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Nancy Hendrie (Katherine)<br />

Deborah and Pete Hernandez (Nicole<br />

Raikes)<br />

Jack Herring*,** and Roxane Ronca**<br />

John High**<br />

Samuel and Wendy Hitt (Peter)<br />

Susan Hopkins (Alice)<br />

David Jenner<br />

Elaine Jordan<br />

Lynne Kaiser (Karl Stertzbach)<br />

Barbara Kates in Memory of her son,<br />

Andrew Kates ’95<br />

Robert and Karen Kennedy (Alison)<br />

Ruth Kenney ’84<br />

John Kessell<br />

Lucille Khoury (Colin)<br />

Ainslie Kincross ’75<br />

Thomas and Margaret King (Casey)<br />

Trude Kleess ’74 and Tom Corrigan<br />

Rainer and Rosemary Koch (Simon)<br />

Georgette Koopman<br />

Jennifer Kukoy ’01<br />

Stephen and Sandy Kukoy (Jennifer)<br />

Dale and Burton Kushner (Jessica)<br />

Ann Lane Hedlund ’73 and Kit<br />

Schweitzer<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Verne Lanier, Jr. (Melissa<br />

Turner)<br />

Sigurd** and Amy Lavold<br />

Mark and Michelle Lefebvre (Peter)<br />

Ed Lennihan ’75<br />

Suena Lew Lo ’93<br />

Terrence Lewis ’03<br />

David and Lorene Liddle (Thomas)<br />

Sandra and Ed Lindquist (Robert<br />

Brockley)<br />

Albert and Eunice Lovejoy (David)<br />

Gerry ’72 and John Lukaska<br />

Ethyl Lytle<br />

R. Bruce MacAdam (James)<br />

Holly MacAdam (James)<br />

Jim and Renee Markey (Lynsey)<br />

Manuel and Diana Marquez (Diana)<br />

Steven and Jeanne Matthews<br />

Matuschka ’74<br />

Joseph and Martha McElligott (Joe)<br />

Jane McGrath ’75<br />

David McQueen ’74<br />

Mark Meredith ’74<br />

William and Laurie Merritt (Billy)<br />

Gerald Miller ’89 in Memory of Bruce<br />

Andrews ’90<br />

Richard and Linda Miller (Gregory)<br />

Edward Miller ’75<br />

John and Cheryl Mitchell (Sarah)<br />

Dan Morris and Nita Laucher Morris<br />

Deb Morrison** and John Huff<br />

Monica ’95 and Jason Motsko<br />

Stephen and Joan Mudrick (Nathan)<br />

Steve Munsell** ’74<br />

Deborah Nagurski<br />

Tracy Nagurski<br />

John and Judith Nanson (Ben,<br />

Jonathan, Jessica)<br />

Peggy Natiello<br />

Robert and Barbara Nichols<br />

Jan Nisbet* and John Moeschler<br />

(Katherine Moeschler)<br />

James Noss and Kathy Evans (Kaitlin<br />

Noss)<br />

Justin Olenik ’00<br />

Donald and Susan Osterfelt (Courtney)<br />

Dana Oswald** ’71<br />

Steve Pace** and Barbara Wood<br />

Mark ’74 and Alice Palmer<br />

Diana Papoulias ’79<br />

Donna ’74 and Bill Patterson<br />

Evelyn Peterson<br />

Virginia Petrie (Rob)<br />

Dorene and Eugene Pierce<br />

Wesley and Mary Pinney (George)<br />

June Poe<br />

Elizabeth Pomeroy<br />

Diane Prescott<br />

Barbara Prince ’72 and Barry Sagotsky<br />

Marianne Pyott ’92<br />

Ken and Lynn Radeloff (Ann)<br />

Gerald Reed ’75 and Yvonne Joosten<br />

’75)<br />

Wayne Regina** and Janet Bicknese<br />

Sue Rennels ’75 and Mike Grisez<br />

Kevin Rethman<br />

Bridget Reynolds**<br />

Maureen Rhea ’74<br />

Gary Richmond ’74<br />

Richard and Kathleen Riedman<br />

(Laura)<br />

Karen and Jeff Riley (Christopher<br />

Marshall)<br />

George and Anne Roberts (Julie<br />

Munro)<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Rosenberg<br />

Becky Ruffner** ’67<br />

Patricia Rumer (Deborah Sposito)<br />

David and Wanda Rummel<br />

Jeffrey Salz ’74<br />

Martha Sauter (Jennifer)<br />

Jennifer ’00 and Andrew Sauter-<br />

Sargent<br />

Marilyn Saxerud<br />

Thomas Scavone (Brian)<br />

Jessica Schiffman<br />

Ted ’72 and Cynthia ’72 Schleicher<br />

Robert and Judith Schmonsees (Laura)<br />

Craig and Jeannette Schuessler (Laura)<br />

Anne ’69 and Charles Scofield<br />

Butch Senz ’75<br />

Bud and Barbara Shark (Zoe)<br />

Sheri Sheldon ’95<br />

David and Susi Shelton (Lisa)<br />

Floyd and Marlene Siegel (David)<br />

Joyce Sorensen (Daniel Hunt)<br />

Steve Soumerai and Wendy Drobnyk<br />

(Hanna Soumerai)<br />

Lee Stuart ’75<br />

Sarah Sullivan ’74 and Peter Salamon<br />

Esther Summers<br />

Bob and Shoshana Tancer<br />

Margaret Testarmata ’74 and Wilfred<br />

Anowlic<br />

Elsa ’72 and Mitchell Thomas<br />

Harry Thompson and Kaye Barber-<br />

Thompson (Heather)<br />

John ’7) and Elizabeth Thrift<br />

Brad Tito ’00<br />

Mary Trevor** ’95 and Toni Kaus<br />

Normand and Nancy Vandal<br />

Ross Waldrop ’73 and Penelope<br />

Winkler<br />

Judy and Robert Walker<br />

Alan Weisman<br />

Elsie Wendlandt<br />

Elizabeth White ’69<br />

Robert ’96 and Mary Widen<br />

Michael and Elizabeth Winn (Scott)<br />

Harold and Jean Wolfinger<br />

Connie Woodhouse ’79<br />

Jean and Marietta Yeager (Jake)<br />

Mary Yelenick ’74 and Elizabeth Broad<br />

Rachel Yoder** ’01<br />

Granite Club<br />

Granite plays a high-profile and impor-<br />

tant part in Prescott’s history and environment—from<br />

the historic granite<br />

courthouse to Granite Mountain and<br />

the Granite Dells. Because of its<br />

strength and durability, granite has<br />

been the building material of choice by<br />

countless builders since ancient times.<br />

This gift club recognizes donors who<br />

are “cornerstones” of our support with<br />

gifts ranging from $25 to $99.<br />

Charles and Lynn Adcock (Brandon)<br />

Bernardo Aguilar ** and Ligia<br />

Umana**<br />

Margaret Albert (David Moll)<br />

Joanie ’87 and John Allen<br />

Martha Allexsaht-Snider ’72<br />

Esther** ’03 and Oscar Almazon<br />

Walt Anderson**<br />

Eric Anderson ’91<br />

Bruce and Ellen Andrews (Bruce)<br />

Bobbi Angell ’75<br />

Alison Arthur ’75<br />

Julio and Guadalupe Astorga<br />

Peter Athens (Elizabeth)<br />

Fall 2004Transitions<br />


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