UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) & Government of Indonesia
UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) & Government of Indonesia
UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) & Government of Indonesia
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Ulun Danu Temple, Bali<br />
<strong>UN</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> <strong>Organization</strong> (<strong>UN</strong>WTO)<br />
& <strong>Government</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indonesia</strong><br />
January 2010
2<br />
Lake Toba, North Sumatra<br />
Belle <strong>Tourism</strong> International was invited by<br />
the United Nations <strong>World</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong><br />
<strong>Organization</strong> (<strong>UN</strong>WTO) to provide<br />
specialized marketing advice to the team<br />
preparing the Master Plan <strong>of</strong> National<br />
<strong>Tourism</strong> Development, 2010-2025, for the<br />
Republic <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indonesia</strong>. The main task was<br />
to recommend a new national tourism<br />
marketing strategy and to draft a 5-year<br />
detailed marketing action plan.
3<br />
A three-week field visit was<br />
completed in December 2009 and<br />
included trips to famous destinations<br />
within <strong>Indonesia</strong> including Bali,<br />
Yogyakarta, Jakarta, and Lombok.<br />
BTI made several presentations <strong>of</strong><br />
preliminary findings, highlighting the<br />
need for new positioning, image, and<br />
branding approaches for the country.<br />
These initial recommendations were<br />
well received, and a final report was<br />
submitted in January 2010.<br />
Kuta Beach, Lombok
4<br />
BTI’s Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference were;<br />
Assessment <strong>of</strong> tourism products<br />
Assessment <strong>of</strong> accommodation<br />
quality and capacity<br />
International Visitor Exit Survey<br />
findings for 2008<br />
Tourist arrival patterns<br />
Forecasts <strong>of</strong> future tourist arrivals<br />
Evaluation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indonesia</strong>’s<br />
destination image<br />
Institutional framework and<br />
recommended changes<br />
Proposed marketing strategy<br />
Required financial and technical<br />
resources<br />
Short-term marketing and<br />
promotional program<br />
Jakarta skyline
5<br />
Three core existing products are: (1) culture and<br />
heritage; (2) nature; and (3) beach resorts.<br />
The distinctive and varied crafts <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indonesia</strong><br />
have the future potential <strong>of</strong> becoming a 4 th core<br />
tourism product if more effectively marketed,<br />
managed, and controlled.<br />
There is an exciting array <strong>of</strong> special-interest<br />
activities and destinations within <strong>Indonesia</strong>.
6<br />
Wayang Golek mask<br />
International tourist arrivals<br />
to <strong>Indonesia</strong> fluctuated<br />
during the past 12 years,<br />
but reached new peaks in<br />
2008 and 2009.<br />
Source: Stuppa <strong>Indonesia</strong>
7<br />
Mt. Bromo National Park, Java<br />
Malaysia<br />
Singapore<br />
Australia<br />
China<br />
South Korea<br />
Japan<br />
Taiwan<br />
USA<br />
Philippines<br />
Germany<br />
UK<br />
Russia<br />
India<br />
Netherlands<br />
France<br />
Hong Kong
8<br />
Geographic shape (archipelago)<br />
Spiritual place<br />
Biodiversity and cultural diversity<br />
Spice islands<br />
Well-recognized icons<br />
Barong dance mask, Ubud, Bali
9<br />
BTI developed three potential<br />
positioning and branding approaches<br />
for <strong>Indonesia</strong> tourism, based on the<br />
positioning anchors.<br />
These are listed and illustrated on<br />
the following pages.<br />
The <strong>Indonesia</strong> archipelago script<br />
was developed by Stuppa <strong>Indonesia</strong>.<br />
<strong>Indonesia</strong>n batik
10<br />
<strong>Indonesia</strong>. Built by the gods; cared<br />
for by the people.<br />
<strong>Indonesia</strong>. Where variety is the<br />
spice <strong>of</strong> life.<br />
Iconic <strong>Indonesia</strong>. One cup; one<br />
island; one dragon.<br />
North Sulawesi
11<br />
Built by the Gods<br />
Taman Ayun Mengwi Temple, Bali<br />
Borobudur, Central Java<br />
Prambanan, Central Java
12<br />
Cared for by the people
13<br />
Where variety is the spice <strong>of</strong> life!
15<br />
The Short-term Marketing and<br />
Promotional Program for 2011-<br />
2015 consisted <strong>of</strong> 11 components<br />
with 113 individual activities<br />
identified therein.<br />
These activities were appropriate<br />
for the identified geographic<br />
source markets and their<br />
component segments.<br />
Tea plantation in <strong>Indonesia</strong>
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Built to Innovate!<br />
Aceh<br />
Belle <strong>Tourism</strong> International Consulting<br />
彼 路 旅 游 国 际 咨 询<br />
18 Shunyi Road, Suites 601-602, Shanghai 200063, PR China<br />
Telephone (in China): 021-52360996 - Fax: 021-52360991<br />
Telephone (international): 8621-52360996<br />
Website: www.Belle<strong>Tourism</strong>.com<br />
E-mail: contact@belletourism.com