA ME 4451: Robotics December 14, 2010 Dr. Harvey ... - helix

DOOMBA ME 4451: Robotics December 14, 2010 Dr. Harvey ... - helix

DOOMBA ME 4451: Robotics December 14, 2010 Dr. Harvey ... - helix


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<strong>DOOMBA</strong><br />

<strong>ME</strong> <strong>4451</strong>: <strong>Robotics</strong><br />

<strong>December</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Harvey</strong> Lipkin, and <strong>Dr</strong>. Nader Sadegh<br />

Chad Norton, Ryan Lober, Zachary Van Schoyck, Ben Coburn

Initial Plan<br />

For the Doomba project the primary objective was to create a mobile robot<br />

capable of tracking a human in a dynamic environment. The only variable to be inputted<br />

by the user would be a specific distance to maintain from the target. The robot, in this<br />

case the iRobot Create with a webcam, would then calculate the angle and distance to the<br />

target from image processing, determine the necessary movements to reorient itself, then<br />

execute those movements to arrive at the specified distance and a zero degree angle<br />

difference (i.e. directly facing the target). Figure 1 below is a graphical representation of<br />

these operations.<br />

d<br />

0ᵒ<br />

θᵒ<br />

d + x<br />

2<br />

0ᵒ<br />

d<br />

1<br />

Figure 1: Physical representation of tracking and subsequent reorientation<br />

To accomplish this overall task, three operations would have to be accomplished.<br />

First the system would have to be manually calibrated to the environment, second the<br />

camera would have to locate the subject of tracking, and third the locations obtained from<br />

the tracking would have to be transformed in to robotic movements.<br />

Initially this sequence of operations was to be completed using live human<br />

tracking algorithms and real time video. Real time tracking was accomplished using the<br />

Simulink block set, unfortunately Simulink would not communicate with the Create and<br />

we were forced to switch from video tracking to image grabbing using Matlab.<br />

Switching to Matlab as the processing platform reduced the speed of image analysis but<br />

the overall theme of the project was maintained.<br />


To accomplish human tracking in Matlab, the target to be tracked had to wear two<br />

green circles spaced 9” center to center apart. Using the calibration functions we would<br />

manually choose the tracked colors from an image grab. After calibrating the system<br />

Matlab would grab images from the video and perform a series of image filters to select<br />

the chosen target color, calculate the properties of the image, filter out noise, determine<br />

which objects were circular, and output the coordinates of the two desired circle<br />

centroids. Finally, a function would take these centroid locations and calculate the angle<br />

and distance to the target, based on camera specific parameters. These measurements<br />

would be compared against the desired distance to maintain, and the current orientation,<br />

and the appropriate robot motions would be executed using the Create Toolbox functions.<br />

This process would then repeat after every move allowing the robot to follow a target.<br />

Robot Kinematics<br />

The bulk of the project revolved around image processing and very minor robot<br />

kinematics were incorporated into the final product with the exception of the movements<br />

preformed by the iRobot. The only parameters given to the robot were distance and angle<br />

changes needed to maintain proper orientation to the target. These commands were<br />

executed using turnAngle and travelDist. Supplying the rotation angle and the distance<br />

difference between the current and desired locations to these two functions, allowed us to<br />

effectively relocate the robot without extensive code or calculations. Although inelegant,<br />

it was the simplest solution to the kinematics issue, and removed the need to focus our<br />

energy on this problem.<br />

After achieving reasonable image processing results, we invested some time in<br />

writing the code necessary to solve the velocity kinematics for the robot in order to use<br />

smoother motions to arrive at the final destination. To do this we calculated the change<br />

in x, y, and angle θ, from one frame to the next. Dividing these values by the processing<br />

time between frames gave us their rates of change. Using these values a reverse velocity<br />

kinematics analysis could be preformed to calculate the turning speed of each wheel. The<br />

equation for this is shown below.<br />


where,<br />

Using the command Set<strong>Dr</strong>iveWheelsCreate, we could send the calculated wheel<br />

velocities to the robot and have it move in a smooth curved path towards its locations.<br />

The fundamental drawback to this was that calculations of these velocities was dependent<br />

on the CPU time to process the image, and this value was not matching the values we<br />

were expecting and was causing our code to miscalculate the necessary velocities.<br />

Another issue was that the function Set<strong>Dr</strong>iveWheelsCreate, had to be stopped by<br />

resetting the values for the wheel speeds to zero. It was decided that because of the<br />

unnecessary problems involved with the smooth trajectory motion that we would use the<br />

proven turn and go mechanism described above, for simplicity.<br />

Challenges/Solutions<br />

The original plan for this project was to try to make the iRobot follow arbitrary<br />

“new” objects with the webcam. The idea was that we could use or modify an already<br />

existing Simulink package to do this, allowing relatively simple programming and letting<br />

us move on to figuring out the rest of the design. This turned out to be un-workable due<br />

to the structure of the original Simulink code.<br />

The Simulink package tracks objects by taking a picture of the background with<br />

no objects of interest present, and then assuming any differences from that background<br />

are interesting objects and should be tracked. This works quite well under the right<br />

conditions, but it requires that the camera be stationary. If the camera moves at all, it will<br />

cause every point on the image to change, making the program try to track the entire<br />

image. This obviously doesn’t work, but it seemed like a good way to at least acquire the<br />

image to be tracked, maybe it could be modified somehow to account for a moving<br />

robot<br />


There are two basic ways to handle having a moving camera: attempt to update<br />

the background picture as the robot moves, allowing the continued use of the original<br />

algorithm, or switch to some completely different tracking approach. The first appears to<br />

require a full 3d model of the background environment, because the change in position of<br />

a given image depends on both the relative movement and relative distance of the camera<br />

and the object in question.<br />

On the other hand, tracking by simple color selection and threshold operations<br />

merely requires giving up on tracking arbitrary objects. It also helps with another<br />

problem, that of determining the distance to an object with just one camera.<br />

In order to follow an object with the iRobot, the control system needs two basic<br />

parameters: The angle and distance to the target. The angle comes essentially free with<br />

any camera tracking program, but the distance requires more complicated processes. The<br />

solution to this problem was to place a pair of colored dots on the target and then<br />

determine its distance by measuring the angle between them and using that to determine<br />

the distance to the target. This basic approach also gives us a relatively easy tracking<br />

problem for general target tracking.<br />

The initial difficulty with this approach was our choice of target dots. With a<br />

small camera very low to the ground, in an area lit primarily from above such as the<br />

robotics lab in the MRDC, the image saturates and appears washed out. That is, all<br />

relatively bright colors seem to blend together. This caused problems with our original<br />

choice of bright orange dots on a white background as a target to track. The dots<br />

appeared to be identically colored to the background of the shirt, making tracking<br />

impossible. The solution to this problem had two basic parts: The orange dots were<br />

replaced with a mat green color, reducing issues with washout, and the camera was<br />

elevated significantly above the floor, improving the image and saturation, as shown in<br />

Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively.<br />


Figure 3: Object Tracking Dots<br />

Figure 4: Elevated Camera Stand to improve image quality<br />

This also made selecting appropriate threshold values that simultaneously<br />

detected the target circles and didn’t detect excessive noise. This turns out to be difficult,<br />

partially because appropriate values appear to vary based on lighting and the exact details<br />

of how far the camera is from the target and similar and partially because there's<br />

significant overlap between the value necessary to find the target and a value low enough<br />

to not find anything else. The solution to this problem was to select what would normally<br />

be an excessively large threshold value, accepting somewhat more noise, and then<br />

selecting target blobs by their shape rather than simply selecting the largest two.<br />


Implementing this required several filters on the blob tracking. First, we selected<br />

only those blobs which had a ratio of Area to Perimeter squared close to that of a circle<br />

and a non-negligible area. They were then selected by choosing the two with the smallest<br />

horizontal offset, matching the vertically aligned target dots. Finally, to reduce the<br />

possibility of the robot moving after picking an incorrect pair of centroids, a check was<br />

inserted to stop motion and repeat the image analysis loop if the centroids were too far<br />

apart horizontally or not far enough part vertically.<br />

The parts of the project that were not directly related to image tracking were<br />

relatively simple. The basic commands for moving the iRobot were already written, and<br />

worked reasonably well. Developing the trailer to carry the laptop used and the stand to<br />

elevate the camera were both fairly easy. The movement code did include a limit to<br />

prevent the target from being moved out of frame, and to limit the potential trouble<br />

caused by picking an incorrect pair of centroids.<br />

Achievements/Results<br />

As described previously, the overall goal of this project was to have the iRobot<br />

track an object, determine its relative location, and then navigate towards that object<br />

while maintaining a desired distance. In essence, the final product met each of the<br />

requirements. However, the degree to which those goals were met varies.<br />

Using the developed code in Appendix 1, the iRobot can reliably distinguish the<br />

appropriate target from the background. The success of this routine is highly dependent<br />

upon the ambient lighting conditions, light saturation levels and the resolution of the<br />

camera used. While the final product is fairly robust, it is still susceptible to erroneous<br />

identification. An advantage to the developed code is the ability for the robot to continue<br />

to look for the object even if it is out of frame. If the object does return to the frame, the<br />

robot will immediately begin tracking it again.<br />

In order to determine the objects relative position, the code developed in<br />

Appendix 1 was used, as well. The overall tolerance of the trailing distance is not of<br />

significant importance; however the system is accurate to within centimeters of the<br />

desired input distance. As seen in Figure #, the trailer used to tow the laptop provides an<br />

excessive amount of mass to the rear end of the iRobot. This added weight can result in<br />

vehicle either over-rotating because of the added torque or under-rotating because<br />


excessive weight that the iRobot is required to turn. This not only hinders the linear<br />

distance of the robot, but it also results in the possibility of the robot not facing the target<br />

object. While the deviations were on average very small, they were present.<br />

Learning Experiences<br />

Based upon the achievements that were reached during the extent of the project,<br />

and the short-comings, our group concluded that there were several adjustments that<br />

could lead to improvements in the design. For example, the robot’s wheel motors were<br />

not sufficient to turn robot and trailer system accurately. A possible solution to this<br />

would be to replace the trailer system with a lighter version or negating it all together.<br />

Removing the need for the trailer would require the use of a wireless camera. Based upon<br />

the short-comings of the camera used, this change would be welcomed. The current<br />

camera was found to provide no distinct advantage in capture rate or in pixel resolution.<br />

Similarly, the field of view of the camera limited the capability of the tracking system.<br />

Therefore, by replacing the camera, several issues could be resolved.<br />

The susceptibility of the image processing to slight variations in color and lighting<br />

was a non-trivial issue that was encountered. In the final design of the project, the image<br />

processing attempted to track two large circles. If the lighting was too saturated or the<br />

background was similar in color, the tracking could be fooled. However, if the tracking<br />

system were configured to detect a light emitting diode (LED), the system may be able to<br />

track more effectively. Without a more effective means to track, the system will be<br />

unacceptably unreliable.<br />

Class Suggestion<br />

The final project could be designed to be a more significant portion of the final<br />

grade in the class. For the amount of time that is spent designing, building, and testing the<br />

project the grade could reflect that time with a higher percentage of the overall grade.<br />

Someone may spend on average 15 hours studying for a midterm and spend twice that on<br />

their project, but the midterm is worth nearly twice the percentage that the entire project<br />

is worth.<br />


Appendix<br />

Code to initialize the procedure: start.m<br />

Code to monitor camera vision: test.m<br />


Code to send commands to Roomba: <strong>Dr</strong>un.m<br />


The following functions were used in support of the 3 codes listed above:<br />

vidsearch.m<br />

ColorDetectHSVimage.m<br />

selectpixelsandsetHSV.m<br />

turnAngle.m<br />

travelDist.m<br />


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