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american immigration lawyers association eb-5 ... - AILA webCLE

american immigration lawyers association eb-5 ... - AILA webCLE


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(iii) Macedo v. Dello Russo, 178 N.J. 340, 840 A.2d 238(2004) (insulating “advertisements by learnedprofessionals in respect of the rendering ofprofessional services” from New Jersey’s ConsumerFraud Act, given the state’s comprehensive regulationby the relevant regulatory bodies and applicablecommon-law remedies)(iv)Pennsylvania’s Unfair Trade Practices and ConsumerProtection Law prohibits false advertising. Pa. Stat.Tit. 73 § 201-2 and 3. Private actions are authorized,73 § 201-4 as are actions by consumers, 73 § 201-9.2.See, also, PA Professional Responsibility Rule 7.2.2. Federal Criminal Law.(a)(b)8 U.S.C. (Aliens and Nationality) crimes18 U.S.C. (Crimes and Criminal Procedure), especially:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)§ 1001 (False statement to agency)§ 2 (Aid and Abet) [(“assist”), (“counsel”), or(“encourage”)]§ 4 (Misprision of felony) (Active concealment)§1503 et seq. (Obstruction of Justice)§ 1341 (Mail and Wire Fraud)E. Malpractice Insurance1. Risk management assessments and peer reviews2. Premium ratings3. Availability at all4. Claims made form5. Limitations on scope of coverage and coverage limits(a)(b)prior actsexclusions – self dealing; intentional misconduct; fraud9us\JUCEARO\7667714.1

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