Anniversary edition

Anniversary edition

Anniversary edition


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May 2010Gas Vehicles Report21developments could be encouraged,e.g. by linking building permits atattarctive sites to the offer of gasvehicle refuelling.The fact that NG is now alsobecoming an interesting fuel optionfor ships (particularly ships used oninland waterways or in coastalwaters), and then normally handledin the form of LNG, means increasedavailability of supply points for LNGintended for use within thetransportation sector.Summary:In a post recession market, wherecrude oil prices are again set to takeoff, security of supply concerns havein USA evoked a strongly growingsupport for natural gas used as avehicle fuel. The argumentspresented are valid all around theglobe. The critical issue, whetherdiscussing heavy duty trucks used inlong haulage traffic, or privatelyoperated light duty vehicles, is theavailability of required refuellingservices. If national governmentswish to reduce the dependence onoil, it is in many countries high timethat they take action to provide anadequate NG refuelling infrastructurevia the use of suitable'encouragement'.To secure sufficiently largereductions of the crude oil demand itis also necessary to build aconfidence among fuel consumersabout the longevity of costadvantages achieved via the use ofNGVs. To switch all effortsconcerning reduced oil use into avery expensive financial support ofelectrical vehicles would be a veryirresponsible policy. Putting all eggsinto one basket is never a good idea.

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