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"We were aware that this .problem would meet with the sharpest<br />

criticism on the side of musical celebrities, and therefore did not omit<br />

to submit our first model, immediately on its completion, to a<br />

thorough and critical examination at the hands of the foremost<br />

professional experts. The recognition of a startling beauty of<br />

reproduction in violin tone together with a highly artistic<br />

accompaniment on the reproducing piano was unanimous. We place the<br />

Paganini on the market with the consciousness that we are offering an<br />

instrument of a very high class order.<br />

"It will be found that the Paganini instruments not only meet the<br />

highest musical demands, but also in quality in workmanship, will keep<br />

up our reputation for turning out first class instruments only..."<br />

THE PAGANINI VIOLIN PIANO (as described by one of the main<br />

distributors, the Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., circa 1914): A Wonderful New<br />

Musical Instrument - This instrument is the latest Wurlitzer triumph<br />

and the very highest type of refined musical instrument.<br />

"The work of the Paganini Violin Piano will be best appreciated by<br />

musical persons who understand and appreciate good music. This<br />

instrument reproduces the actual playing of a piano and violin by artists<br />

of the highest rank, the violin leading and the piano playing the<br />

accompaniment.<br />

"The Paganini will play everything in music from the popular hits to<br />

the big classical numbers with a correctness of technic and musical<br />

shading that will positively amaze the listener.<br />

"Take a position in another room or turn your back on this new<br />

musical wonder and you will ·find it impossible to say that you are not<br />

listening to the best work of a finished pianist and violinist, thoroughly<br />

accustomed to playing together in concert.<br />

"The Paganini has been tried out in the very finest places and in<br />

every case it has caused a sensation, so different is it in every respect.<br />

"A visitor in a fine cafe or hotel restaurant of today notices that the<br />

music comes drifting in, so to speak, not'loud, but in soft, delicate<br />

strains that can be plainly heard and enjoyed by those who wish to stop<br />

their conversation to listen, while it is so soft as not to interfere with<br />

low conversation by those who wish to talk. The orchestra is hidden in<br />

such places, and as said above, the music seems to drift in.<br />

"That is the exact niche the Paganini fills. It really seems made to<br />

order for just such refined places. Put the Paganini in the place of the<br />

hidden orchestra and your diners will never know but that they are<br />

listening to the finest violinist and pianist they ever heard. When they<br />

discover that the artist musicians are entirely automatic, their in terest<br />

deepens. The charm of the music grows and grows with repeated<br />

hearings.<br />

"In a word, the Paganini Violin Piano is a thoroughly dignified,<br />

refined musical instrument of the highest grade, suitable for the finest<br />

metropolitan hotels and cafes. It will not only make good under the<br />

most exacting conditions, but it is no exaggeration to say that it will<br />


"An excellent assortment of music rolls is ready for the instrument.<br />

These include the latest popular music of the day and the classical<br />

standards which possess popular flavor. The cases of the Paganini Violin<br />

Pianos are chastely elegant. They conform in every particular to the<br />

class of music the instrument produces."<br />

If a more glowing description of an automatic musical instrument<br />

was ever written by a manufacturer or distributor we have yet to read<br />

it!<br />

Although Paganini instruments were once found in many<br />

establishments across America and Europe, they are rare today.<br />

Originally, they were not plentiful. The Paganinis were expensive due to<br />

the great time and expertise needed to make them. Prices STARTED at<br />

$3,500.00 for the simplest model - a style with just ONE rank of<br />

pipes!<br />

Today we know of the following Paganini instruments that still<br />

survive. All are in the hands of those who appreciate them, we are<br />

happy to say. The roster, to the best of our knowledge, is as follows:<br />

1. Style 3 with keyboard; the specimen we now offer for sale.<br />

2. Style 3 with keyboard; specimen in one of America's leading<br />

private collections.<br />

3. Style 3 with keyboard; specimen in the private collection of Mr.<br />

Christopher Ross of Victoria, B.C., Canada. This Paganini was<br />

personally selected by Mr. Ross' grandfather when he visited the<br />

Philipps factory in 1928. It is now being restored to its former musical<br />

glory.<br />

4. Style 3 with keyboard; specimen in a museum due to open soon in<br />

Germany. A public announcement of this has not yet been made, so it<br />

would be premature to make it here. In the museum it will be a central<br />

attraction illustrating sophistication in the making of automatic musical<br />

instruments.<br />

5. Style 3 with keyboard; specimen in the home of Terry Hathaway,<br />

a director of our firm - the instrument which has made us so<br />

enthusiastic about the Paganini!<br />

-63-<br />

6. Style 3 keyboardless; specimen in one of America's leading private<br />

collections.<br />

7. Style 0-14 keyboardless; specimen in the government owned<br />

musical museum in Utrecht, Holland.<br />

To our knowledge, none of the others on this list is for sale or is<br />

about to be for sale in the foreseeable future. Hence, the opportunity<br />

presented now may be the last chance to acquire a Paganini for a long,<br />

long time!<br />

The instrument we offer is in choice unrestored condition. It is a<br />

large and beautiful specimen that will be admired wherever it is<br />

displayed. Measurements are: 9'1" high (with decorative top gallery in<br />

place), 5'7" wide, and 3' deep. It disassembles into two parts, top and<br />

bottom, for convenience in moving. With the Paganini is a supply of<br />

music rolls of popular and classical selections.<br />

Although the Paganini would certainly be a top attraction in a<br />

musical museum (no public musical museum in America has one), it<br />

would find, perhaps, an ideal home in a fine residence. The music of the<br />

Paganini is soft, mellow, and pleasing. It is at its best when playing<br />

classical music. If you are the owner of a finely built and finely restored<br />

and regulated reproducing piano, then you will be able to appreciate<br />

the Paganini to its fullest extent. It is truly a marvelous musical<br />

instrument!<br />

$4995.00 (Stock No. WUR-3998)<br />


With Automatic Roll Changer<br />

This Style BX is a lovely example of a classic Wurlitzer keyboard<br />

orchestrion. Manufactured during the World War I era, this orchestrion<br />

contains a piano, mandolin attachment, a large rank of violin pipes, a<br />

bass drum, a snare drum and a triangle.<br />

It uses regular Wurlitzer Automatic Player Piano rolls and is equipped<br />

with the famous Wurlitzer Automatic Roll Changer. This device holds<br />

six 5-tune rolls and changes them automatically. In this way, the roll of<br />

your choice can be selected via an indexing knob at the left side of the<br />

case, or, left to play continuously or by repeated dropping of nickels in<br />

the slot, the orchestrion will play each roll through, one after the other.<br />

In this way a program of 30 different tunes without repetition awaits<br />

the listener.<br />

Front and rear views of the Wurlitzer BX orchestrion. This<br />

instrument has been carefully restored (a nice quality job) and is<br />

ready to take its place in your musical exhibit. The colorful art glass<br />

fronted BX will enable you to relive the wonderful age of ragtime,<br />

two steps, and other nostalgic music in a really meaningful way!

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