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Contributed Papers - Icmis.net

Contributed Papers - Icmis.net


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2B-2, Sunday, January 2, 11:10-12:30 P.M.<br />

Session: Social Issues<br />

Session Chair: K. G. Viswanathan<br />

Hofstra University<br />

8006 Determinants of Commercial Banks’ Profitability: A Three Country Study<br />

K.G. Viswanathan, Hofstra University, finkgv@hofstra.edu<br />

James Neelankavil<br />

Tony Gao<br />

Past research on bank performance has mostly examined determinants of bank profitability in either domestic or single-region<br />

(such as Europe or Latin America) markets. A key point of departure for the current study is the explanation of performance<br />

differences among commercial banks from multiple regions (North America, Asia, and Europe). With data covering over twenty<br />

years from more than two hundred commercial banks in three large industrialized countries (U.S., Japan, and Italy), we seek to<br />

identify key firm, industry, and country drivers for bank performance as commercial banks compete on global versus domestic<br />

markets.<br />

8347 A Study of Employment Generation by Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana (PMRY)<br />

Annasaheb Gurav, D. R. K. College of Commerce, annasahebg@yahoo.co.in<br />

Ashok Kulkarni, M. G. Kanya Mahavidyalaya,<br />

Education and Employment generation have positive correlation in the globalized world. PMRY is the scheme for self<br />

employment and employment generation. In India there is a considerable gap between educated youth and employed youth. The<br />

Indian literacy rate, 52.21% in 1991 and 64.84% in 2001, show 12.63% growth in decade. This growth rate can be predicted up to<br />

70% on time series basis by 2020 where generation of employment opportunity is a challenge before management educational<br />

institutes. The management education, required in all fields of business life, which has significant role in employment generation.<br />

8488 Stochastic Optimal Control of Various Energy Utilities<br />

Satish Inamdar, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, satish.inamdar@rediffmail.com<br />

Avinash Deshmukh, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, deshmukh.avinash38@gmail.com<br />

It is well established that options for energy selecting clean resources, non-conventional energy systems, and alternative fuel are<br />

needed. This clearly focuses on need for a change in curriculum of management science programs to bring awareness of various<br />

problems. Our primary objective is to keep emissions under limits based on carbon credit. This is illustrated using an example of<br />

utility system. We will see how a stochastic optimal control policy can be formed for economic usage of utility resources.<br />

Pontryagin’s maximum principle with dynamic programming is used to obtain optimal control action set which can be scheduled<br />

in real time.<br />

8535 Stakeholder Influence on the Adoption of Proactive Environmental Management Practices in Selected Chemical<br />

Industries of Ankleshwar<br />

Jinu Kurian, MPSTME,NMIMS, Mumbai, kurianjinu@yahoo.com<br />

Seema Unnikrishnan, NITIE, seemaunnikrishnan@gmail.com<br />

Dinesh Hegde, NITIE, Dshegde108@gmail.com<br />

The objectives of this study were to identify the influence of stakeholders on the adoption of various environmental management<br />

strategies for selected chemical industries of Ankleshwar, Gujarat. Based on a questionnaire survey among the 73 units studied, in<br />

the chemical industrial sector of Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation, Ankleshwar, Gujarat, India, a SPOT (secondaryprimary-opportunity-threat)<br />

model to evaluate the actual influence of a number of stakeholders is proposed. The results indicate<br />

that stakeholders such as regulators have a major influence on environmental initiatives.

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