RAINE MAGAZINE Volume 20 | Innovate

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FILM<br />

Al Sapienza<br />

From an infamous mafia hit man<br />

going head to head with Tony<br />

Soprano, to a corrupt mayor<br />

with a good heart, and a union<br />

lobbyist who duels with Kevin<br />

Spacey, Al Sapienza has brought<br />

to life some of the most memorable<br />

characters in film and television<br />

today. With a career spanning<br />

over thirty years, Sapienza has<br />

made a name for himself in the<br />

entertainment business for not<br />

only his undeniable talent to create<br />

unforgettable characters, but also<br />

his commitment to hard work and<br />

dedication with each project he is<br />

working on.<br />

Al Sapienza is a true artist<br />

who has the rare ability to explore<br />

a boundless range of characters<br />

through acting dancing and singing,<br />

on both the stage and the screen.<br />

Read along and find out what is the<br />

driving force behind his creative<br />

genius.<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: Why do you love acting?<br />

SAPIENZA: I love acting because<br />

I get to play cops and robbers,<br />

or cowboys and Indians just like<br />

I did when I was little and I get<br />

paid for it. Everyone is nice to<br />

you on the set even if they hate<br />

you. They pretend to like you while<br />

you’re shooting. They feed you all<br />

day. You get to play all different<br />

kind of people with very different<br />

professions than your own. You get<br />

to kill people and not go to jail. You<br />

get to kiss and be married to a<br />

lot of beautiful women in different<br />

shoots. You get checks <strong>20</strong> years<br />

after you did a job for that same<br />

job. You get to constantly express<br />

yourself. What’s there not to love<br />

about being a working actor? It<br />

beats delivering mail!<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: Funny career story?<br />

SAPIENZA: In my first Broadway<br />

show I was 21 and I was in<br />

rehearsal. I hooked up with<br />

and spent the weekend with the<br />

Directors daughter and we had a<br />

wild fun weekend. When I went<br />

back to work on Monday I was<br />

fired. I was rehired a week later. I<br />

guess he didn’t like me spending<br />

a weekend with his daughter. I’m<br />

friends with both of them to this<br />

day! I’ll never tell you who!<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: Biggest challenge to<br />

overcome?<br />

SAPIENZA: Never getting the<br />

A leading roles in movies or<br />

series. Always being the other<br />

guy! I still think those roles will<br />

come. I am an internal optimist.<br />

But then again I still believe world<br />

peace is possible.<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: If you could do it all over<br />

again what would be the one thing<br />

that you would change in your<br />

career?<br />

SAPIENZA: I would have gotten<br />

really serious about the craft at<br />

14 years old instead of 29. In my<br />

twenties I just thought it was all<br />

a giant party. I didn’t really start<br />

digging deep into the psyche of the<br />

characters I played until later in life.<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: Where do you see yourself<br />

in five years?<br />

SAPIENZA: Wherever this<br />

wonderful ride I’m taking will take<br />

me. As an actor you never know<br />

what project will pop up every other<br />

month and where it will take you. I<br />

just love that.<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: Tell us three things on your<br />

bucket list?<br />


Making love to Angelina Jolie<br />

Flying in outer space<br />

Learning to fly a Helicopter<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: What has been the most<br />

helpful advice that someone has<br />

given you that has contributed to<br />

your success?<br />

SAPIENZA: When I first came to<br />

LA. The wonderful actor Paul<br />

Gleason told me not to worry<br />

about my career. Just work on the<br />

work really hard and they will find<br />

you because they always need<br />

GOOD actors. He was right. Great<br />

consistent work is the best thing<br />

you can have going for you.<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: What words of wisdom<br />

can you share with other creative<br />

entrepreneurs?<br />

SAPIENZA: You want to be<br />

creative. Look at your friends<br />

in medical school. The friends<br />

who are doing residency shifts 18<br />

hours a day 6 days a week. Look<br />

at your friends who just graduated<br />

law school. How many hours a<br />

week do they work at their new<br />

firms. You have to work harder and<br />

LONGER hours per week. Writing,<br />

learning, studying, reading plays<br />

and screenplay, filming student<br />

films anything to put in creative<br />

hours per week and you have to<br />

assign those hours every day to<br />

yourself. Sit in a chair and write for<br />

9 hours a day! Or rehearse scenes<br />

for class. Just put in the hours<br />

every week. No shortcuts. No<br />

laziness. Do that and you will have<br />

a career within 10 years. I guarantee<br />

it! The difference between an<br />

amateur actor and a pro is this. An<br />

amateur does shitty work, gets<br />

discouraged and quits. A pro does<br />

shitty work and keeps going for<br />

however long it takes to get it right!<br />

Photo credit: King PDT

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