Northwestern High School - Rock Hill School District

Northwestern High School - Rock Hill School District

Northwestern High School - Rock Hill School District


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The parents of an expelled student will be notified of their right to appeal to the Board of Trustees<br />

the decision of the superintendent or the hearing officer. In any appeal, if parents plan to have an<br />

attorney with them, the superintendent or hearing officer must be notified of this fact so the Board<br />

may also have legal counsel present.<br />

The provisions of this section shall not necessarily deny enrollment and attendance in adult or<br />

night schools provided the student is otherwise qualified; however; the Board may permanently<br />

expel from all programs any incorrigible student.<br />

Circumstances under which a student would be recommended for expulsion are listed below:<br />

1. Any ISS or OSS offenses that have become chronic in nature.<br />

2. Attempt to assault or assault of students or school personnel (or their family members),<br />

either in writing, verbally, or through the use of electronic communication devices. Any<br />

student who assaults a teacher, administrator, or another student will be expelled from<br />

school and referred to law enforcement.<br />

3. Students who bring firearms to school of any type will be expelled and referred to law<br />

enforcement. Additionally, the possession on school campuses of other “lethal weapons”<br />

that are intended to be used to cause bodily harm will result in expulsion and referral to law<br />

enforcement. Such weapons include but are not limited to: knives, blackjacks, brass<br />

knuckles, razors, etc. Possession of any object which appears to be a weapon so as to cause<br />

fear or intimidation shall be considered a violation of this section.<br />

4. The possession, sale, distribution, use of or being under the influence of drugs or alcoholic<br />

beverages – in any amount – while at school or under the administrative jurisdiction of the<br />

school whether on or off school grounds.<br />

Suspension or expulsion recommendations in no way preclude the rights of the principal to have a<br />

student arrested when the conduct of the student violates the law or poses a threat to the property<br />

or the well being of other students or staff members. Every expelled student will have the right to<br />

petition for re-admittance for the succeeding school year through the office of Pupil Services at the<br />

<strong>District</strong> Office.<br />


Students are not to enter buses at any time during the day. In the afternoon buses will leave seven<br />

minutes after school is out. All students are instructed to obey the bus driver's orders while on the<br />

bus.<br />

Students are reminded that all rules of conduct applying in the school also apply on the bus. Riding<br />

a State school bus is a privilege and not a right.<br />


1. Students must be on time.<br />

2. In approaching the bus stop, if a pupil has to walk along the highways, he/she should always<br />

walk on the left, on the shoulder, facing traffic.<br />

3. When crossing the highways, (s) he should walk, not run.<br />


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